UM2s really put out heat
Jul 7, 2005 at 3:53 AM Post #16 of 39

Originally Posted by AuroraProject
You can say whatever and speak with whomever you want, I listened to them out of the box and they sucked, I left them alone playing for 100 hours and they sound loads better. They don't "seem to sound better", they actually do sound better.

I sure they do Sound better now that your ears have adjusted! Enjoy!
Jul 7, 2005 at 4:01 AM Post #17 of 39

Originally Posted by trose49
I sure they do Sound better now that your ears have adjusted! Enjoy!

In your opinion it doesn't make a difference, in my opinion it does. Enough said.
Jul 7, 2005 at 4:14 AM Post #18 of 39
There is no point in arguing on burn-in really; there are two schools of thought regarding burn-in, and there is no definitive answer as to which one is right.
Jul 7, 2005 at 7:07 AM Post #21 of 39
there are two types of audiophiles,

those that think "Potential gain" and those that think "Negligiable gain"

Its like a lot of things in this world.

the latter usually consider everything can be explained scientifically, the prior, tend to just have faith and and believe not everything can be explained scientifically.

Good night guys,

BTW I side with faith. and enjoy what I hear. No one has the right to tell me what I SHOULD hear.
Jul 7, 2005 at 1:43 PM Post #23 of 39
Sorry dude, but cute girls on HeadFi are rare, and he ain't one of them, are ya, RnB180? That's a Photoshop reworked pic of Jessica Biel wearing Qualia 010s.

Sorry to ruin the dream, but I had to do it. I could do worse though, but throwing people under the bus is something I don't do here. At least not yet, anyway.

Jul 7, 2005 at 4:06 PM Post #24 of 39

Originally Posted by trose49
I not sure but if that is a real picture of you then I side with you. Whatever you believe I believe. Whatever you buy I will Buy! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

photoshopped? is difficult to believe jessica would sport the qualias?

Jul 8, 2005 at 3:58 AM Post #25 of 39
When I first plugged my um-2's, they couldn't handle the bass on a track... It sounded like a blown speaker does... fuzzy, no bass... Like it was flapping around in the wind. I was scared that I had made some terrible terrible mistake and been conned into buying a piece of #$! About 15 hours, later, the track played just fine. Proper bass. Same player, same volume, same everything. Yes, UM-2's burn in, and I don't care if they aren't supposed to because it's just a fact that mine did. I can't imagine that anyone who says they don't is speaking from personal experience.
Jul 8, 2005 at 5:46 AM Post #26 of 39
has anyone even tried considering that maybe it's both?
yes in my opinion the um2's do burn in but it's also your ears/brain getting used to the sound of em.

am i the only person who has this train of thought or am I the only person in the middle.

and Im still waiting for my triflanges to arrive even though they were shipped on monday, damn slow free shipping *grumble*
Jul 8, 2005 at 6:00 AM Post #27 of 39
I too believe that it is often both factors, Nights. Good point!
Jul 8, 2005 at 6:37 AM Post #28 of 39
In my experience, the UM2 did not benefit from any kind of burn in. I think a lot of the times what people describe as burn-in is simply them adjusting to the new sound of the can.

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