Top 10 amps for up to $600, whatchathink?
Aug 22, 2003 at 12:09 PM Post #31 of 53
Have you also considered "Gilmore v2 ($500)" and "Sostenuto-1 ($450)", which should
both be better than your two choices "Corda HA-1 MkII ($410)" and "Maxed Meta42 ($250)"?
Aug 22, 2003 at 12:20 PM Post #32 of 53
I really can't understand why you rank the sostenuto so high. Yes, it is probably better on pcdp with an optical out than a simple meta (as it upgrades the SOURCE too) but as the amplification part is basically a stock meta, I don't see why it would be better as an AMP than a maxed out meta
Aug 22, 2003 at 12:47 PM Post #33 of 53

Originally posted by MrYman
Have you also considered "Gilmore v2 ($500)" and "Sostenuto-1 ($450)", which should
both be better than your two choices "Corda HA-1 MkII ($410)" and "Maxed Meta42 ($250)"?

I`m sure that by the time I have the money, I will have all options thoroughly considered. But that`s not gonna happen any time soon, I`m afraid.
Aug 22, 2003 at 3:01 PM Post #34 of 53
Although the PDAC shares similar design ideas (and components) with the META42, it's not exactly the same and does have a very skilled builder. I've never had opportunity to AB them.
Aug 22, 2003 at 4:23 PM Post #36 of 53

Originally posted by kuma
wow. this list is becoming everything under 600 bucks. lol.

Opinions are like ********--everybody has one.
Aug 22, 2003 at 8:53 PM Post #37 of 53
Simply, the more people agree on something the better the choice I'd agree too -- talking about amps!
(...not some mysteries or magic or questions like: what's the meaning of life :)

Since I cannot test any of them, the ONLY source I have are ppl opinions and ppl reviews if I have to decide what to buy... and I appreciate that a LOT! Thanks to all the positive thinkers
Sep 6, 2003 at 11:18 PM Post #38 of 53
i think we got here around the same time and taking the similar path. but............... so far we are in a very SIMPLE world - amp or headphone. i found going into the source thing to be much more exhausting and complex! i had to step out right away!

(i mean, if you spent 600 bux on amp, shouldn't we spend more on source? then aren't there so many damn choices?
then it's not only about headphoe+amp combo, but headphone +amp + source combo! i find it even intimidating. )

anyway, it's good to see a thread like this for a newb like me!
Sep 6, 2003 at 11:42 PM Post #39 of 53
nicorette, Don't be intimidated! Jump in with both feet and have a blast. As hard as alot of people try to make things out to be, its not. Try to audition some stuff and find a sound you like and then upgrade up that companies product chain. It will only get better as you go. There are so many places to order online with money back 30 policies out there, take advantage of it. When it comes to sources there are so many good ones out there you can't hardly go wrong.
Sep 7, 2003 at 1:20 AM Post #40 of 53

Originally posted by bozebuttons
Singlepower MPX3 comes in at under 600.00 and is one hellava musical amp.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Marantz 2210, 2215, 2220, 2220B, 2225, 2226 receiver

Agree with mkmelt. They do an excellent job of driving the Senn 600s and the Sony 3000s. They also work very well with the AKG-K-1000s.
Sep 7, 2003 at 4:15 PM Post #41 of 53
I believe the official word on the PPA is that builders will be charging around $1000 for it. :\

That is unless we want to build it ourselves. I'm seriously concidering putting in the time to learn how now.
Sep 10, 2003 at 10:22 AM Post #42 of 53
I wonder.... is there such a difference???? I mean, say you have good headphones (e.g. HD 580/600 and/or Ety 4/6) and good source (iRiver 550, NEX ia and/or Audigy 2 Platinum), the music sounds good --- then people say this is not good enough, try an amp for say, $200 and the music will sound even better. Then here comes an amp for $1000 and now what? It will sound even better? Then there are amps for $10.000, will the music sound better again??? To where we can go????? (Note: I used word "good" not word "excellent"!) Not to mention same story with: try better headphones, try better source...

I really find it hard to believe that all this equipment can make such a difference, because it ALL DEPENDS on the music itself. Can a CD with relativelly well produced music hold such a quality that equipment can make such a difference??

E.g. we (our band over here) recorded a CD with our own music, to best of our studio abilities, but hey, it is how it is, how can a better amp, a better source or/and a better headphone make it better than it is in reallity from recording???? I mean, if we used mics for $500 instead mics for $5.000 how can a headphone/amp/source make that "poor" mic sound as good as those top quality/expensive mics?

I think your listening equipment can do nothing if the equipment for producing the music was not at least that good. I hope this sounds understandable. If not, please let me know, I will try to elaborate on it.

Or are you all here always taking for granted - by default, that we listen to the best of the world produced music? Even then, I still wonder about all this equipment and the possibilities of it to make it such a difference in sound quality when listening to the music....
Sep 10, 2003 at 3:49 PM Post #43 of 53
I seriously doubt all builders will be charging $1000 for a PPA. The LaRocco Audio PPA is pricy due to the custom machined panels, custom power supply, and whatever other extras are in it. Obviously it is aimed at high end buyers. You can build one for about $250 if you stick to standard parts, Hammond case, and Elpac power supply.
Sep 12, 2003 at 2:44 AM Post #45 of 53

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