ThieAudio Signature Series Tribrid IEMs
Aug 3, 2021 at 5:27 PM Post #2,911 of 4,810
So after almost 3 months, DD unit on Excalibur died.
Yesterday I was listening to the music when suddendly it started to sound strange and I quickly realised that my right earpiece doesn't produce bass. It doesn't play anything below 60Hz, just some weird buzz, almost silent while lefr earpiece was ok.

Since I bought it off Amazon DE, do I need to ship it directly to China on my own cost?
Does anyone has experience with returning defective unit to Linsoul? They're stating that I have to pay for the shipping to China which isn't really cheap with our Slovenian postal service.

Kinda dissapointed tho that 400+€ iem dies while all my sub 50€ iems all work after many years of abuse
Aug 3, 2021 at 5:34 PM Post #2,912 of 4,810
Sorry to hear that. Not very confidence inspiring seeing how you aren't alone. They really need to get their QC up to snuff.
I don't know about the particulars of returning the iems, sorry. Just commiserating. I have the Oracle. Guess I'll see if it suffers the same fate after a while.
Aug 4, 2021 at 3:54 AM Post #2,913 of 4,810
So after almost 3 months, DD unit on Excalibur died.
Yesterday I was listening to the music when suddendly it started to sound strange and I quickly realised that my right earpiece doesn't produce bass. It doesn't play anything below 60Hz, just some weird buzz, almost silent while lefr earpiece was ok.

Since I bought it off Amazon DE, do I need to ship it directly to China on my own cost?
Does anyone has experience with returning defective unit to Linsoul? They're stating that I have to pay for the shipping to China which isn't really cheap with our Slovenian postal service.

Kinda dissapointed tho that 400+€ iem dies while all my sub 50€ iems all work after many years of abuse

My monarch had died the second time 2 weeks ago after the first RMA this early May. It was the same problem with the lost of rumbling bass. Has sent for 2nd time RMA and asked for a replacement unit instead of repairing it as I don't wanna risk having the same problem again.
I'm truely disappointed with their QC quality. I guess this is my very first purchase of their product and it'll be my last.
Aug 9, 2021 at 9:36 AM Post #2,916 of 4,810
I tried to copy these settings to ES100 EQ. I'm not sure I got it right, but I guess it's pretty close. Yes mid bass is so much meatier compared to non EQ'd with ES100... Not bad at all, if that is how Clair sounds.
But Monarch paired with M11+ is a totally different story, it's truly amazing pairing. It blows ES100 sound sig and technicalities right out of the water...
(ES100 eq is the only EQ I can use with M11+, Neutron for some reason doesn't work on M11+. I'm not using EQ in Fiio player or UAPP)

Everyone talking how Monarch lacks mid bass compared to Clair, well with M11+ NO. I listen to lots of rock heavy metal, and the amount mid bass kick ass compared to ES100. I didn't do any other comparisons but with M11+ bass is definitely there. Also mids and clarity accros the spectrum, detail, and stage... Are on another level. Just a 15 min listen and compare.
ATM I am realy satisfied with what I have, I finaly honestly have no wish for upgrades.

I'm confused, you don't EQ the monarchs with the Fiio m11, right?
Aug 10, 2021 at 7:38 AM Post #2,919 of 4,810
Hi! I read almost all the thread and i should received my monarch soon (i hope before the end of the week or next week ( i live in France)).
I m just a bit worried about the QC problems. But maybe they resolved these issues in the latest units.
Based on the reviews, i wonder if the TA Monarch sounds like an iem version of the Denon D7000.
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Aug 11, 2021 at 9:09 AM Post #2,921 of 4,810
so my long awaited Oracle finally arrived :gs1000smile::gs1000smile::gs1000smile:



and a photo of the happy family :dt880smile:

PS how long for the burnin? after just a couple hours I'm hearing a little bit too much mid-highs (while highs are very good), a little bit too recessed mids and a somewhat uneven transition between subbass and midbass.... hopefully will get better with burnin....

PPS suggestions for tips/cable?

PPPS out of curiosity, I have read Oracle are using a 3 ways xover, does this means that DD=bass , BA=mids , EST=highs ? i.e. EST is taking care not only of super-highs but also highs?
Aug 12, 2021 at 2:32 AM Post #2,922 of 4,810
So overall I love my monarchs and I’m happy with my purchase. However, I do find the bass lacking definition even after EQing the mid bass up. I’m guessing if I wanted an comparable option with better bass I’d either have to spend much more money (iezr1 or legend se)?
Aug 12, 2021 at 5:20 AM Post #2,923 of 4,810
just a quick update on my previous comment on burnin. after some use (not so much, I would estimate less than 20h) now the Oracle sound really much better overall, I no more hear any incoherency in the basses and the low-treble have settled down a lot, now I'm fully enjoying these little toys, really great IEMs :L3000:
Aug 12, 2021 at 8:00 AM Post #2,924 of 4,810
Hi, i just received my Monarch. The sound is as everyone discribed : neutral with more subbass. To my ears, they are a bit dark sounding but i usually listen to my music with a grado PS1000e :gs1000smile: I m sure they will open up a bit more after the burnin period.
You have to listen to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with the Monarch :ksc75smile:

I have several DAC/amp at home: Musical Fidelity M1HPA, SoundBlaster G6 and encore MDSD
I tried them all and i have good results with the Encore mdsd as it brings more midbass and tame a bit the subbass region.
It gives a more natural sounding and it sounds great when listening to some rock songs.


Buuuut Musical Fidelity M1HPA + Monarch is better for electro / jazz / orchestra genres
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Aug 12, 2021 at 9:50 AM Post #2,925 of 4,810
I've got my monarchs now for about two months. I also ordered 2 extra cables, the LSC08 and the DUNU DUW02. I immediately changed to the LSC08, and let them burnin for around 40 hours. I was very happy with the LSC08, but I hadn't have long listening sessions. I did that last week, and I noticed that I thought the sound was slightly dull and subdued. So I changed to the DUNU cable. And the sound changed a bit. The Monarchs opened up a bit more. With the LSC08 I already thought the it was really transparant, wit a good subbass. That didn't change with the DUNU, but the sound was a bit fresher, wider, more fun. I really like the thinness of the DUNU cable, it is very light and sleek.
I still have to try the cable it came with, but I wish I had ordered it straight with the 4.4mm plug instead of the 2.5mm with the adapters. Those make the plug really bulky.
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