Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S
Jun 11, 2024 at 1:30 AM Post #616 of 906
Interestingly, I ordered DMS' Omega for the same benefits I had hoped for from the 620S, so I'll be interested to see how they stack up—not that they'd be comparable by any conventional measure beyond I had the same reasons to buy between the two.

Interesting indeed, given the price difference and closed vs. open.

Would love to hear the Omega, but not in a place to pay that much blind. But I'd be curious what you think of the Omega whenever you get it ...
Jun 11, 2024 at 5:51 AM Post #617 of 906
I feel like I am going to be the first person to actually not being really convinced by the HD620. I used them for 4 days, but just returned them. It is a good headphone, but maybe not the headphone that I need right now. My other headphones right now are Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro X and Hifiman Sundara.

I was listening a lot to the DT770 Pro X recently and became accustomed to them. The brightness reduced a little or I got used.
Comparing to the DT770 Pro X:
Beyers are brighter, more airy and analytical. A little bit better soundstage, but both headphones are great for closed backs.
HD620 is much more relaxed and never bright or analytical. In some songs it has a little sparcle which I liked.

In the beginning I used a (lunashop) balanced cable to be able to easily compare to the DT770 (by connecting both headphones to my amp). I read in this thread that the lunashop cables don't sound well, so maybe that is what I also observed. (baffled). The HD620 sounded a bit boomy on some tracks, which I did not like at all. I did not really observe it much when switching to the original cable. BUT the HD620 sometimes sounded a little bit "boxy" / "boxed in" to me - especially when I switched to the DT770. The HD620 sounds overall darker than the DT770 and this was putting me off a little bit. I also watched a movie with them and did a comparison of several scenes switching between Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic. I enjoyed the HD620 during the movie, but with the DT770 you feel like you are in the scenes compared to the Sennheiser feeling of sitting in a Cinema.

I read multiple times that the HD620 sounds very natural, but I would actually descibe the DT770 pro X to be more natural. Not sure if that is just my personal preference. The HD620 has that "darkness" which I perceived as unnatural/less natural.
I do agree though that the Beyers are probably a bit fatiguing for some and the Sennheiser is probably not fatiguing to anyone. I really enjoyed rock/metal music with them, but I also do with the Beyers. :L3000:

In terms of comfort I really like both. No issues with my (small size) head and glasses, but Beyer was a bit better. They are less isolating though, so the Sennheiser feels like a real closed back, which I consider a big plus. Isolation in and out is excellent on the Sennheiser. I might get them again in the future, but right now I think I am looking for something else.
And that's OK. Sleep well tonight.
Jun 11, 2024 at 9:16 AM Post #619 of 906
Got mine today and holy moly do these have more soundstage than previous DT 700 PRO X's had.
You can hear where the soundstage ends. But these aren't "in your ear" sounding at all imo. For closed back its prettty good.
Welcome to the club! Any good recommendations for soundstage test tracks?
Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Jun 11, 2024 at 9:37 AM Post #620 of 906
Welcome to the club! Any good recommendations for soundstage test tracks?
Dave Brubeck - take five (i dont typically like jazz but its great for testing)
Finding Hope - Paths (Echo in this tells a lot)
Paul Simon - Graceland

Last but not least:
Hans Zimmer - Mountains (my absolute favorite out of these :L3000: )
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Jun 11, 2024 at 11:01 AM Post #621 of 906
Graceland is very spacious on these headphones.
Jun 11, 2024 at 4:48 PM Post #623 of 906
Just got them in a few hours ago. Impressions are early, but I can say that these are the best closed back Sennheisers I've heard.

Probably the largest soundstage I've heard on a closed back. Really nice surprise. They sound about as wide as the 560s, which is a crazy feat for a closed back.

I actually think they sound a lot like the HD560s, but with the typical differences you hear with a closed back. I saw a few video reviews state that they sound nothing like the 560s......so far I disagree with that. To me they sound similar, but with thumpier bass and a mid of a high bass / low mid hump that I actually quite like. I think it adds body and fills in where a lot of other closed backs start to recess and develop that v-shaped signature. It makes these sound way more full.

Treble is a tad hot in spots. I think it depends a lot on the recording. They definitely do not have recessed or smooth treble like other HD6 series open backs do. Its more present. Gotta say I like it.

So far, these are pretty damn awesome. I also own an Audeze Maxwell, and I'd say they compete pretty well. The 620s sounds more full to me, and soundstage is much more natural and wider. Sort of typical dynamic vs planar driver stuff....the Maxwell just don't sound as natural. However if you're a planar person you'd probably prefer them to the 620s.

So far I'd give these a solid 9/10.
Jun 11, 2024 at 6:37 PM Post #624 of 906
So far, these are pretty damn awesome. I also own an Audeze Maxwell, and I'd say they compete pretty well. The 620s sounds more full to me, and soundstage is much more natural and wider. Sort of typical dynamic vs planar driver stuff....the Maxwell just don't sound as natural. However if you're a planar person you'd probably prefer them to the 620s.

So far I'd give these a solid 9/10.

I'd 100% consider myself a planar person but don't really feel like the Maxwell checks any of the planar boxes for me.

No crazy sense of detail, no Hifiman sound stage, doesn't sound particularly "speedy," and about as dead as you can be in terms of dynamics this side of DCA.

My 620s should arrive tomorrow. I'll be pretty disappointed if I don't much prefer them to the Maxwell.
Jun 12, 2024 at 6:06 AM Post #625 of 906
I'd 100% consider myself a planar person but don't really feel like the Maxwell checks any of the planar boxes for me.

No crazy sense of detail, no Hifiman sound stage, doesn't sound particularly "speedy," and about as dead as you can be in terms of dynamics this side of DCA.

My 620s should arrive tomorrow. I'll be pretty disappointed if I don't much prefer them to the Maxwell.
I owned the Mobius for some time and never ever got to really like it. Preferred to game with either the HD660S or the Game One headset.
Btw, so far I think that the HD620S is a keeper for me.
Works well out of all my mobile devices and my PCs.
I actually wonder why it too Sennheiser so long to make a proper closed can for the masses. But anyways now it is here to stay.
Jun 12, 2024 at 6:12 AM Post #626 of 906
I actually wonder why it too Sennheiser so long to make a proper closed can for the masses
Had to install Windows service pack 2
Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/SennheiserUSA https://twitter.com/SennheiserUSA http://www.instagram.com/sennheiser https://sennheiser.com/
Jun 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM Post #628 of 906
I've recently been using a Momentum 4 out and about and on the train. How would the 620S compare? I'd also be interested in these for monitoring when recording my guitar, in which case how would they compare to an HD300 Pro (which I don't have)?
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Jun 12, 2024 at 4:05 PM Post #629 of 906
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Jun 12, 2024 at 4:14 PM Post #630 of 906
I've been using these the past couple of days for around 6 hours total. They are the most expensive headphones I've bought and I'm happy with the clarity and fit. The fit is really good, no pinching, clamping force seems normal to me and the headband with the padding is comfy. I have zero complaints on fit and feel of the headphones.

My setup is for mobile: Phone is Android Pixel 6a running latest Android OS. My players are the Tidal app and USB Player Pro app pulling in my Tidal library. DACs are FiiO KA17 and iFI Hip DAC 3. Codec ranges from FLAC CD quality to MQA.

I just got the DACs and and using 4.4 balanced to the headphones.

Impressions with FiiO KA17 - Very clear, tight bass response, treble has good separation with mids on most songs. No EQ was used and no fatigue, but occasionally the treble was piercing or the mids would clash with the treble. The staging sounded like everything was right there in front of you in all its loud glory with appropriate separation. I don't know if this description makes sense as I'm not an audiophile like everyone in this board, but there it is for me.

Impressions with iFI Hip DAC 3 - What a difference. No EQ, IEM set for 4.4 and using their bass boost. The Staging isn't so loudly in front of you while the separation between bass, mid, treble is not as noticeable as the FiiO. Since separation of bass, mid, treble is blended eavenly, there are no spikes in treble on certain songs and I found that the fatigue factor was less than the KA17. Same for bass, the 'loudness' of the bass in relation to the mid/treble was minimal since all those frquencies blended together at the same volume. It's hard to describe as a non-audiophile, so I'll just say that I can pump the volume on the Hip DAC 3 much louder than the KA17 without having much in the way of fatigue or one frequency over powering another, its just all blended together in a really nice smooth rendition, much like I remember back in the days of spinning records and listening on KOSS headphones back in the 70s.

The pairing I liked most is with the Hip DAC 3, its smoother overall and seems most like LP listening. The headphones are not over powered in any specific way.

Another note, when playing songs in MQA, the Tidal app on Android clips or stutters, whereas on the USB Audio Player Pro, MQA didn't skip.

Now that I have the bug, but busted budget, could someone recommend a mobile tube amp or small desktop tube amp which would give me that old LP listening vide like I'm getting with the Hip DAC 3? Something for a few hundred dollars?

These headphones are great and comfortable.

Thanks for reading.

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