The Touhou AND Vocaloid music thread!
May 10, 2012 at 7:06 PM Post #211 of 535
I am sue they'll think of something I find it hard to believe to that they would make Kaito and Meiko star after ONLY one song each...
I like it when my Vocaloids to Prog. Rock as well as Rock AND Touhou used to make GAME PVs!

May 10, 2012 at 7:08 PM Post #212 of 535
Here is an awesome PV of Touhou made for the MMD cup 8 contest!  

May 14, 2012 at 2:34 AM Post #214 of 535
Yeah, wowaka is a really good composer. "Two-Faced Lovers", "World's End Dancehall", "Unhappy Refrain", and my personal favorite - "Rolling Girl".

(This is probably a repost, considering how much I love the song. Don't care.)
-- Griffinhart
May 17, 2012 at 2:53 PM Post #216 of 535
I've looked through the entire thread and didn't see any of these songs posted. Click any of the names to go the corresponding YouTube video. Since I wanted to post more than just a couple of songs, I didn't see it very practical to link all of the videos so that they could be viewed directly on this page. I don't think I could've made it look neat and the post would have been a mile long which I don't especially like.
The first song is sung by Rin, the three following ones by Luka and the rest is pure Miku. Beyond that I haven't really tried to arrange the songs in any specific order. Well, I didn't want to place the Vocalotus song last, but that's mostly it. I had a couple of different songs in mind but wasn't either able to locate them on YouTube or couldn't find videos that were decent enough quality to be worth sharing. AVTechNO!'s Plus is one example of this; I couldn't find a decent enough video of the original song so I linked the Yuyoyuppe remix instead. For the last song on the list I tried to find the version sung by Luka but failed being forced to be content with Miku's version instead. Both are good but I think I prefer Luka's version. My intention was to have one song in the mix sung by Len and Rin, but I couldn't find that one either. The one I had in mind is called The Youth Killer by kiichi, but the other track I've linked from the same album is great as well, although very different musically.
Anyway, the songs are listed below. As an interesting side note today marks the day that I've know about Vocaloid for a full week. I listen to a lot of music but I wonder if I've ever before heard this much new music during a single week. I've practically gone through every Vocaloid album I could find on the iTunes Store and bought over 30 hours worth of music(!). All purchased were based on listening to the previews and from time to time checking out the full version of certain songs on YouTube to get a better picture of what the songs are like. God knows how many songs I've previewed during the past week if I've bought a little over 400 songs. Probably at least 2000 songs I'd wager since there's a lot of super poppy Vocaloid stuff out there that I just can't stand. Same goes for quite many of the rock albums I've sampled which seem to my ears have very little creativity going on (at least based on the iTunes previews which tend to typically only play the choruses leaving out all the cool intros and leaving out the parts where the song might build momentum or tension before advancing to the next part of the song).
May 20, 2012 at 3:07 AM Post #217 of 535
IF it makes you feel better I am familiar with just about all of those songs!
I just tend to like different and odd ones as evidenced by the ones I posted! I simple Adore IA's voice as well as her model as it pops up in a LOT of MMDs these days!
I spend a rather large amount of time over a large Vocaloid forum too... 

May 21, 2012 at 11:40 AM Post #219 of 535
IF it makes you feel better I am familiar with just about all of those songs!
I just tend to like different and odd ones as evidenced by the ones I posted! I simple Adore IA's voice as well as her model as it pops up in a LOT of MMDs these days!
I spend a rather large amount of time over a large Vocaloid forum too... 

It doesn't really make a difference for me whether someone visiting the thread has already heard some or all of the songs I mention before seeing my post, or if they end up listening to the songs for the first time because I mentioned them. The end result is the same: They've heard the music. After that it's up to each person to form their own opinion of what they heard. There seems to be so much variety in the music where Vocaloids are used that possibly no one (or at least very few people) on the planet can say that they genuinely like each and every song that's out there.
I've kind of even stopped trying to deduce what kind of music people who I know well might enjoy after being positively surprised so many times recently. Most recent example of this is actually Vocaloid related so I might as well share it. It took me a while to learn to appreciate HSP's music since I haven't really listened to that much electronic music, or at least not trance, techno or stuff like that. Not during the past ten years at least. Well, I played The Endless Love to my mother who is around 60 years old and before the vocals finally come in she thought that the song was coming to a close soon and started to tell me how much she loved the song. This wasn't as surprising as finding out that she'd sought out a song by Moonsorrow on YouTube after reading my Facebook posting about the band, and her telling me she likes their music. It also wasn't as surprising as her telling me that one of the tracks I played her from Brian Eno's Ambient 4 album was possibly the best thing she had ever heard in her life. Still, an interesting thing to learn.
But enough with the rambling already; it's time to bring out some more music. Most of the people who actively seek out Vocaloid stuff have probably heard most of these already, but I'm mainly trying to help out people who might be lurking around the forum anonymously looking for new music among other things. The last song however is pretty new, so many might not have heard it yet. The video is pretty nice too, although my personal interest is almost 100% in the music. Adding visual content to accompany a song just feels like... adding salt on your omelet(?). Bad example, since I pretty much hate the taste of salt (sea salt can be a good combination with pepper with certain types of food, though). Oh, and I'm embedding the videos this time around just to try it out and because some might find that visually more appealing / more practical for viewing purposes.

I tried to have two videos per row but apparently no dice. Also, the long version of Filozofio is 8½ minutes long but I couldn't find a video that has decent sound quality.
Edit: No actually it seemed to turn out like I intended. The preview window was lying to me. Success! Inserting smiley face --> 

May 25, 2012 at 9:24 AM Post #220 of 535
Not sure if anyone here has heard Imagination Forest before, but that's an awesome song. It's IA, but it also has a number of great covers and there's a remix that I like as well. (Original) (halyosy cover) (remix)
They're all lovely.
I also like these ones a lot, in no particular order- Dream Inside a Dream Astronauts Heat-Haze Days
And then my all-time favorite Vocaloid song would have to be Piano Lesson, I believe. And, of course, the large majority of its remixes. (Original) (asp-mix) (Miki remix)
I gotta say, my favorite by far is the Miki remix. But maybe that's just because it's Miki (who is one of my favorites) and because there's a rather prominent double bass playing the background...
Anyway, my favorite Vocaloids are SF-A2 Miki, GUMI, and more recently I've been enjoying IA quite a bit as well. My favorite producers are Powapowa, DECO*27 (of course), Jin, Wowaka, etc... the list goes on, haha.
May 25, 2012 at 11:37 PM Post #221 of 535
Hey, I'm new here, but long time Touhou music lover.
I'll try to post stuff that isn't on YouTube, so I'll give links to the MP3 uploaded to my sound cloud. I wish I knew how to embed Sound Cloud in here. You can download the mp3 you're listening to too.

This one is on YouTube, Hellion Sound, Crimson Nightmare 紅より儚い永遠 (and you can go listen to the mp3 + download here: )

If someone could tell me who made this:
I don't have enough information to identificate the song, but I would love to hear more from the artist
From the Uwabami Breaker GameSoundTrack (to which ZUN had a minor contribution):

I hope this wasn't posted before:

I already made a WatchLater playlist of all the videos on this thread on YouTube, I recognize Touhou songs but zéro vocaloid alas.
To me the original music in the Touhou games is unequalable.. and I can't get enough of it
 (Medley of all the music, characters, games, Bad Apple animation even makes a cameo)
Are there people enjoying the metal arranges? Demetori, IRON ATTACK!, CROW'SCLAW?

May 26, 2012 at 8:39 AM Post #225 of 535
OK, I've picked eight more videos to share. There's a small temptation to comment each with a word or two, but I believe it might affect the way those who haven't heard them before might approach them, so I will refrain from saying anything and let the music speak for itself.


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