The Two Towers - What did you like about it?? *SPOILERS!!!*
Dec 21, 2002 at 12:21 AM Post #16 of 28

Originally posted by pearle
In my opnion they weakened Faramir's character considerably. I was very disappointed by how he was portrayed in the movie.

I definitely agree with this. I think Faramir was such a great character in the book...

Not to pick at the movie (which I did enjoy), and not to start a "what was different..." thread, but there weren't elves at Helm's Deep in the book were there? I can't recall...
Dec 21, 2002 at 12:46 AM Post #17 of 28
No there weren't elves (besides Legolas), and riders don't save the day. The ents herd the trees into the orcs, and the trees are rather pissed at the orc for cutting down their bretheren.

I too don't like what they did to Farimir, he was supposed to be different from his brother, and that was compleatly changed in the movie. That, IMO was a great waste of time, whcich they could have used much better.
Dec 21, 2002 at 2:06 AM Post #18 of 28
Favourite Effect: the black gate and the two trolls who open and close it.
Favourite part: Smeagol's mental battle with Gollum.
Dec 21, 2002 at 4:47 AM Post #19 of 28
My favorite part too was the internal battle of Gollum. It provided a humourous diversion to all of the doom and gloom. I also liked the the two moves Legolas performed (pulling himself onto the horse and sliding down the stairs while raining arrows).
Dec 21, 2002 at 5:13 AM Post #20 of 28
Ok My Experience....bit of a rant...

Well I saw it in a god awful theater. The screen was half the size it should have been. There was no surrond sound...was like one maybe two speakers upfront turned loud as hell. Sounded AWFUL! I woulda rather had the audio track and be listing on my headphones....would been a hellll of a lot better. When I terned my head I could hear the projector running. There was a misprint in the paper, got there at 4:00pm sign outside said there was an error and no matnee. So had to wait till 7:30, pay more. My mother I had to drag along. I am home from collge and dont have a car here, so i had to get a ride. She was bitching at me the whole time. She utterly hated the movie...

As far as the movie...well i think my enviorment really spoiled it for me...i could not just sit back and enjoy. The movie itself was good, but not as good I was hoping it would be. I did enjoy it, maybe it was a bit too action orientated...but was still good.

I hope to see it again in a proper theater...I will NEVER go back to the one I went to.
Dec 21, 2002 at 5:13 AM Post #21 of 28
Yeah, all my favorite scenes have been covered. The 2 that made me laugh out loud were the Ent extinguishing, and Gimli's complaint about the poor view from his perch at Helm's Deep. What impressed me most was the way some of the scenes were just the way I imagined them, like the meeting of the Ents, and The Black Gate. The effects shown when Frodo falls into the swamp are also cool. If there's anything I'd like to see more of, its more continuous shots in the battle scenes.

Hey, that elf commander at Helm's Deep looks familiar. Is that Rimmer from Red Dwarf?
Dec 21, 2002 at 8:19 AM Post #22 of 28
BEST PART: Camera moving seeing hundreds of elves lined on the walls of Helm's Deep awaiting the attack...then you see the very very top of Gimli's helmet, his face well below the line of stone...

whole theatre laughed during that part...
Dec 22, 2002 at 11:43 AM Post #24 of 28
..and when the second of those giant rats (or whatever) fell on gimli.
Dec 22, 2002 at 8:01 PM Post #25 of 28
The battle scenes were great, but I found it interesting that Jackson used the Arwen/Aragorn ending from the appendix and used their romance/tragedy in such a visible way. The choice that Arwen makes to remain in Middle Earth with Aragorn is a pretty touching episode. In the book, after Aragorn dies, Arwen, broken hearted and separated from all that she loves, wanders off into the old Elven woods and lays herself down to die/sleep permanently (alone). This ending of their relationship is pretty much buried in the actual books and I was both surprised that Jackson brought this up in the second installment and also disappointed in how inadequately he portrayed the import and tragedy of her choice. Ah, well, I suppose we shouldn't expect everything to be handled well on such a huge project.
Dec 23, 2002 at 2:01 AM Post #26 of 28

Originally posted by BoyElroy
The battle scenes were great, but I found it interesting that Jackson used the Arwen/Aragorn ending from the appendix and used their romance/tragedy in such a visible way. The choice that Arwen makes to remain in Middle Earth with Aragorn is a pretty touching episode. In the book, after Aragorn dies, Arwen, broken hearted and separated from all that she loves, wanders off into the old Elven woods and lays herself down to die/sleep permanently (alone). This ending of their relationship is pretty much buried in the actual books and I was both surprised that Jackson brought this up in the second installment and also disappointed in how inadequately he portrayed the import and tragedy of her choice. Ah, well, I suppose we shouldn't expect everything to be handled well on such a huge project.

As touching as that was in the book, it would only look extremely cheesy on film. I'm glad he didn't make it more tragical than he did.
Dec 23, 2002 at 2:34 AM Post #27 of 28
I saw this movie yesterday and thought it was good but a lot darker than the first one. If you like violence in movies then this movie will satisfy. I saw an early showing and it was still crowded as hell. I did see a lot of kids there and because of all the violence I would not recommend it for the younger kids(13 and younger). There were some funny parts and the special effects were awesome. I will be counting the months until the DVD comes out.

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