Upgrade form Alessandro MS-1i / Nuforce uDac
May 28, 2010 at 11:23 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


New Head-Fier
Oct 12, 2009
I have $300 dollars that I want to spend upgrading my current setup of Alessandro MS-1i (with quarter mod sennheiser pads) paired to a Nuforce uDac/amp. 
My first intention was to buy some Beyerdynamic  DT880, AKG K701 or Sennhiser HD600.  But after checking the forum, I found some mixed opinions of what the uDac can do, therefore I´m unsure if it can properly power any of these headphones, or if it would will require a better amp.  If I need a better amp, then none of those headphones would be within my price range (add 50 to the price, since I live in Chile).
If I buy any of these headphones now, even if not properly powered, is the sound going to be an improvement to the alessandros?  I ask this, because I could buy the headphones now, and save for a couple of months (4-5) to buy a good amp.
 On the other hand, if I only buy an amp for now, would there be any significant improvement over the udac with the Alessandros? 
I also accept any other suggestions beside the headphones mentioned above.
The music I listen to is varied, form Jazz, Indie, Rock and some Hip Hop.
May 28, 2010 at 12:04 PM Post #2 of 16
the eternal question, isn't it?
buy the headphones before the amp, or the amp before the headphones....
what i would do, given your circumstances, is try to find a nice set of cans that are "different" from the alessandro, and can also be driven fairly easily.
say... audio technicas, or ultrasones, or denons, or something like that...
that way you can enjoy them for the time being...
and later if you upgrade your amp, you will notice some improvement...
unfortunately, the upgrade path for the grado line is tricky.  because the next model up that is generally well-liked is probably an RS1.  and it's above your price range for right now...
as the sr225 isn't as significant a step ups as you'd like, and the sr325 is a love it / hate it set of cans... so...
best of luck...
May 28, 2010 at 1:15 PM Post #3 of 16
I just found some DT880 32ohm version, the Nuforce uDac should be powerful enough to drive them, since they are meant for portable devices.  The reviews I´ve found on the forums say that there is almost no difference at all with the 250ohm version.  The price is 320 shipped, so unless anyone has a better suggestion I`m buying them tomorrow
May 28, 2010 at 1:24 PM Post #4 of 16
i had the 32 ohm dt880 for about 2 weeks.
i personally found a significant difference between all the dt880s.
i've owned all three, and found them to be pretty different.
i returned the 32 ohm model, as i couldn't get past the recessed mid and bright treble.
the 250 ohm version is surprisingly the most balanced, to my ears.  and the 600 ohm version slightly bright, but without the recessed mid.  and with more detail than the other versions...
so, many folks around here would tell you to steer clear of the low impedance beyers.  they had some problems to my ears at least...
May 28, 2010 at 6:29 PM Post #6 of 16
The MS1i would benefit slightly if paired with an amp but not a lot. The uDAC+MS1i would be a good combination IMO since the uDAC add some bass punch to the sound of the MS1i. If you like your MS1i, stick with it. Actually, stick with the whole thing 
 if you do cos the uDAC built-in amp has enough power for the MS1i. Otherwise, a pair of power-hungers like DT880 250 (i got the impression these would also suit Grado fans), HD600/K701 seems to be the standard choice in head-fi for their neutrality but if you listen to rock primarily, stick with Grado. The RS1 and SR325 are also very efficient and better upgrades in the Grado lines.  
May 28, 2010 at 7:04 PM Post #7 of 16
I live outside the US, so Grados are quite expensive, therefore Alessandros are a much better alternative, would the MS-2 be a good alternative, are the $300 as good a value as you get with the $110 MS-1i
May 28, 2010 at 7:33 PM Post #8 of 16
I don't hear much about the MS2i so no comment on it. I suppose you like the Grado sound sig then? 

May 28, 2010 at 9:28 PM Post #9 of 16
hmmmmm...  having owned the 250 ohm dt880, i can tell you it's a really good headphone.
yes, it is hard to drive in general, but even plugged into an ipod i got decent sound.  not powerful and impactful like from a hp amp, but nice enough...
so, if you are going to get an amp later, the dt880 / 250 ohm would be a nice move...
the midrange on the dt880 as a whole range of headphones is polite, mind you.  it is the most recessed in the 32 ohm model, and more balanced in the 250 ohm model, and the most balanced and detailed in the 600 ohm model...
but, midrange, in general, isn't something you would buy beyers for. 
beyer's strength is imaging, detail, and soundstage.
actually, i think they would be a nice complement to your alessandros, which have a very tight soundstage...
May 28, 2010 at 9:46 PM Post #10 of 16
Or just get the 600ohm version since you're getting a new amp anyway :D The Bravo V2 would be a cheap solution so you can save up for a better amp later, while you can still enjoy your headphones 
normal_smile .gif
 If you're on a tight budget, I'd suggest go for the expensive headphones and a Bravo or any other Millet Starving Student amp just to have enough current. If you know how to solder or get some1 to help, you can throw in another $10 on bias cap, mosfets etc to perfect it.  
May 28, 2010 at 10:50 PM Post #11 of 16
well... noobiiee is right.
if you can muster a few more bucks to throw at a cheap-fix amp solution like a bravo, then there's no reason to shy away from the 600 ohmer.
go once, and be done with it.  right?

there are head-fiers who've stuck with this headphone thru source upgrades, and amp upgrades.  they've done cable upgrades, gone balanced.  the works.  until the T1 came out, this was THE beyer headphone.
and, if you ain't got a thousand bucks, it still is. 

May 29, 2010 at 6:01 AM Post #12 of 16
wow, has the same condition like me...
ok, I love my MS1i, I pair it Fireye 1, I've tried MS2i (pair with Fireye), and I think it's really upgrade from MS1i, it has better resolution, not as smooth as MS1i though. But, about its weight, I hate it 

and the surprise is, when I tried to pair my MS1i with Linearossa K3, it really really improves the SQ, even surpass MS2i + Fireye. Yeah, I know some people said MS1i only has little improvement from amp, but hey, I tried it with my self and my ears, MS1i is really great cans if you feed them with good amp.
so, if you love MS1i and just want to upgrade the SQ, just try Linearossa K3 

May 30, 2010 at 12:30 PM Post #13 of 16
I looked into the bravo amp, and found it on ebay for 89.99 plus 16.00 shipping.  On the forums they say it is  a 35 dollar amp.  This comes with a 6922 tube, aparently much better than the stock tube.  Is it worth it?   http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250630993725 
Also, I´ve had a hard time finding the DT880 600 ohm, and are leeaning towards the akg k701, for financial reasons, since I also have to buy the amp, I would be spending arround $400, $100 more than my budget.
May 30, 2010 at 12:39 PM Post #14 of 16
The bravo should only be bought from auction (new). Spend some times hunting, you will find a cheap one for about $30-$40 shipped. The stock tube can be replace by NOS tubes like Mullard, RCA, Sylvania, Siements. Which brand to go to? All depends on your sound preference but do some homework on it, you'll defenitely find one that suit you. For the K701, I'd go for the Bravo V2 + a British tube like Mullard or Brimar to make the sound warmer.
May 30, 2010 at 10:32 PM Post #15 of 16
I'd jump straight to the MS-Pro and keep your uDac, lol

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