Upgraditis! HD600 vs K701 Not again..(Calling all DT770 05' Owners) or wait..a DAC instead?
Mar 1, 2009 at 8:20 PM Post #16 of 51

Originally Posted by Jaska /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Those are pretty strong, unsubstantiated statements. I think it's daft to completely dismiss high-quality headphones as "not good enough" for any particular genre of music, especially one as massively varied as rock 'n roll.

I'm sitting here scratching my chin in deep contemplation, but just can't recall a time when I've witnessed anyone hauling away and replacing floorstanding speakers when changing from a classical record to a rock 'n roll record.

It's part of the stuff you have to ignore on Head-fi. People repeat this "X headphone can't do Y genre" rubbish so often here I'd go mad if I didn't look past it.
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:30 PM Post #17 of 51

Originally Posted by leeperry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've got the Pro/250 which has the same drivers as the 770 consumer 2005.....I would definitely not call it bright..

my former cd1k(same drivers as cd3k), this one was bright to hell.....the trebles were of very high definition but also very piercing

try to recable it w/ some top notch OFC and add damping in the cups...it'll sound darker

I would personnaly love a 770 w/ more transparent trebles, as this one is pretty darn dark....I got some 600 Ohms drivers on their way to my doorstep, they might be my golden ticket

apparently getting all the advantages of the 770Pro(fat bass/high isolation/comfort) + cd3k(crazy soundstage/highly refined trebles) would take a JVC DX1k, which costs around $700 if you're lucky enough to find one

So, there you have your difference between the DT770 Pro 250 ohm and the 2005 edition. Because the latter is bright and has not a fat bass.

To OP: I don't think the HD600 and K601 will be a big improvement to your DT770. They just have a different soundsig.
Your DT770 has already a tuneful bass and solid mids. I think neither HD600 ( I had the HD580) and K601 will do any better.
As for PRaT, the DT770 2005 edition wins.
On soundstage there's also not much to win.
The highs are more enjoyable on both HD600 and K601. More friendly to the ear. IMHO, that's all. Don't expect a large improvement. You are already in the possession of a decent, detailed hi-fi can
They cost 200 to 250 Euro in the Netherlands, which is about $253 to $316. The K601 cost less.
And I agree to most of what Jaska wrote.
Mar 1, 2009 at 10:42 PM Post #18 of 51

Originally Posted by Tiemen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So, there you have your difference between the DT770 Pro 250 ohm and the 2005 edition. Because the latter is bright and has not a fat bass.
Don't expect a large improvement. You are already in the possession of a decent, detailed hi-fi can

indeed the increased headband pressure much be increasing the bass response.

anyway, it'd take a lot of cash to get a major improvement over the 770...right?

I was hoping that almost 20 years after the cd3k launch, things would have evolved a great deal(we had Pentium 1 at the time ***), but audio is almost going backward...tubes, wood

BTW, here's a doc file I got from the beyer webshop :


Difference DT 770 PRO - DT 770

The DT 770 PRO is designed for use in studio and on stage for professional use.
The headband has a rugged construction and gives a secure fit for the listener. The retaining bracket for the ear cups is more angled than the Hifi-version. This provides a better fit and causes also a more powerfull compressed sound which is necessary for professional applications in studio and FOH.

The DT 770 is designed for listening music and relax. The headband provides a long wearing comfort for hours. The Hifi-version has a more transparent and open sound than the DT 770 PRO.

The difference of both headphones are not huge in mechanical design, but only that small change causes a big difference in sound and application.

DT 990 PRO - DT 990 = very similar difference.

Mar 1, 2009 at 11:03 PM Post #19 of 51
When you say compliment do you mean a headphone to CONTRAST the DT770s or of similar signature? I presume you mean similar signature.

I have the DT770s 250Ohm 2005 version and I love them. I got the HD650s about a month ago and I have to say that they are a complimentary step up. Fairly similar sound signature but with more mid emphasis which is nice. The highs arent near as harsh. The lows, while not quiiiiiiite as intense, have more definition, though I do think the 770s go lower in frequency.

Additionally the 650s upgrade remarkably well along with your evolving set up so while you are currently poor (Im in the same uni boat, last semester though! YAY!), as you invest into new components, your headphones will keep up the pace.

While I havent heard the 600s myself, I have read that they are more neutral sounding. The question is then if you like the bass emphasis or not. I do, so I went 650.
Mar 2, 2009 at 4:54 AM Post #20 of 51
Thanks to everyone for their input, especially Jaska for his comparison between the DT770, K601 and HD580.

I was actually kind of set to "upgrade" to either the K601 or HD600 but after what Tiemen said, I'm thinking otherwise :S Maybe I should just stick with my DT770s if the K601 or HD600 aren't really that much of an improvement..

@DBS - I was actually thinking of a contrast. I think it would be nice to switch between different cans and experience different signatures but at the same time I'd like an improvement. So as for now, I'm quite undecided
Mar 13, 2009 at 2:39 AM Post #21 of 51
OK So I've come close to buying a pair of HD580s twice now but I haven't exactly bit the bullet yet.

The thing is, my setup has been like this Yamaha CD player -> LDI+ -> DT770 05'

And with the CD player, the range of music I listen to is quite limited as I have only a certain number of CDs.

So recently I've changed my setup to Laptop -> LDI+ -> DT770 and I've started to enjoy music a lot more now as my entire library is on there. Because previously I'd just use my cmoy connected to my laptop with my DT770s and of course it was underwhelming. So finally, I'm actually thinking of just sticking with my DT770s

But that just leads to whether a DAC will improve my setup further. I've posted these questions in the computer audio forum but haven't got much help at all, so I guess I'll try here:

As I'll only be using it at home I'm thinking a desktop DAC might prove better bang for buck.

USB DACs can be powered externally or by USB, is this right? The only option I've seen so far is the Fubar II or KECES DAC with the keces being out of my budget though. Does anyone else have anymore suggestions? Would an externally powered desktop DAC prove more effective than a USB powered smaller portable DAC?

I'm trying to keep my budget as low as possible. About $130USD, but if spending a bit more may prove effective I might consider it.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Mar 13, 2009 at 2:57 AM Post #22 of 51
After getting in on the $110 770 deal from amazon, I liked them so much I sold my 880s, and D2000s. The 770s have the detail of the 880s with a more upfront midrange. The phones I really miss are the K601s, they have about the same amount of bass as your 770s but a warmer tone and a fantastic sense of space. I think they are the best compliment to the 770s........I never should have sold them.
Mar 13, 2009 at 7:34 AM Post #23 of 51
Thanks for the input Tyler J, I actually listened to the K601s the other day and decided they're not really for me.

So does anyone have suggestions for a DAC? Or should I get a pair of HD580s instead..
Mar 13, 2009 at 8:59 AM Post #24 of 51

Originally Posted by chews89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for the input Tyler J, I actually listened to the K601s the other day and decided they're not really for me.

So does anyone have suggestions for a DAC? Or should I get a pair of HD580s instead..

Mar 13, 2009 at 9:05 AM Post #25 of 51
The bass wasn't as full as I wanted. Soundstage was good but the highs sounded really dry and fatiguing to listen to after a while. I tend to like the warm Senn sound better i think.
Mar 13, 2009 at 9:17 AM Post #27 of 51
Do you hear a sound difference between your CD player and your laptop? You can add an external soundcard/DAC to improve your laptop sound. Not sure how far you can get with $150 but I should be a good bit better than onboard audio.
Maybe ask in the computer forum for more recommendations.
Mar 13, 2009 at 1:56 PM Post #28 of 51
Ultrasone? No, I actually haven't considered them before. For my requirements, do you think they'll suit me?

Yes the sound from my CD player definitely sounds better than off my laptop. Yeah that's why I'm thinking of a DAC. I've asked in the computer audio forum but I'm not getting too much feedback so far..
Mar 13, 2009 at 2:00 PM Post #29 of 51
First off, your setup is good. Yamaha CD to Little Dot 1+ The Hybrid amp here at Head-Fi has a great reputation for those looking for an affordable first amp, whether they have low or high impedance phones.

It may help you to take out a piece of paper and do pros and cons.

Pros and Cons for new headphones. What do you like about your DT770s, what you don't like. Are new headphones the answer for you?

Pros and Cons for new DAC. If your CD player has USB/Coax or Optical input for your computer to Yamaha should be taken into consideration.

Then after deciding which you want, do a pros and cons of the new choices you have.
Mar 13, 2009 at 2:10 PM Post #30 of 51
Thanks for the help mbd.

However I don't quite understand one of the things you said:

"If your CD player has USB/Coax or Optical input for your computer to Yamaha should be taken into consideration."

What does this mean exactly? My CD player only has coaxial output and standard RCA outputs. So your saying I connect my Yamaha to my Laptop? Excuse me but I don't really know much about coaxial or optical in/outputs at all.

But I will definitely try and make a pros/cons list as you suggested.

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