Tidal Lossless Streaming
Apr 20, 2015 at 5:49 PM Post #766 of 5,210
Nearing the end of my trial period with no streaming issues here in NYC with TWC wifi at home or with Hotspots which I use roughly 12 plus hours per week.
Re the boxing match, what is with all the prejudice and/or is it racism? Tidal streaming boxing or anything else has ZERO effect on my consuming and enjoying the MUSIC streaming. So, what really are your issues?? It seems to me the issue is that MANY people appear to prefer a service which caters to their PREJUDICES, musically, racially, culturally or otherwise. That is the true issue!
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:48 AM Post #767 of 5,210
  Nearing the end of my trial period with no streaming issues here in NYC with TWC wifi at home or with Hotspots which I use roughly 12 plus hours per week.
Re the boxing match, what is with all the prejudice and/or is it racism? Tidal streaming boxing or anything else has ZERO effect on my consuming and enjoying the MUSIC streaming. So, what really are your issues?? It seems to me the issue is that MANY people appear to prefer a service which caters to their PREJUDICES, musically, racially, culturally or otherwise. That is the true issue!

One would want to have a strong case before claiming that it's racism.  I hope it's not.  Some folks have said they won't participate in something owned by Jay Z.  I haven't seen them give good explanations given for that, other than vague claims that they don't like his music or that he's too rich and famous.  Seems illogical to me; I would rather have musicians be involved in this, as opposed to non-musical rich people.
Apr 21, 2015 at 1:05 AM Post #768 of 5,210
App lameness aside, does anyone know if there's a way to display the audio/file format currently being streamed to the Windows app?  I swore I hovered over something at some point and saw "44k FLAC" or some such confirmation I was listening at Hi Fi quality, although it may have been the Web version.


- Dave

The app does'nt show the audio file format. However, if the Hifi sign is white (and not grejer out) the current audio filé format is Flac 16-bit/44.1 MHz both on the app and on the web version. Plenty of dacs will let you see the MHz and if you use Asio Bridge together with an Asio compatible dac you will enjoy bitperfect stream as well.

Apr 21, 2015 at 6:13 PM Post #769 of 5,210
Nearing the end of my trial period with no streaming issues here in NYC with TWC wifi at home or with Hotspots which I use roughly 12 plus hours per week.

Re the boxing match, what is with all the prejudice and/or is it racism? Tidal streaming boxing or anything else has ZERO effect on my consuming and enjoying the MUSIC streaming. So, what really are your issues?? It seems to me the issue is that MANY people appear to prefer a service which caters to their PREJUDICES, musically, racially, culturally or otherwise. That is the true issue!

Are you serious? You're accusing those of us criticising Tidal for turning to streaming a boxing match as being racist? It would be hilarious if it wasn't actually quite offensive.
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:23 PM Post #770 of 5,210
Are you serious? You're accusing those of us criticising Tidal for turning to streaming a boxing match as being racist? It would be hilarious if it wasn't actually quite offensive.

I've witnessed both sides of this. I don't doubt that there are racist people out there, but I also realize that there are plenty of people with legitimate concerns who get unfairly lumped in with the other "less than courteous" critics. Claiming that everyone, or no one for that matter, is guilty of racism is ridiculous since everyone has their own personal agendas. The truth is always more complicated.
One thing I will note though is that the emotions surrounding Tidal, positive and negative, are much more intense vs the general apathy shown towards other streaming companies. That in and of itself is very curious.
On another somewhat related note, here's an article released today that may shine a little more light as to why Tidal is struggling:
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:59 PM Post #771 of 5,210
Are you serious? You're accusing those of us criticising Tidal for turning to streaming a boxing match as being racist? It would be hilarious if it wasn't actually quite offensive.

On another somewhat related note, here's an article released today that may shine a little more light as to why Tidal is struggling:

Tidal? Struggling? Oh come on, I thought this company was run by billionaires

Apr 21, 2015 at 11:24 PM Post #772 of 5,210
I think the issues lies in the price vs. competitors, and just what Tidal is trying to do differently than the other streaming options. 
Asking for $20 a month is a lot, especially when Spotify and Pandora can be had for $10 and $5 respectively. Spotify and Pandora feature almost the same artists, if not more. The lossless streaming option that pushes the price to $20 from the standard $10, isn't that much of a jump (though this is highly subjective, I for one, found that Tidal's lossless streaming to have minimal gains over Spotify's Extreme quality) from what the others offer, as well as not sucking up as much bandwidth and data, for those that are conscious about the "other" costs of Tidal.
Another thing is the idea of "exclusive" artists. Jay-Z is rounding up a bunch of artists, offering them double the royalties. Some of us may like teh propsect of being able to listen to the newest Rihanna or Taylor Swift album exclusively on Tidal. It is also just happens that most of us attracted to Tidal for its lossless streaming aren't really the biggest fans of Rihanna or T-swizzle. Some of us won't. So, people don't want Tidal to succeed if it means that it will pull some of the biggest artists away from the other options, leaving people having to get two streaming subscriptions to enjoy all the music they want. It's like trying to cut the music world into sections, Spotify gets these artists, Tidal gets these, Pandora gets these, etc.( but Grooveshark still has them all). No one really wants that. 
Apr 22, 2015 at 2:56 AM Post #773 of 5,210
I don't care if people don't like it or think its too expensive or how messed up their marketing strategies are.
It's a HiFi streaming service.... As long as it sounds good I'm happy.
It sounds good to me and 19.99 a month is a steal for what you're getting.
Apr 22, 2015 at 9:06 AM Post #777 of 5,210
  So I'm on the trial period ATM, it won't let me set to lossless, only 320kpbs. Do I have to actually pay for a month for it to let me use lossless option? And yes I'm using chrome.

Sounds to me like you have signed up for the lossy only trial. Tidal offer two trial subs - HiFi (choice of lossless and lossy streaming) or Regular m4a (lossy streaming only).
Apr 23, 2015 at 1:47 AM Post #779 of 5,210
Are you serious? You're accusing those of us criticising Tidal for turning to streaming a boxing match as being racist? It would be hilarious if it wasn't actually quite offensive.

Well, if you can be so intelligent as to quote me claiming anyone "racist", please do so. 
Your comment examples my point  in a quite broad sense. You see something and allude whatever you will from your own prejudicial view.
Anyway, putting the above aside, why don't YOU step up and articulate all the anti Jay-Z rhetoric. What is all the venom about? What is Jay Z representing? Whatever is it?  What is so reprehensible?
Jay Z represents *something*, to a good many in this forum, which is unacceptable.
Also, why aren't these people articulating precisely what it is?  Something to hide?
In addition, let's consider that virtually, if not literally, all such anti Jay Z posters are some variety of *Caucasian* (or non-black).
What does it add up to?  Listening....listening....
In any event, it is unlikely that anything I can say will convince you of anything you aren't already prejudiced to believe, as your comments evidence.  Racist or not, isn't really the point for you. What you and others really want, is the freedom to wailer in your prejudices without being called upon to succumb to reason and logic! 
Personally, what I care about is the reality that Tidal allows me to stream lossless flac files of MASTERS in a *quantity* that cannot be purchased anywhere, nor anyhow!!!!!  At a price *I* can afford!
Beyond that, WHAT is all this chatter truly about?????
BTW, I wonder of the naysayers, who and how many can "hear" the difference between Spotify's 320 Kbps Ogg Vorbis and Spotify "Free"?  To those who can tell a difference, is it such that you pay the $9.99 for Premium???
***Jcoltrane, a soon to be ex Spotify Premium user, happy to drop $20 to be free of HDtracks and its meager offerings, hopping Tidal  becomes an "Elite" service void of small minds, as well as that tall, skinny, nerd chic, Taylor Swift..... :wink: ***
Apr 23, 2015 at 2:13 AM Post #780 of 5,210
I've witnessed both sides of this. I don't doubt that there are racist people out there, but I also realize that there are plenty of people with legitimate concerns who get unfairly lumped in with the other "less than courteous" critics. Claiming that everyone, or no one for that matter, is guilty of racism is ridiculous since everyone has their own personal agendas. The truth is always more complicated.
One thing I will note though is that the emotions surrounding Tidal, positive and negative, are much more intense vs the general apathy shown towards other streaming companies. That in and of itself is very curious.
On another somewhat related note, here's an article released today that may shine a little more light as to why Tidal is struggling:

[forgive the typos, can't be bothered]
Truth is never complicated. Truth is blatant and obvious.  
Denial, the exercise in "denial" is what is complicated and difficult.  Why are we talking about "racism" in the first place?  Who brought that up?  Was it the racist?  Stepping to deny his racism?
Take yourself.  With the best of intentions, I am sure, engage in "denial", rather than confront reality.  Yet, in doing so, you feel the hypocrisy, which is why you find it all so "curious"!
I wonder why you are so ready to rule out a certain possibility, while aware that *something* "curious" exists?
Again, Truth is blatant and obvious!  Acceptance is complicated.... 
Just providing food for thought.  No need for a great debate.
Btw, gave that article a quick  read.  Two things to note: a) the article doesn't mention nor distinguish between the *paid* tier  from the *free* tier. I strongly suspect that the 3 and 4 spots are in regard to the *free* tier, which is a significant point! b) the article also alludes that Tidal's rivals are "...they’re all minting money...."  Untrue, as NO service is making a profit, specifically not those providing a "free" tier.
Additionally, to complete the point, it is the FREE tier which is the issue of contest between the streaming services and the "artists" (**cough, cough**). Simply put it is the record companies and labels that the streaming services are paying (with  regard to the *free* tier) and not the "artists"!!  The "artists" obviously feel this is unfair, BUT what is truly at issue is that the artists believe that the "free" tier of streaming service is **cannibalizing** CD sales. There is a documented corresponding drop in sales versus the rise in streaming, specifically FREE streaming!!!
Hence, Tidal!!  Which has no *free* service!!  Therefore, in "artists" point of view, will not (they hope) be cannibalizing CD sales.  In addition, doubling the "fee" for service may allow for the "artists" to be equitably compensated (unlike Spotify and the others).
Now, all that aside, what I personally find interesting and matters to me:
Why are the streaming services not streaming the high quality MASTERS which the record companies have provided and they have paid for????  Why is Spotify charging $9.99 for "Premium" for less than "premium"???  Shouldn't they like Tidal be streaming for the $9.99 tier FLAC lossless MASTERS???
What's the deal with that??  What is the animosity toward JayZ and company??  Why not for something more legitimate, like the above??  Hate JayZ and Tidal so much???  Why aren't YOU (you know who "you" are) screaming at SPOTIFY??  Why aren't you demanding FLAC for $9.99????
How do we say....r..a...c....opps!
jcoltrane smacks himself in the face for such uncompleted vile thoughts...
Truth, Logic and Reason

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