ThieAudio Signature Series Tribrid IEMs
Sep 4, 2020 at 10:11 AM Post #361 of 4,812
I had the JVC Massdrop set. I never really connected with their sound, in spite of all the appreciation out there among its owners. The Monarchs are impressively detailed. I’ve given them some time with the Palladium Silver Leonidas II because that was my favorite cable with the Valkyrie, and, you know, both being tri-hybrids, I thought it would suit it. I think I was wrong. The clarity is almost razor sharp. To my taste, I would prefer to smooth out the edges a little. I suspect the Leonidas II will have some influence over the clarity and extension of the Clairvoyance and I’m really looking forward to getting my set so I can pair them.

I personally don't believe in the magic power of cables to alter the inherent sound of a transducer. The Clairvoyances are, as well, impressively detailed. And if the lack of detail was what kept you from liking the JVC, I can see how these IEMs would suit your preferences.

Edit- I actually had to go and look this up. You purchased an $888 dollar cable for an IEM that cost just over $700?
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Sep 4, 2020 at 10:18 AM Post #362 of 4,812
I personally don't believe in the magic power of cables to alter the inherent sound of a transducer. The Clairvoyances are, as well, impressively detailed. And if the lack of detail was what kept you from liking the JVC, I can see how these IEMs would suit your preferences.

Edit- I actually had to go and look this up. You purchased an $888 dollar cable for an IEM that cost just over $700?
I don’t believe in magic either, but I am definitely liking the Monarch better with the PWA no. 10 than I do with the Leonidas II. As expected, it smoothed things out a bit.
No. I purchased the Leonidas II to go with the Valkyrie, Nio, and (with adapters) the Solaris 2020. I have yet to try it with the Odin as I have no issues at all with it paired with the Stormbreaker.
Sep 4, 2020 at 10:22 AM Post #363 of 4,812
I don’t believe in magic either, but I am definitely liking the Monarch better with the PWA no. 10 than I do with the Leonidas II. As expected, it smoothed things out a bit.
No. I purchased the Leonidas II to go with the Valkyrie, Nio, and (with adapters) the Solaris 2020. I have yet to try it with the Odin as I have no issues at all with it paired with the Stormbreaker.
I personally don't believe in the magic power of cables to alter the inherent sound of a transducer. The Clairvoyances are, as well, impressively detailed. And if the lack of detail was what kept you from liking the JVC, I can see how these IEMs would suit your preferences.

Edit- I actually had to go and look this up. You purchased an $888 dollar cable for an IEM that cost just over $700?
I’ve experimented with a few different Effect Audio cables as well as Hansound and PWA. The Leonidas II is one of our favorites here. We have a few sources in the studio with different termination configurations and we like to play around with these things.
Sep 4, 2020 at 10:37 AM Post #364 of 4,812
I personally don't believe in the magic power of cables to alter the inherent sound of a transducer. The Clairvoyances are, as well, impressively detailed. And if the lack of detail was what kept you from liking the JVC, I can see how these IEMs would suit your preferences.

Edit- I actually had to go and look this up. You purchased an $888 dollar cable for an IEM that cost just over $700?
My partner still uses his JVC set for editing. I’ve sold everything off and am very happy with the Monarch and Odin as my reference sets. I don’t really like to have more than 2 at a time, and we keep gear moving in and out of the studio so we can try different things out, and we have to move things out as new things come in, to be able to afford to do that. I will likely only keep one of the Monarch or Clairvoyance after I get it and have some time to compare both sets.
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Sep 4, 2020 at 11:44 AM Post #366 of 4,812
Does anyone here have the MEST and a Monarch or Clairvoyance to compare?
Sep 4, 2020 at 12:14 PM Post #367 of 4,812
Looks like we are on same boat. Crin's review made me want to give chance for ThieAudio, if they are to my signature preferences, I would pull the trigger, but little thin and sterile on lower mids and more emphasize on upper mids made me think twice.
On other side Z1R is my dream IEM, never try it personally but based on observation, great reviews, looks like they are great end game, one of the best IEM in the world. They are sure expensive, but Sony also have big name here, and maybe easier to sell if i want to upgrade in the future. Signature wise, sony is more to my preferences also. I scared if i jump to monarch, i will still dream about Z1R, but currently the Z1R is way out of my budget.
Mest is something i want to try, Tune also good, but think MEST will be on third place of the option for me to have them, price wise, and i trust Sony more, since i have great experience with them (IER-M7, EX1000, and heard Z5, N3, and other non flagships).
My unsolicited opinion on this, worth less than 2c. If I were in your shoes, and had the Trio already, I probably wouldn’t be looking at the Monarch, Clairvoyance, or MEST much. I’d have my eyes set on the Z1R, as it would present something quite different likely.
Sep 4, 2020 at 2:25 PM Post #369 of 4,812
My unsolicited opinion on this, worth less than 2c. If I were in your shoes, and had the Trio already, I probably wouldn’t be looking at the Monarch, Clairvoyance, or MEST much. I’d have my eyes set on the Z1R, as it would present something quite different likely.

Well I already ordered the Monarch to be sub bass specialists, but good point on the MEST. Ive been so tempted but you're right. They seem very similar to the Trio
Sep 4, 2020 at 2:44 PM Post #370 of 4,812
And which headphones will be more suitable for listening to heavy metal - Clair, Monarch and UM MEST ? Are UM MEST such cool headphones that caused such a stir around themselves...

For the Monarch - depends on how it is mastered. Firewind "Premonition" album? Amazing. Dream Theater "Stargazer" cover off the "Black Clouds" album? Oh yeah. Killer. In fact, their "Distance Over Time" album is audiophile-grade and the Monarch shows it off well. The high-rez remasters of Tool? Absolutely. Meshuggah's "Born in Dissonance" from "Violent Sleep of Reason" is transcendent. I can actually understand him without looking at the lyrics and the kick drum slams beautifully. Raw sounding tracks like Mastodon's "Leviathan" album sounds incredible. "Backpfeifengesicht" by Animals as Leaders is intense the way it should be - the Monarch holds up a great mirror to the complexity.

Holy Diver? Nope. 80's Van Halen? Nope (though the bass lines on "Poundcake" are very clear and distinct). "Kill 'em All" by Metallica? The original is disappointing, but the remaster is pretty sweet. Vektor "Terminal Redux" vocals and guitar work sounds amazing, but the bass is too lean. 70's stuff usually sounds good, though. "Stained Class" is very nice, as is Rainbow's first album.

The Monarch won't give you the elevated mid-bass needed to make those 80's tracks do their magic. Clairvoyance likely would, though. Which is probably why BGGAR didn't really care for the Monarch and loved the Clair.
Sep 4, 2020 at 2:57 PM Post #371 of 4,812
Hi, fellow Mangird fans... A quick, and very subjective update.

So, I spent quite some time over the last couple days doing some A-B comparisons between the Tea and the Monarch. The biggest difference is, without question, the treble. The Monarch has both more and what's there is higher quality. When listening to very busy tracks like the last minute of Opeth's "Eternal Rains May Come" a lot of the percussion strike/decay and space around the instruments, while present with the Tea, is simply not as present and obvious as with the Monarch. I feel like sometimes I have to "search" with my ears to find treble data with the Tea, while with the Monarch it is just all there effortlessly - like it's not even trying. Honestly, I haven't experienced anything like it. It has all the treble I could want (and my daily driver is a Beyer T1.2, so I love treble probably more than most), but with such precision and naturalness. I never get any fatigue or harshness. Ever. It's truly remarkable.

The mids are about the same. HOWEVER, since the treble on the Tea is diminished (not just in volume, but in detail) compared to the Monarch, the mids on the Tea are more noticeable. So the experience of listening with the Tea gives more emphasis to the vocalist. When switching back and forth between the two, listening to rather simple acoustic tracks with a vocalist and piano, I found the quality and texture of the mids to be equivalent between the two. But this is really the Tea's home turf. It's MEANT to deliver the goods on the mids, and it sure does. When listening to the Monarch I don't feel like I'm trading the luscious mids of the Tea for more detail in the treble. But they're not as "front and center" as with the Tea.

The bass, on further listening, is also more different than I initially thought. I think what's happening is this: because the Monarch reserves the dynamic driver for only the deepest frequencies, it doesn't really get as engaged as much as with the Tea. For example, you can clearly hear the mechanical action of the harpsichord on Gelnn Gould's performance of Handel's "Suite 1 in A Major, IV. Gigue." On the Tea (and on IEM's like the BQEYZ Spring and CCA CA16) the dynamic driver gets to deliver that part of the frequency range. You get a nice, almost tactile sensation of the mechanism as the performer strikes the keys. This is pure conjecture for what I'm hearing, but on the Monarch, I don't think those sounds are quite deep enough, and so they wind up being handled by the 4 BA woofers. All the detail is there, but not the "feel" of the instrument. It's like the UE Triple.fi10. BA Speed, yes. DD Authority, no. It sounds ultra-clean, almost like using a scientific instrument to examine the recordings. But it's not as satisfying as the hybrids that let the dynamic driver play along. It's a compromise, and one that I like for the most part - let the speed and precision of the BA woofers do everything until you need the sub skull massage. But it's still a compromise. For some of the Aphex Twin tracks being shared in this thread, the Monarch is the obvious choice, since it digs deeper and can hammer the eardrum if you want it to. It's not polite - but it is perfectly clear and tight. It's like having highly resolving stand-mount speakers crossed over at 70hz with a set of very large sealed subs being driven by a few thousand watts of class-D amplification exercising an iron grip on the massive driver.

To my ears, the Tea has a smoothed out, slightly rolled-off treble. It's also physically lighter than the Monarch and, for my ears, more comfortable for long periods of time. The Monarch is very large and I don't even try to put them all the way inside my concha. They just sit flush with the intertragic notch with the top half hanging out - it's weird but I do the same thing with the Tea, the only thing is that with the Tea there's less hanging outside the ear. I probably will still be using the Tea for very long sessions since they kinda "disappear" in my ears after a few minutes and the smoothed treble makes them easy to listen to when just enjoying the music and not doing critical listening. But the Monarch is clearly a better set of earphones. More detail, better treble, better/deeper sub-bass, and the mids are just as good.

I think I still agree with what I said earlier in the thread - if you like what the Tea is doing: sub-bass emphasis, beautiful mids, somewhat lean sound - then you'll probably like the Monarch. Even more sub-bass, mids just as good, slightly leaner sound. I think the real dividing line will be over the treble. It's very different between the two, but I see them as being members of the same overall family.

I have a Amazon HD subscription, so if you want me to compare particular tracks, just let me know.

I am a T1 user as well. New to IEM games. I curious how's the Monarch comparing to T1? I am using Fiio FH7 now. Trying to dip my finger into either Moondrop S8 or Monarch/Clairvoyance
Sep 4, 2020 at 10:51 PM Post #372 of 4,812
My Thieaudio Clairvoyance (UIEM) has arrived earlier than anticipated. This post is more to express my excitement rather than doing a detailed impression.

Packed with 8 drivers on each side, the IEM shell is on the fatter size. While I had no issues with fit, my wife with her tiny ears could just for them right with no more wiggle room (Pics for reference).

Out of the box, the tonality is excellent - I love the Harman IEM frequency response with less energetic upper mids and these were spot on. Some of you may find them to be on the warmer side, but for me they are neutral with a slight mid bass boost.

This IEM has one of the most inoffensive treble presentation while still packed with a good amount of details and air.
The ESTs need some good juice to shine - while they were pretty good with my LG G6, they were much better with the iFi Nano BL and top notch with my desktop chain. That said these IEMs are definitely not power hungry.

The bass riffs are so juicy that I'm finding myself difficult going back to other earphones or headphones I possess.

Detailed review will arrive soon, after I've got some decent time with them.
Sep 4, 2020 at 11:24 PM Post #373 of 4,812
My unsolicited opinion on this, worth less than 2c. If I were in your shoes, and had the Trio already, I probably wouldn’t be looking at the Monarch, Clairvoyance, or MEST much. I’d have my eyes set on the Z1R, as it would present something quite different likely.
Nah, you always have good point on your comments and I appreciate it. Yes I have Trio but actually i believe that Monarch or Clairvoyance is a better set, the drivers, I'm not sure which one is better between Sonion and Knowles in the same class level, and Sony too, but seems like Sony have more resolution over the Trio (Sonion), even Knowles from my experience may have more resolution and bites, crispiness, while Sonion have more smooth characteristic. I can't say it for sure unless we are hearing 2 same set with exact same tuning, just different drivers. But my M7 have a little bit resolution especially in mids and high mids, and more details than Trio, not necessarily the "fake resolution and clarity" over boosting, but real microdetails, effortlessly.Trio mids arent slouch either, they are very good and smooth, but things like being smoothen over, Its a good thing being smooth, but a little bit too smooth that i'm craving some bites and more energy attack. This can be the too smooth tuning too, they need more boost and dips, and that 5-7khz dip while important to avoid sibilances, they are too much recessed i think.
Secondly the $200 differences, beside applied to more drivers on Monarch/Clairvoyance, they also benefit from 1 more tube, The ThieAudio twin brothers have 4 way crossover instead of 3 on Mofasest, that made differences too, and I think worth the $200 gap.
Currently I also in dilemma like everyone else once again, the Clairvoyance tuning is closer to my preferences, while Monarch isn't. If only Monarch were tuned like Clairvoyance, or Clairvoyance is the one with more driver thus better in technicalities, it will be much easier to choose from.

So short story i believe that Trio < $200 = Monarch/Clairvoyance < $1000 = Z1R

Its still a value upgrade from Trio to Monarch/Clairvoyance IMHO, but as you said, true endgame experience lay on Z1R but that a huge amount to spend, where diminishing law applied as much.

Im not in hurry but definitely Im going to grab one of them later on.

Well I already ordered the Monarch to be sub bass specialists, but good point on the MEST. Ive been so tempted but you're right. They seem very similar to the Trio

They will be an upgrade from Smooth Trio i guess, let us know your impressions later

For the Monarch - depends on how it is mastered. Firewind "Premonition" album? Amazing. Dream Theater "Stargazer" cover off the "Black Clouds" album? Oh yeah. Killer. In fact, their "Distance Over Time" album is audiophile-grade and the Monarch shows it off well. The high-rez remasters of Tool? Absolutely. Meshuggah's "Born in Dissonance" from "Violent Sleep of Reason" is transcendent. I can actually understand him without looking at the lyrics and the kick drum slams beautifully. Raw sounding tracks like Mastodon's "Leviathan" album sounds incredible. "Backpfeifengesicht" by Animals as Leaders is intense the way it should be - the Monarch holds up a great mirror to the complexity.

Holy Diver? Nope. 80's Van Halen? Nope (though the bass lines on "Poundcake" are very clear and distinct). "Kill 'em All" by Metallica? The original is disappointing, but the remaster is pretty sweet. Vektor "Terminal Redux" vocals and guitar work sounds amazing, but the bass is too lean. 70's stuff usually sounds good, though. "Stained Class" is very nice, as is Rainbow's first album.

The Monarch won't give you the elevated mid-bass needed to make those 80's tracks do their magic. Clairvoyance likely would, though. Which is probably why BGGAR didn't really care for the Monarch and loved the Clair.

Good points and observation. Definitely the clairvoyance will have more punch based on their mid bass, and BGGAR is bass lover, he loves punchy bass from the very start of his videos.

So do your monarchs have punch on modern recording? Do they "lack" of punch?
Sep 4, 2020 at 11:36 PM Post #374 of 4,812
Though the Clairvoyance may have less micro details and not as good instrument separation and imaging, Crin made specific note that this is in comparison to the Monarch, so that’s a high bar. I’m glad to read that when assessing the Clairvoyance by itself, everyone has made note that the detail retrieval and other technicalities are great, and not lacking at all.
Sep 4, 2020 at 11:36 PM Post #375 of 4,812
I do not own a custom fit IEM, but I may give the Monarch a go. I think it’s pretty great. With the MAX and PWA no. 10, the edginess has smoothed out and the tonal balance is surprisingly forgiving of so much of the early 80’s post punk that occupies my music collection. I didn’t expect that.

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