UFOs Are Real, Now What?
Sep 19, 2023 at 7:58 AM Post #166 of 245
Well, if they are indeed real we need to get our hands on some good ole' alien audiophile gear! Come on, they of course surely didn't cross the great emptiness without any tunes playing. If they are at all musically inclined like E.T. was, we are in for a real treat!
unless they only hear in subsonic or ultrasonic frequencies that we can only physically detect with our bodies (if at all) but not audibly discern .
but maybe we could speed them up or slow them down enough electronically to hear them as harmonics of the actual sound .
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Sep 19, 2023 at 1:56 PM Post #168 of 245
Aliens don't have ears like use as no one's ever drawn a picture of one wearing glasses, and you need ears to keep them on.
Optical implants!
Sep 19, 2023 at 4:22 PM Post #169 of 245
Sep 19, 2023 at 7:28 PM Post #171 of 245
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Sep 19, 2023 at 7:32 PM Post #172 of 245

They are saying that after tests this is not an assemblage of parts?
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Sep 19, 2023 at 8:08 PM Post #174 of 245
Sep 19, 2023 at 8:45 PM Post #175 of 245
They are saying it’s a 6 to 8 year-old child with a bone disorder?

How’d you get pics of my mother in law?

Look like something out of HR Giger
If you look at the picture they use for size reference, it seems the head would be almost equal to the weight of the entire body. No animal on earth has that weight proportion, I don’t think? I don’t know how the being would walk without falling over?

Also note the head fissures? They are never that way in man, or animal? Even if not perfectly even, they never approach at that angle?

I believe it’s fake? The loss of symmetry just seems too much, even if the little guy was injured? The sternum is conveniently missing?

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Sep 27, 2023 at 7:52 AM Post #177 of 245
the "blue thing is the phoenix .
the other is reflections/dust on the camera lens .

what is your "proof" that they are something other than phoenix/reflections ?
You still haven't shown an image to back up your shill, had more than one chance to prove it an can't so you say it again and think repeating yourself adds some validity to your OhNoItCan'tBeTruisms.


The Limited Edition Hot Wheels 24k gold plated Sojourner Mars Rover did not anticipate an impromptu test of its reflective qualities against the death ray of the Martian War Machine in the Martian jungle.
Sep 29, 2023 at 12:24 AM Post #179 of 245
What a discussion. Well, first let me say that many E.T.s are being "channeled" through mediums called "channels". At this point we don't have to guess or speculate on this subject. The information coming through many channels are of the following races: Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Yayel, Lyrans, Centarians, and many, many, others. These races contributed their own DNA to the Earth Human experiment but our immediate parent races are the Pleiadians & Sirians. Their parents were the Arcturians which make them our grandparent race. These star systems are local systems and these beings were dense physical beings like us millions of years ago. Earth humans are the youngest race in our galaxy (Milky Way) with free will. They seeded our Earth and gave Earth Humans a divine complement of consciousness embedded in our DNA. They were represnting Source (God) in this endeavor of seeding and given the green light by the angelic kingdoms. Some day, millions of years from now, we also will be parents and seed a planet with our progeny after ascending far into the higher dimensions. Our evolution will be so high as to have angelic consciousness....oneness with Source/God/Goddess/All-That-Is. We will know ourselves and our souls, totally, as pieces of God. These star brothers are already here and been coming here at will for hundreds of thousands of years. Actually, they don't need craft, they can simply will themselves here and anywhere in the Universe--instantly. In fact, because they're multi-dimensional, they can be in several places at once. Brace yourselves folks here's what you've been waiting for regarding "First Contact". It's already begun with a few thousand people but it's expanding every year. In our lifetime, everyone will know the truth about our brothers and sisters from the stars. Certainly your children will know them and know them well. Nothing scary about these guys because they're nothing but Love and we are their beloved younger siblings. People will start to see mass sightings more and more. Gov't will begin telling what we all suspected....that they've been in contact with the space folks since Eisenhower. Cat's out of the bag now and there's no going back. We, people of Earth will determine this time table of "First Contact"--not the space brothers. They do not want to interfere. That being said, 2026-27 is the scheduled date with 2035 being the latest. By 2050-51 all humanity will know. What else does anyone want to know about these matters? Oh well here's some more: The first E.T.s to make physical contact will be the Yayel race. They were chosen to go first because they're closer in appearance to us and wouldn't scare us. In fact, with hat and sunglasses they are indistiguishable from humans. They have be spotted because they communicate telepathically, and those that have encountered them will report this. They appear like us because they have much of our DNA. By the way, you may have noticed the incredible diversity of plant and animal life our on Earth. Well, guess what? Earth's incredible diversity of life is because it was not all born here. The DNA for all this life came from all over the galaxy and tweaked for life here by Master bioengineering genetics specialists. And oh, while we're on the subject, the cetaceans which are whales and dolphins, they're the other extra-terrestrial race on our planet. They came from the Sirius system of planets. What do I mean "the other extra-terrestrial race?" Well, none of us are originally from Earth. Our souls journeyed here from other parts. So there's that. What else does anyone want to know? I know what you're thinking: "What have I been smoking and where can you get some." LOL : )
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