Vintage RS-1s up on Ebay.
Feb 19, 2009 at 2:24 AM Post #16 of 32

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Actually, the highest bidder wouldn't care, because he was willing to pay more than the next bidder. If he did care, he wouldn't have been willing to fork out the highest amount he was willing to give.

But yeah, I'm pretty sure these are vintage so...

I disagree, and we've had this conversation in the past and it usually gets heated. You can't speak for the high bidder. If it were me, which it won't be now that this thread has been posted, I would care because I would know I would have been able to get the headphones for ~$600 compared to the ~$800-1000 they are sure to go for now.

Take a read:
Feb 19, 2009 at 2:42 AM Post #17 of 32
I agree that these threads are bad. Now I'm going to watch and see what happens.
Feb 19, 2009 at 3:16 AM Post #18 of 32

Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
would have been able to get the headphones for ~$600 compared to the ~$800-1000 they are sure to go for now.

prices of items are way down. even with this thread i bet the phones sell for below $800.
Feb 19, 2009 at 3:41 AM Post #19 of 32

Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I disagree, and we've had this conversation in the past and it usually gets heated. You can't speak for the high bidder. If it were me, which it won't be now that this thread has been posted, I would care because I would know I would have been able to get the headphones for ~$600 compared to the ~$800-1000 they are sure to go for now.

Take a read:

This is a capitalist market and we are free to do as we choose. So what for what you wanted to get them for. Someone else was willing to pay more than you. Because of this thread, I'd say the highest bidder would be thanking Head-Fi.

And obviously, because of this thread, you are not the highest bidder.
Feb 19, 2009 at 3:51 AM Post #20 of 32

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But he hadn't done that initially... hence, this thread.

I noticed he added it less than an hour before I posted. I meant to add it, but I was called away for dinner.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:07 AM Post #21 of 32

Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I disagree, and we've had this conversation in the past and it usually gets heated. You can't speak for the high bidder. If it were me, which it won't be now that this thread has been posted, I would care because I would know I would have been able to get the headphones for ~$600 compared to the ~$800-1000 they are sure to go for now.

Take a read:


There have been plenty of threads eluding to this topic before.

The way I see it, if someone was looking for a vintage rs than he/she would already know about it. Linking a deal on a BIN is not the same thing as with a live auction. Why decrease the chances of a better deal to someone?? Put it this way, there was already a very good chance of a headfier winning this, a vintage or older rs, now this person will no doubt pay more because of the exposure.

Oh yeah, people will snipe at the end regardless of how many bids there are now. I expect the number of watchers has grown considerably as result of this thread.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:31 AM Post #22 of 32

Originally Posted by Audiofiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif

There have been plenty of threads eluding to this topic before.

The way I see it, if someone was looking for a vintage rs than he/she would already know about it. Linking a deal on a BIN is not the same thing as with a live auction. Why decrease the chances of a better deal to someone?? Put it this way, there was already a very good chance of a headfier winning this, a vintage or older rs, now this person will no doubt pay more because of the exposure.

Oh yeah, people will snipe at the end regardless of how many bids there are now. I expect the number of watchers has grown considerably as result of this thread.

Because it is a deal to him who pays the highest price.

The real question is, why should I show sympathy to someone who wanted something? And was willing to pay the price? It helps both the seller and the buyer.

I have no sympathy for someone who tries to hide something from the community because he/she just wants a "deal". Who cares about the "chances"? And who cares if it was a Head-Fi'er who wins the auction? It's like saying, "we shouldn't expose this auction because the likelyhood that someone who posts on the same site as I do, is interested in the same stuff I am, will win this auction". Is not the person who bids the highest amount going to be interested in a pair of Vintage RS-1s? If that person isn't a Head-Hi'er, is that an injustice? That's like saying, "oh, poor me, I had to pay this much for these pair of headphones that I really wanted but should have gotten for less. Nonetheless, I still bid on them and someone jacked the price up just for poor old me." Had you not bid, they would have been the highest bidder.

You've got to be kidding me.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:41 AM Post #23 of 32

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Because it is a deal to him who pays the highest price.

The real question is, why should I show sympathy to someone who wanted something? And was willing to pay the price? It helps both the seller and the buyer.

I have no sympathy for someone who tries to hide something from the community because he/she just wants a "deal". Who cares about the "chances"? And who cares if it was a Head-Fi'er who wins the auction? It's like saying, "we shouldn't expose this auction because the likelyhood that someone who posts on the same site as I do, is interested in the same stuff I am, will win this auction". Is not the person who bids the highest amount going to be interested in a pair of Vintage RS-1s? If that person isn't a Head-Hi'er, is that an injustice? That's like saying, "oh, poor me, I had to pay this much for these pair of headphones that I really wanted but should have gotten for less. Nonetheless, I still bid on them and someone jacked the price up just for poor old me." Had you not bid, they would have been the highest bidder.

You've got to be kidding me.

We do fool, that's why we've replied in this thread. Just because you're too ignorant or hard headed to see things from a perspective other than your own, doesn't mean you're right. Sorry to break that to you.

Read Audiofiler's post again, assuming your perception skills are up to par. What part of this do you not understand?

The way I see it, if someone was looking for a vintage rs than he/she would already know about it. Linking a deal on a BIN is not the same thing as with a live auction. Why decrease the chances of a better deal to someone?? Put it this way, there was already a very good chance of a headfier winning this, a vintage or older rs, now this person will no doubt pay more because of the exposure.

Answer me this, who is being helped by posting this listing here? Certainly not the high bidder. It's the seller. What exactly do you get out of helping the seller sell his/her item for a higher price? A mental pat on the back? Look at your silly first sentence. You actually think it's a deal to the high bidder to pay a higher price than he/she would have had this listing not been posted? Idiocy.

You've got to be kidding me with this ridiculous tripe.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:44 AM Post #24 of 32

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have no sympathy for someone who tries to hide something from the community because he/she just wants a "deal". Who cares about the "chances"? And who cares if it was a Head-Fi'er who wins the auction? It's like saying, "we shouldn't expose this auction because the likelyhood that someone who posts on the same site as I do, is interested in the same stuff I am, will win this auction". Is not the person who bids the highest amount going to be interested in a pair of Vintage RS-1s? If that person isn't a Head-Hi'er, is that an injustice? That's like saying, "oh, poor me, I had to pay this much for these pair of headphones that I really wanted but should have gotten for less. Nonetheless, I still bid on them and someone jacked the price up just for poor old me." Had you not bid, they would have been the highest bidder.

You've got to be kidding me.

If you wanted to get a vintage RS-1 for market price all you need to do is post a WTB on the FS forums here and because you're willing to pay full market price, someone would be willing to sell you one.

If you wanted to get a vintage RS-1 for less than market price ("a good deal") and put in the time/effort scrounging auction sites etc. you've now lost your opportunity because the ebay RS-1s will now most probably go for "market price".

The only person who benefits in the end is the Ebay seller (who we can assume is not a headfier) who gets the market price for his RS-1s.

This is my analysis of the situation.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:46 AM Post #25 of 32

Originally Posted by XXII /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you wanted to get a vintage RS-1 for market price all you need to do is post a WTB on the FS forums here and because you're willing to pay full market price, someone would be willing to sell you one.

If you wanted to get a vintage RS-1 for less than market price ("a good deal"), you've now lost your opportunity because the ebay RS-1s will now most probably go for "market price".

The only person who benefits in the end is the Ebay seller (who we can assume is not a headfier) who gets the market price for his RS-1s.

This is my analysis of the situation.

Don't waste time trying to explain common sense to him. He's proven he is too slow to grasp it.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:57 AM Post #26 of 32
Anyways, this is all probably a moot point since, in my view, those RS-1s would have gone for "market price" regardless. It's very difficult to get a good deal on headphones on ebay auctions these days because there are so many head-fiers watching. I bet many people would have noticed that these were vintage (the box is a dead giveaway); I noticed a few days ago as well.

Most good deals are "buy-it-now". Like the RS-1s I got for $350 a few weeks ago.
Feb 19, 2009 at 6:44 AM Post #27 of 32

Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We do fool, that's why we've replied in this thread. Just because you're too ignorant or hard headed to see things from a perspective other than your own, doesn't mean you're right. Sorry to break that to you.

Read Audiofiler's post again, assuming your perception skills are up to par. What part of this do you not understand?

The way I see it, if someone was looking for a vintage rs than he/she would already know about it. Linking a deal on a BIN is not the same thing as with a live auction. Why decrease the chances of a better deal to someone?? Put it this way, there was already a very good chance of a headfier winning this, a vintage or older rs, now this person will no doubt pay more because of the exposure.

Answer me this, who is being helped by posting this listing here? Certainly not the high bidder. It's the seller. What exactly do you get out of helping the seller sell his/her item for a higher price? A mental pat on the back? Look at your silly first sentence. You actually think it's a deal to the high bidder to pay a higher price than he/she would have had this listing not been posted? Idiocy.

You've got to be kidding me with this ridiculous tripe.

Your ad-hominem attack isn't helping your argument at all.

It would be a deal to the highest bidder because he/she was willing to pay the higher price. Just because someone is willing to pay more than you doesn't give you the right to restrict freedom (ex. the thread to ban eBay auctions).

Also, do you believe the OP expected a "mental pat on the back" when he first posted this thread? He clearly intended to help another Head-Fi'er wishing to purchase a pair of RS-1s. It was stated that the chances were that a Head-Fi'er already knew about the auction. He merely allowed other Head-Fi'ers to have a shot at a deal (determined by how much they are willing to give) at some vintage RS-1s. You say he is trying to help the seller and other bidders.

You are looking at this from the point of the current highest bidder rather than from the final bidder. As I said, I have no sympathy for the current highest bidder. It was a deal for him at the current price he was willing to pay for it. So now, somebody, aware of the auction from Head-Fi (because he noticed this thread) is willing to bid a higher price. It is a deal from the buyer who pays the highest price. If he did not think it was a deal, he wouldn't have bid the highest amount.

It appears to me, what you chaps want, is government (moderator) intervention to place regulations on the free market. It is almost like you want "big brother" to step in and give you the deal.

So let me ask you a question.

Who is being "helped" by banning these types of eBay threads? The seller? The person willing to pay more than you?

The only person being helped is the current bidder.

You wish to restrict the freedoms of the tens of thousands of members here at Head-Fi for one person?

It doesn't work that way.

For the current bidder, this is not the end of the auction. This is an auction, not a sale. If someone bids more, the other bidder is free to do the same. In the end, the one who is willing to pay the highest price gets the toy. The other gentleman, because regulations were not set in place to help him, does not get it for the price he wanted it for. I want a BMW for a dollar but it doesn't work that way. Goods have value. The value given to them is determined by the price someone is willing to pay for them.

The problem is, you chaps don't want to pay for a pair of vintage RS-1s. No problem, just don't bid. Going over $500-600 is obviously not a deal to you. You don't set the price, the market does. Someone else's idea of a deal might not be a deal to you.

Again, I don't even believe this has anything to do with getting a deal. Deals are when luck meets opportunity.

We are talking about you wishing to restrict freedom for the sake of one person.

It's not happening. Gripe all you want.
Feb 19, 2009 at 3:52 PM Post #28 of 32

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It would be a deal to the highest bidder because he/she was willing to pay the higher price. .

The term Deal - Definition - A sale favorable especially to the buyer; a bargain.
Interesting is your post as it may be perceived as a deal to the one who gets its, perhaps. But ultimately this may be viewed as less of a deal overall due to the extra exposure?

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just because someone is willing to pay more than you doesn't give you the right to restrict freedom (ex. the thread to ban eBay auctions)..

This forum is not a free space. HeadFi has terms and conditions preventing slanderous activity, inappropriate discussions on politics, or other topics deemed improper from the moderators of this site. I do not wish to see a ban on such a thread as you speak to above, however, linking to a live auction is not something I would do. It is just as much your right for you to post your opinion and/or choice to craft such a thread with your ideas should you wish to. People may agree or disagree with your choice to do so. That is fine.

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You are looking at this from the point of the current highest bidder rather than from the final bidder. As I said, I have no sympathy for the current highest bidder. It was a deal for him at the current price he was willing to pay for it. So now, somebody, aware of the auction from Head-Fi (because he noticed this thread) is willing to bid a higher price. It is a deal from the buyer who pays the highest price. If he did not think it was a deal, he wouldn't have bid the highest amount. .

I happened upon auction minutes after it was up and my actions comprised of the following:

1) I asked several questions to the seller, helping authenticate my idea of the age and working condition of the Headphones he/she actually has for sale.
2) I PM'd a member whom I know is interested in obtaining a minty pair of vintage RS, letting he/she know this may be something to take a look at with the information I gathered.


Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It appears to me, what you chaps want, is government (moderator) intervention to place regulations on the free market. It is almost like you want "big brother" to step in and give you the deal.

I don't feel this way?? Many consider the practice of telling everyone what they're thinking or wanting lacking in couth, as such mate, you may keep the ad hominem refuse to yourself.


Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The problem is, you chaps don't want to pay for a pair of vintage RS-1s. No problem, just don't bid. Going over $500-600 is obviously not a deal to you. You don't set the price, the market does. Someone else's idea of a deal might not be a deal to you.

Again, I don't even believe this has anything to do with getting a deal. Deals are when luck meets opportunity.

We are talking about you wishing to restrict freedom for the sake of one person.

I am feel linking a live auction snogs someone else's chances of getting a nice deal, this is just my opinion. Everyone's opinion can be different.

I would like to touch on your remarks on how you perceive this live auction is now a better deal to the winning bidder by linking here from a certain perspective.

I cannot understand the reasoning as to how linking a live auction on this community forum presents a better deal to the winning bidder. Seemingly, what listing on HF has effectively done has created a surplus of opportunity and exposure to the item which in turn generates more demand. The sheer economics of this act gravitates towards increasing the ending price, hence stifling the deal/bargain. The utter bollocks of this activity stems from the promotional activity in the business world which is commonly associated with advertising. And to put more of a new age spin to this generation on the act, call it a plug.

Since you used the word "chap" a few times, I had to bust out some Brit/English terms too to help everyone "relate" to its verbiage.
Feb 19, 2009 at 5:39 PM Post #30 of 32

Originally Posted by limpidglitch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
please don't fry me for this, but it's written as either "bollocks" or "ballocks"

Noted/correct thanks! I knew that too, just was a mistake

I do hope a headfier gets a nice deal on these, regardless.

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