The thread without a designated topic.
Jul 2, 2009 at 12:18 AM Post #166 of 327
Holy ****, I'm so nervous. I live in the North and there is this girl who lives in Texas and she is staying with her aunt and uncle next-door to my house. She used to stay here in the summer but she hasn't for 2 years. She used to be amazing and I used to have a crush on her so I'm nervous to see her after 2 years. I finally just called her but got an answering machine so hopefully she'll call back soon. I'm 17 btw, so I'm not one of the real young head-fi'ers, but I feel about as nervous as if I was though.

What complicates matters too, is that I just started my new job yesterday and that my brother who I haven't seen for like 6 months just came up yesterday too for the week.
Jul 2, 2009 at 12:39 AM Post #167 of 327
Well since I'm nervous I might as well talk about my new job to help with that. I just started yesterday and I'm working at the company that my dad works for. The company does electrical work for mostly commercial clients. The company itself is only like 15 guys so you know everybody in it and it's more like a team than a company. The guys that work there are a hardworking yet fun group. Most of them do field work but I am mostly going to be wiring up PLC's.

I already made and wired up one PLC and it's kind of tough stuff. You definitely couldn't just grab any kid off the street for what I'm doing. They were pretty impressed how fast I learned the wiring and schematic reading and that they didn't have to explain barely anything to me . I have to admit that it was pretty lucky of them to find someone my age who had even a little bit of background or confidence in doing it. The background I have is mostly just from building my computer and trying some DIY audio stuff. I was also in a Robotics class so that helped immensely in knowing what things do and how that kind of stuff worked.

We haven't really talked about wages but I'm pretty sure that it will be a bit above minimum wage just because it takes some training/background and the fact that most people wouldn't be interested in it.

Edit: A funny thing about the company is that its office is in a small village (not even a town). The location is central to where everybody lives and the job sites but the place doesn't even have an actual gas station. It pretty much only has a farmer's exchange where they also sell gas, a bar/restaurant, and a small school.
Jul 2, 2009 at 1:04 AM Post #168 of 327

Originally Posted by Ishcabible /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, and Gatto, that post is worthless without pics of them on!

I won't have them for at least week
but once I do I'll put up a photo because I want opinions about them

I'm at my awesome grandma's house for a hair cut/color/perm (I got damn lucky, my mom's mom has done hair for 50 years and my dad's mom does nails
)... you guys are lucky you don't have to do this stuff it's such a pain!
Jul 2, 2009 at 2:01 AM Post #169 of 327
Kirosia's Things I learned the Hard Way # 1 - Don't give your phone number to girls you haven't seen since you were seven. She may give it a crazy friend who talks to you for hours while defecating at the shoe store where she works; and insinuates wanting to have children with you even though it's only your second conversation and she's never even seen your face.
Jul 2, 2009 at 2:10 AM Post #170 of 327
What's wrong with denying the call? Or if it gets really bad, hanging up? Sure it's bad manners, but if she wants kids...

Oh, and good luck with the girl nickosha!
Jul 2, 2009 at 3:33 AM Post #171 of 327
Kirosia, that sounds like a hilarious story that I, oddly enough, want to hear more of or atleast a few more things you learned the hard way.

and thanks Ishcabible, I talked to her a little bit and I don't feel nervous at all anymore. I think she has a boyfriend but if she's as cool as she used to be just hanging out will be fun.
Jul 2, 2009 at 4:25 AM Post #172 of 327
How about more rules leaned on head-fi?

Rule No. 25: If you are going to do something that might make someone else a bit cross, don't post your phone number.


Anyway, god I missed like 3 pages in this thread and can't be bothered to go back and reply to all of them, but let's see if we can't reply to a few recent posts...

Hmmm... a bit hard to interpret that to tell you the truth, all I can say is good luck with the girl. ><d
Jul 2, 2009 at 4:29 AM Post #173 of 327
Guys, just sold my 5D and am currently without camera. I like photography, yeah but I also like gaming. Should I buy a maxed out Sager 9850 (gaming notebook) for $3400 or go with the D700 ($2300).

I already have a notebook but its screen is riddled with vertical lines. SVCHost also keeps shutting down at random intervals. Horrendous really. Gaming or photography? Hardest decision in my life really.

Future games I'd like to play: Bioshock series/Crysis series/Far Cry series/future KOTOR game/Fallout 3.

I really don't even know why I'm posting this in this thread. But I'm bored and am at a completely loss of what to buy first.

I have about $1200 right now and am still saving. Also I have to tell you guys that though I could buy both at a later, later date, I have to be wise at spending since I'm only given minimum wage. $7.15 an hour. Yep.

So Headfi'ers, what would you do in my situation? Gaming or photography? I'm pretty passionate about both so I can't decide for the life of me.

Also, I'm thinking of getting a gaming desktop instead of a notebook. Probably a wiser decision. Equipped with 2 SLI GTX 295. 4 cores in total. Can't build a gaming rig though so can anyone recommend a good vendor? Lastly, can anyone recommend a good monitor as well? Preferably as large or larger than '19.

Thanks. Meh. I'll probably post this in a separate thread but I guess I'll try my luck here first.
Jul 2, 2009 at 4:42 AM Post #174 of 327
there is an easy solution

Jul 2, 2009 at 4:45 AM Post #175 of 327

Originally Posted by dissembled /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Guys, just sold my 5D and am currently without camera. I like photography, yeah but I also like gaming. Should I buy a maxed out Sager 9850 (gaming notebook) for $3400 or go with the D700 ($2300).

I already have a notebook but its screen is riddled with vertical lines. SVCHost also keeps shutting down at random intervals. Horrendous really. Gaming or photography? Hardest decision in my life really.

Future games I'd like to play: Bioshock series/Crysis series/Far Cry series/future KOTOR game/Fallout 3.

I really don't even know why I'm posting this in this thread. But I'm bored and am at a completely loss of what to buy first.

I have about $1200 right now and am still saving. Also I have to tell you guys that though I could buy both at a later, later date, I have to be wise at spending since I'm only given minimum wage. $7.15 an hour. Yep.

So Headfi'ers, what would you do in my situation? Gaming or photography? I'm pretty passionate about both so I can't decide for the life of me.

Also, I'm thinking of getting a gaming desktop instead of a notebook. Probably a wiser decision. Equipped with 2 SLI GTX 295. 4 cores in total. Can't build a gaming rig though so can anyone recommend a good vendor? Lastly, can anyone recommend a good monitor as well? Preferably as large or larger than '19.

Thanks. Meh. I'll probably post this in a separate thread but I guess I'll try my luck here first.

Personally I would never buy a laptop for gaming, you can build a desktop that will play games better for a lot cheaper. If you need something mobile, go out and get a netbook. Nothing like a laptop cheap enough that you don't have to worry about breaking it.


Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
there is an easy solution


For games? For being cheap? Do I need bring up fag status?
Jul 2, 2009 at 4:47 AM Post #176 of 327

Originally Posted by KONAKONA /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For games? For being cheap? Do I need bring up fag status?

ever tried to run games on a mac? they do a fantastic job
Jul 2, 2009 at 4:54 AM Post #177 of 327

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
ever tried to run games on a mac? they do a fantastic job

I've never had enough cash to dump on one of them.

In somewhat related news, dry ice.



Got that lil celron to 5.5ghz, although it's got a lot more in it. Still having voltage problems from the MB, but that'll get the snot modded out of it tomorrow, hoping my interwebs are still working.
Jul 2, 2009 at 4:59 AM Post #178 of 327

Originally Posted by KONAKONA /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've never had enough cash to dump on one of them.

just because you can't afford one doesn't make them crap
Jul 2, 2009 at 5:33 AM Post #179 of 327

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
just because you can't afford one doesn't make them crap

Just because I can't afford them doesn't make them good either.

Anyway that was a nice argument, although someone came out a little more butthurt than the other. In any case, it was also a good opportunity to check the graphics cards in the macbooks. Since the best one you can get is a 9600gt, I wouldn't consider that a 'gaming laptop' (Although gaming laptops are stupid, so that might be a good thing)

Again, build a desktop. What kind of graphics card to get will depend on what resolution you are playing at, but you probably won't need to buy two gtx 295s though. Even if you play at 1920x1080 you will probably only need something along the lines of a 4890 or GTX 285. No use spending 1K on graphics cards when you only need to spend a few hundred. You can use the rest of the cash for headphones.

Just saw the bit on a monitor... larger than 19"? Uhh... larger or smaller than 23"?

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