Nov 28, 2001 at 6:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


Proud to be a member
Jun 27, 2001
hello hello,

my papers have been written, my exams are "fully" studied for... i'm back. just wanted to remind people to update their virus definitions! my girlfriend, whilst checking her yahoo!mail, downloaded an .exe file from an email, which then decided to eat my entire computer.

all my files were lost. very sad. very very sad. i have 75% of my cd collection converted to mp3, (320bit rate, cbr). that's a lot of music. all gone. !!! grrr!!! so, please, update those virus definitions and don't be a dork and open files that haven't been scanned.

on the plus side i bought windowsXP to replace millenium that i was using before the virus took hold. i'm very pleased with it, it's super funky/goofy and runs pretty damn smooth. nice layout. life is better.

-jeff (aka gorgon)
Nov 28, 2001 at 8:02 PM Post #2 of 21
Man that sucks, I know how you feel. I lost one of my clients servers because of the nimda virus and boy did I get reamed for that one!
We now delete all *.exe files coming through their Exchange server. I update my files every week. My client uses McAfee which sucks in my opinion and we use Trend Micro for the Exchange server. They just make you run through hoops to update your files. And remember to update your engine too. My Trend Micro Scanmail wasn't updating for a while. I found that if the pattern file number in the registry does not match the pattern file number in the Trend\Smex directory then it won't update.
Nov 28, 2001 at 8:40 PM Post #3 of 21
Hmm... And here I am, having not updated my Norton defs in ~6mo-1yr and having only gotten 1 virus - a few years ago off IRC. Either I'm really lucky or I use Nutscrape Messenger, which dosen't have the built-in SwissCheese Secur-I-TEE(tm) model of Outlook Expresh.
Nov 28, 2001 at 10:47 PM Post #5 of 21

Originally posted by eric343
Hmm... And here I am, having not updated my Norton defs in ~6mo-1yr and having only gotten 1 virus - a few years ago off IRC. Either I'm really lucky or I use Nutscrape Messenger, which dosen't have the built-in SwissCheese Secur-I-TEE(tm) model of Outlook Expresh.

No, I use Netscape, and it's not immune, but yes, it's a L of a lot better than Outlook.
Nov 28, 2001 at 11:34 PM Post #6 of 21
Sorry about your plight, but at least you'll stop listen to those nasty mp3s
unless they're bootlegs, in which case I am in mourning with you.
Nov 29, 2001 at 12:10 AM Post #7 of 21
I thought it was quite clear that people should not open exe's in main messages... oh well, the computer illeterate must exist somehow...

Oh well, no nasty virii for me, go Macs
Nov 29, 2001 at 12:58 AM Post #9 of 21
Damn, I gotta get a good Mac, and OSX.1

BTW, what happened to MacDEF: Headphone person? Headphone Hussy, sounds, well, wimpy and censored. At least do Headphone Whore
(I guess too many people complained...)
Nov 29, 2001 at 4:25 AM Post #10 of 21
Nimda was a pain in the rear to get rid of, we still had it lurking on some people's computers here for a month. But yeh, *.exe files are bad, but even if you don't know that outlook won't let you open them, or .vbs files. Microsoft did something good for once!
Nov 29, 2001 at 5:38 AM Post #11 of 21
Too bad for you

I ALWAYS back up my files now.
It's just so painful when everything in you computer is gone.

Good luck man.
Nov 29, 2001 at 12:20 PM Post #12 of 21
Over the past 2 months or so I've gotten several emails from fake addresses, with no message, but with virus plagued attachments.

The attachments were scanned automatically on hotmail through so I knew I likely wasn't going to get eaten up by opening them.

How do find out who keeps f@%*in' with me?
Nov 29, 2001 at 4:41 PM Post #14 of 21
i miss my bookmarks

anyway. what does everyone here use to backup their PCs? (or macs..?) I gotta look into that now. I have two 20gb HDs so I don't feel like burning CDs..... any better ideas? does anybody still use tape backups? i know my dad used to do that in the early 90's.

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