Tinnitus: How to deal?
Jan 11, 2006 at 10:47 PM Post #31 of 34

Originally Posted by -Paolo-
In concern to the jaw position, mine changes tones when I move it...
If I push my jaw forward it becomes louder.
If I move it side to side, I can hear a crackle in my ears.
It's wierd.

Seriously there's a 95% chance that that is the cause. There's a possibility that your work may not be causing it at all. You should go to a dentist or orthodontist. I have a funky jaw (thanks mom! she had the same thing
) with an open bite, TMJ, etc. and when I open it really wide it'll ring really loud, when it gets tense the tinnitus gets worse, move the jaw forward, etc.

Search around for studies, noise is the cause of less than 25% of tinnitus! Usually if noise is the cause it's from jackhammers, gunshots, steel mills, rock concerts, auto assembly plants, etc. In other words, constant exposure to VERY loud noises. Not everyone who works in an 80-90dB environment is guaranteed tinnitus after a certain period of time, and not everyone who hears a 110dB sound is automatically going to get it.

Not to say noise has no effect, but usually you have to be abusive to your ears for noise to cause significant and permanent tinnitus.

Jan 12, 2006 at 12:35 AM Post #33 of 34
Can anyone with tinnitus please chime in if their tinnitus does NOT grow louder when you open your mouth wide? Because mine does this too, and I have no known jaw problems. It'd be great if this is the cause of my tinnitus, but I have a feeling it was more my stupidity during my teenage years =P
Jan 12, 2006 at 2:26 AM Post #34 of 34

Originally Posted by anyatinagan
all this talk about tinitus

This is funny, but signficant. Tinnitus is one of the few medical conditions that can literally be cured by ignoring it (if you are able to)!

I have it fairly bad, from various stupid things since junior high, it seems (or maybe I'm just unlucky).

Try not to be stressed out or phsically tense. Maybe get an air filter or something that produces white or pink noise for night time. Very serious cases of tinnitus are sometimes treated with a static producing device worn in the ear (this is called "retraining therapy").

Good quality ear plugs should not muffle or distort frequency response too much. You should be able to converse pretty much as normal.

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