The ultra-portable amplifier for IEMs
Dec 4, 2006 at 12:26 AM Post #241 of 931

Originally Posted by camille /img/forum/go_quote.gif
my post reserving my spot on the list for the tomahawk earlier in this thread. i might have to withdraw if no news comes up this week.


Originally Posted by Ray Samuels /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ladies & gentlemen...
I am horored to serve you by building an amp for you. I do not & will not take your money unless I have the products in my hand to ship to you.
This has always been my policy. I do believe in this policy & do think it is a healthy one. This also stops lots of complaines that some might post, "he took my money & doesn't answer my e-mail" or "took my money & have not delivered".
You have full privillage to cancel your order on this thread if you so wish. I really want to built the amp for you when the meterial is in my hand. So far I hope I can make your Holiday a merry one, but it all depends on the meterial being on time in my hand. Please be patiant, I will post as to when you should send the money when the time is right. All your orders on this thread will be honored, I have no problem with that.
Cheers to all my friend.
Ray Samuels

Well, ain't I somewhat prescient?
Dec 4, 2006 at 12:36 AM Post #242 of 931
Is it still posiblle to get one of these babies? If so, I'm in! What else would I need to do to get one besides posting here? If you previously explained it on this thread I'll look for it myself.


P.S. Can I get a black one?

P.P.S. Alright I'll wait for your response then. Hmm...what serial number could I get? How 'bout the fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657.) no...too obscure. How 'bout pi?! (3.1415...) yeah! for now let me get pi as the serial number (if possible), just go as far into it as you want.

Here it is to the 50th decimal place.

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10

I might change my mind about the serial number.

And I just did. Just place whatever serial number you want, I don't care anymore.

One more thing! I would like it with the gold knob.

Dec 4, 2006 at 1:36 AM Post #243 of 931

Originally Posted by Ray Samuels /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ladies & gentlemen...
I am horored to serve you by building an amp for you. I do not & will not take your money unless I have the products in my hand to ship to you.
This has always been my policy. I do believe in this policy & do think it is a healthy one. This also stops lots of complaines that some might post, "he took my money & doesn't answer my e-mail" or "took my money & have not delivered".
You have full privillage to cancel your order on this thread if you so wish. I really want to built the amp for you when the meterial is in my hand. So far I hope I can make your Holiday a merry one, but it all depends on the meterial being on time in my hand. Please be patiant, I will post as to when you should send the money when the time is right. All your orders on this thread will be honored, I have no problem with that.
Cheers to all my friend.
Ray Samuels

Now, that's what I call top-notch, first-class service. I know I don't even have the amp yet, but THANK YOU, RAY!! I've never met you or even conversed with you on here, but from what I've seen so far with all your postings and what others have said, you are a first-class businessman in my book. To be honest with you, I don't even care if I get my amp before Christmas, I'll wait, because I know it will be pleasure doing doing business with you.
Merry Christmas!
You're a Scholar & a Gentleman!
Dec 4, 2006 at 2:21 AM Post #244 of 931

Originally Posted by nickknutson /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now, that's what I call top-notch, first-class service. I know I don't even have the amp yet, but THANK YOU, RAY!! I've never met you or even conversed with you on here, but from what I've seen so far with all your postings and what others have said, you are a first-class businessman in my book. To be honest with you, I don't even care if I get my amp before Christmas, I'll wait, because I know it will be pleasure doing doing business with you.
Merry Christmas!
You're a Scholar & a Gentleman!

Yeah, I agree with you on this one [size=large]N[/size][size=large]i[/size][size=large]c[/size][size=large]k[/size]
Dec 4, 2006 at 3:01 AM Post #245 of 931
Ray....finally figured it out, thanks for the e-mail. I would like to get in line for the Tomahawk. sounds like the perfect match for my ALO Jumbo Silver & UE 10's...There is a Santa!
Dec 4, 2006 at 3:49 AM Post #246 of 931
Hey everyone ... just got my Tomahawk and as usual its the Prototype.. but anodized in white as will be offered in production... here's some comparisons in size between my Tomahawk Hornet and SR-71.. also pics of my old setup (60GB 4th Gen iPod and SR-71) and new setup (8GB Nano and Tomahawk)

SR-71, Hornet, Tomahawk

SR-71 and Hornet dont seem so small now huh?



Original Setup... New Setup

Man that Nano's small



Yes the Tomahawk is upside down .. so I dont scratch it or the Nano

Newest Setup.. Tomhawk, iPod Nano (8GB), Shure E500's, ALO Copper Dock
Dec 4, 2006 at 3:54 AM Post #247 of 931

Originally Posted by RaYSaMueLsSoN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey everyone ... just got my Tomahawk and as usual its the Prototype.. but anodized in white as will be offered in production... here's some comparisons in size between my Tomahawk Hornet and SR-71.. also pics of my old setup (60GB 4th Gen iPod and SR-71) and new setup (8GB Nano and Tomahawk)

SR-71, Hornet, Tomahawk

SR-71 SR-71 and Hornet dont seem so small now huh?



Original Setup... New Setup

Man that Nano's small



Yes the Tomahawk is upside down .. so I dont scratch it or the Nano

Newest Setup.. Tomhawk, iPod Nano (8GB), Shure E500's, ALO Copper Dock

How can you anodize in White? And if thats true tell your DAD to Call Todd in CT. because I want the first White one with Gold knob! Also I need to talk to him about a home amp. I know he is busy but please tell him I asked for him to call.
Dec 4, 2006 at 6:17 AM Post #250 of 931

Originally Posted by RaYSaMueLsSoN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey everyone ... just got my Tomahawk and as usual its the Prototype.. but anodized in white as will be offered in production... here's some comparisons in size between my Tomahawk Hornet and SR-71.. also pics of my old setup (60GB 4th Gen iPod and SR-71) and new setup (8GB Nano and Tomahawk)
Yes the Tomahawk is upside down .. so I dont scratch it or the Nano

Newest Setup.. Tomahawk, iPod Nano (8GB), Shure E500's, ALO Copper Dock

So the bottom of the Tomahawk has some sort of rubber attachments? I was wondering how I would keep my Nano from getting scratched by it without a case, but if I could flip it over like that I won't have to worry.
Dec 4, 2006 at 6:28 AM Post #251 of 931

Originally Posted by 4metta /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So the bottom of the Tomahawk has some sort of rubber attachments? I was wondering how I would keep my Nano from getting scratched by it without a case, but if I could flip it over like that I won't have to worry.

Ray provides 4 clear rubber bubble feet that are stick on (atleast on the Hornets). You can put them on wherever you want. Course you can always buy more from Home Depot if you wanted them on both sides...It'd be a waste though, considering how beautiful the lettering is.
Dec 4, 2006 at 12:28 PM Post #252 of 931
From the pics posted, the Tomahawk is actually smaller than the LDM+.
Well maybe the same thickness.

I cut out a piece of transparency that's just bigger that the LDM+,
so the Nano will not scratch when I put them all into a foof pouch.
One day I'll take some pics for the portable rig thread :/

Very noice indeed Ray!
Dec 4, 2006 at 1:05 PM Post #253 of 931
Something came over me this morning and I decided to do a count of all the reservations in this thread. At this point there are exactly 150 reservations. Of course some people may go back and edit their post to either reserve one or take back their reservation so keep that in mind.

Ray, I compiled a list of all the usernames in order. If you think this will be useful to you please let me know and I can email it to you.
Dec 4, 2006 at 1:19 PM Post #254 of 931

Originally Posted by ichiro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Something came over me this morning and I decided to do a count of all the reservations in this thread. At this point there are exactly 150 reservations. Of course some people may go back and edit their post to either reserve one or take back their reservation so keep that in mind.

Ray, I compiled a list of all the usernames in order. If you think this will be useful to you please let me know and I can email it to you.

Post it. I'd love to see how many Tomahawks until mine is built!
Dec 4, 2006 at 1:32 PM Post #255 of 931
Now that this thread has grown to 13 pages I think it's appropriate to collect all of the information related to the Tomahawk in to one post. Here's a summary of what Ray has said in this thread in a FAQ format. (Ray, please let me know if you would like me to edit/delete this)

How much does the Tomahawk cost?
The regular price will be $295 however, the first 200 Tomahawks will be sold for $250 plus shipping.

How do I get in on the $250 deal for the first 200 Tomahawks?
Please post your order for the Tomahawk in this thread, I will honor every one of them. Please do not pm me with your order nor e-mail me in that regard. This thread was purchased so you can very easily post your wish. The only reason I am asking this because your pms & e-mails are getting mixed with other that I have to reply to & if I don't reply to your orders you might think that I am not interested or don't care which is not true. To those who did not post thier order here, please do put the request for the Tomahawk in here so I woun't loose your order.

How much is shipping and will you ship overseas?
Shipping is $14 to the continental USA via Fed-Ex. Shipping outside of the US will be via USPS global express and cost $24.

When can I pay for the amp?
I do not & will not take your money unless I have the products in my hand to ship to you.
This has always been my policy. I do believe in this policy & do think it is a healthy one.
Please don't send money nor ask if you could, I would like to have the amps ready first before I request the payment.
I will let you know 2 weeks prior to the shipping date.

Will there be colors other than silver/white and black?
There might be color chassis in the near future. Black is the only color available for the first run.

What headphones were while designing the amp?
Shure E500, Shure E5C, Shure E4C, UE-10, & Etys
R-10, HD600, PS-1, & HF-1

How would you describe the sound of the amp?
Great detail with deep bass,soundstage that goes all around your head, fast yet not in your face, puts you in the middle of the hall.

What are the gain settings?
gain of 1 on low and 4 on high

What kind of battery life should I expect?
6 weeks of playback at 8-10 hours a day

Will the Tomahawk match well with my Grado's?
You will be very happy with the combo of Grado & Tomahawk. It brings the warmth to Grado with great detail.

What's the current status of the Tomahawk?
I am pushing as hard as I can on my end, chassis are getting done & in 2 days will go to the anodizer.
The problem is or should I say was, most of the parts are shifting to no lead parts which are made over seas, this delayed getting all my parts on time & the factory that does the SMD for the pc brds are loaded with work which delays my pc brds until Dec. 10th. Once I will get the brds I will work on the Tomahawk day & night to make all your christmas wishes come true.

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