The Two Towers - What did you like about it?? *SPOILERS!!!*
Dec 19, 2002 at 11:09 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


Exhibit A in the case FOR a legal drinking age.
Dec 24, 2001

I wanted to hear what the rest of you think of the film. I know there's another thread, but I don't want to spoil the fun for those who haven't seen it yet!

What's your favourite part?

For me it was the entes. Those walking trees are so awesome, I love them!! And the new Gandalf rocks!
Dec 20, 2002 at 8:02 AM Post #3 of 28
The ent that put himself out (on fire) in the water that floods Isengard.

Gandalf and Eomer's company riding down the mountainside

and lots of other stuff...
Dec 20, 2002 at 2:31 PM Post #4 of 28

Originally posted by mlchang
The ent that put himself out (on fire) in the water that floods Isengard.

Hehe, yeah that was pretty funny!

And the Elven archer army was really great as well.. I love elfs, they are so cool and professional.
Dec 20, 2002 at 3:33 PM Post #5 of 28
I saw it at 10:30 last night and loved it. The effects were the best I've ever seen in any movie to date and the level of excitement throughout the entire movie was way higher than in "Fellowship". That could be a little unfair to Fellowship because it had to use much of the 3 hours introducing and getting to know characters while "Towers" jumped right in with adventure from the very beginning and continued to be filled with action.

I've always been a fan of medieval times, and found the movie's costumes and the battle/seige scenes to be spectacular.

The attention to detail was excellent...right down to the dirty, tooth bitten fingernails. I can imagine there'd be a lot fingernail biting going on in a time/place like that.
Dec 20, 2002 at 4:30 PM Post #6 of 28

Originally posted by mbriant
I saw it at 10:30 last night and loved it. The effects were the best I've ever seen in any movie to date and the level of excitement throughout the entire movie was way higher than in "Fellowship". That could be a little unfair to Fellowship because it had to use much of the 3 hours introducing and getting to know characters while "Towers" jumped right in with adventure from the very beginning and continued to be filled with action.

I've always been a fan of medieval times, and found the movie's costumes and the battle/seige scenes to be spectacular.

The attention to detail was excellent...right down to the dirty, tooth bitten fingernails. I can imagine there'd be a lot fingernail biting going on in a time/place like that.

Your favoruite part/effect!!???
Dec 20, 2002 at 5:01 PM Post #7 of 28
My favorites were the balrog scenes, gandalf fighting the balrog, the ents attacking isengard, most of helms deep or whatever the name of that place was.

I thought the ent putting itself out in the flood was funny as hell too... as well as the part with gandalf convincing the gaurd to keep his staff and then winking at the rest of the party
Dec 20, 2002 at 5:05 PM Post #8 of 28
I'd have to say I'm torn as to my favorite effect/part.

I like how they developed the relationship between Legolas and Gimli. The part where Gimli is hacking orcs and is counting up his kills was just what I envisioned.

On The other hand, Golum was great. The whole use of a real person in the filming really made the character seem real. The parts with Golum/Smegul argueing were great.

Biggest disapointment: Shadowfax. Come on, a white horse. They could have done better....
Dec 20, 2002 at 5:36 PM Post #9 of 28

Originally posted by CaptBubba
I'd have to say I'm torn as to my favorite effect/part.

I like how they developed the relationship between Legolas and Gimli. The part where Gimli is hacking orcs and is counting up his kills was just what I envisioned.

On The other hand, Golum was great. The whole use of a real person in the filming really made the character seem real. The parts with Golum/Smegul argueing were great.

Biggest disapointment: Shadowfax. Come on, a white horse. They could have done better....

I agree with all three of your assessments.

Legolas-Gimli : nice,

Golumm/Smeagul argument : nice,

Shadowfax : Should have had a trail of sparcling particles or something like that. Just a plain white horse = lame.

- and I also think it would be cooler if Gandalf showed his magic powers more, like the fireworks in the Fellowship...
Dec 20, 2002 at 7:06 PM Post #10 of 28
i think ive become too hardcore a fan of the books...
im going to see it at least one more time this weekend before i really post here, but i agree that gandalf could have demonstrated more of his might (the fight with the balrog was cut way too short...dont get me started), shadowfax DID just look like a normal horse (cmon, jackson, just give him a little blur or somthing, sigh)

i loved orc trampling by the ents...gollum looked amazing, as did treebeard.

ill have many many more comments later. i was disappointed, but that had more to do with the editing. im trying to control my rants about adding irrelevant was a movie, not the book...but ...but...

i enjoyed fellowship far more, and the cheese factor was drastically cut down in TT, thankfully
Dec 20, 2002 at 8:46 PM Post #12 of 28

Originally posted by joe
I really liked Gimli's comments, the relationship between Legolas and Gimli, and the set of Helm's Deep... I mean, WOW.

Hehe... that wasn't really a set, it was all digital...

[edit: though I didn't mean to mock you. Also, it could be that you actually meant digital set]
Dec 20, 2002 at 10:09 PM Post #14 of 28
It was a set, 1/10th scale I think. All the orcs and defenders were digital, but the actual fortress of helms deep was recorded the same way Star Trek used to do it, have a detailed miniture and just get really up close. They also built a full scale section about 25ft long (if I remember right) to get shots with the actors in it.

I too am a huge fan of the books, and could tell you every little detail that was changed, added, or dropped in the transfer to the big screen. But I keep reminding myself, "Its a movie, I know what happens in the scenes they dropped." To me the movie is just an extension of the books. I know the way its supposed to happen.

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