The Stax Thread III
Apr 24, 2017 at 11:12 AM Post #11,926 of 25,850
For anyone who wonder the sound signature of this Grounded grid:

Soundstage: still ethereal like carbon , but with smoother and more fluidly mid together with sweet tonal body and energy delivery, the soundstage do appear to be deeper while the Carbon is more like all width and more fixated on positioning. The soundstage on GG is actually can be said to be flowing with the panning affects and so on you can actually let your mind be floated to the continuity and flow of the effects and feel like the music is streaming and flowing from far left to far right and approach from front and flowing toward into the back and so on. The SS Carbon actually have it too, but not as satisfying or pronounced. GG>Carbon

Bass: upper spectrum of the Sub bass section is actually very blooming, but in trade it doesn't dive as deep as the Carbon. Big body, warmth but not slow or loose, just blooming. Mid bass is powerful with beautiful energy variations, every body and energy of each lines are totally separated and carry it own density, this effects carry on all the way through to the mid high spectrum. Due to this, the bass seems more musical but less satisfying than carbon while carbon can be said to have both musicality and satisfaction, though if you are a tubes fan, you may think carbon bass is not realistic enough. I do think GG bass is better for ballads, rock, metal, instrumentals, country, pop....but not modern pop and or hip-hop or EDM. Carbon is more universal to all genres here. Carbon >> GG

Mid: very detailed but with meaty tonal body and timbres together with the fat energy and fluidity, it appears very smooth, very very sweet, warmth, totally tubes-like sound. The details of the mid spectrum is very magical, the upper minds are so smooth and full of energy that is why it is so detailed, and not being harsh at all, and because it carries into the mid high spectrum, the lower treble are so awesome, thick, vivid. Carbon mid is faster so it makes the soundstage to also be more width than depth, more fixated positioning than flowing like GG. GG>>Carbon

Treble: the lower and mid spectrum is smooth, thick and dense. It is vivid and organic. The upper extensions is not as tip top as the SS Carbon but because it thick and dense body stops before the tip-top of the extensions, the treble doesn't appear to be harsh or sibilant even when I turn up the current. The SS Carbon when running 17.5 mA, I can observe that it becomes too fast and lose the warmth and organic feeling, where as the GG even with 18 mA the bloom, the warmth, the smooth and detailed vivid trebles are still there, which makes me want to turn up the current even further. However, judging by the thick density and energetic of the treble body, I feel like 18mA is ok. I will need to do some tubes rolling to get what I want. Personal preferences :xf_eek: (GG=Carbon, I guess)

Ultimately, are you a fan of SS or tubes ?

ATM, I am using re-issues Mullar el34: so soundstage is addictive, mid to high spectrums are thick and vividly smooth with details and magical tube tonal body. What I want more would be a bit more extensions to the trebles and deeper bass......

What poison am I getting into ? Tubes rolling can cost me a fortune. Anyone has expertise in tubes and it sound signature here ?

**updated**: I just cranked her up to 20mA. She definitely dive deeper with finer trebles lines but still doesn't get that Sub bass and bass lines as deep and as defined as Carbon. She distorts more at some complex passages, but not really bad. I will need to swap her tubes into 6Ca7 and see if it helps anything. I will set her in stones at this current setting, and just tube rolling
Apr 24, 2017 at 2:38 PM Post #11,929 of 25,850
For anyone who wonder the sound signature of this Grounded grid:

Nice review, great to read that. Was it on the 009s or 007s. If 007s, which one?
Yes, tube rolling,,,, can get expensive. Ask Purk, Mulveling or The Attorney about tubes, as they have done extensive rolling four the BHSE.
Apr 24, 2017 at 7:12 PM Post #11,932 of 25,850
Yes, tube rolling,,,, can get expensive. Ask Purk, Mulveling or The Attorney about tubes, as they have done extensive rolling four the BHSE.

Yes, that is why I got out of it early as I could easily see how addictive tube rolling can be.
Edit: removed part of the comment as I didn't want it to be taken the wrong way
Apr 25, 2017 at 3:57 AM Post #11,933 of 25,850
Bought a L-700 and KGSS Koss DX amp. Listened to the sr-009/007, Sonoma, L300/500/700, HE-1, and Mr.Speakers prototype. I wasn't impressed with the stax amps being 007tii and 727A. I did enjoy the Blue Hawaii, GES, and WES. Hopefully the KGSS DX out performs the WES and GES config.
Apr 25, 2017 at 4:40 AM Post #11,934 of 25,850
Just took delivery of a Carbon from Mjolnir Audio to power my 009's. I was a sceptic about the improvements i would hear over my Stax 007ta. I just finished listening to the first three tracks through the Carbon. What! I've got a new pair of headphones! I am completely blown away that there could be so much difference in performance. The first two elements that hit straight away are the bass and the soundstage, then you realise any element of shouty treble has disappeared. 
BTW dealing with Birgir was a complete pleasure, the whole transaction, shipping, packaging was so professional. I wish many large companies I've dealt with were as professional and easy to deal with.
Now back to further listening.
Apr 25, 2017 at 4:45 AM Post #11,935 of 25,850
  Just took delivery of a Carbon from Mjolnir Audio to power my 009's. I was a sceptic about the improvements i would hear over my Stax 007ta. I just finished listening to the first three tracks through the Carbon. What! I've got a new pair of headphones! I am completely blown away that there could be so much difference in performance. The first two elements that hit straight away are the bass and the soundstage, then you realise any element of shouty treble has disappeared. 
BTW dealing with Birgir was a complete pleasure, the whole transaction, shipping, packaging was so professional. I wish many large companies I've dealt with were as professional and easy to deal with.
Now back to further listening.

I heard the 007ta ii and wasn't impressed. The WOO GES sounded better than it.
Apr 25, 2017 at 4:50 AM Post #11,936 of 25,850
I'm based in Tokyo so I don't get the opportunity to compare any KG amps here. I went for a Stax amp before getting up to speed on KG designs. It was a mistake and I now have an expensive paperweight as a result. Must get back to listening!
Apr 25, 2017 at 6:33 AM Post #11,938 of 25,850
Just took delivery of a Carbon from Mjolnir Audio to power my 009's. I was a sceptic about the improvements i would hear over my Stax 007ta. I just finished listening to the first three tracks through the Carbon. What! I've got a new pair of headphones! I am completely blown away that there could be so much difference in performance. The first two elements that hit straight away are the bass and the soundstage, then you realise any element of shouty treble has disappeared. 
BTW dealing with Birgir was a complete pleasure, the whole transaction, shipping, packaging was so professional. I wish many large companies I've dealt with were as professional and easy to deal with.
Now back to further listening.

Yeah, Birgir is awesome! :) just exactly as you mentioned. Because you are buying from folks who loves and have a big heart in this hobby (audio + Stax + DIY) , and that is why you can get the Carbon performances at the affordable price that you bought. If it was made by any big company like Stax or brand companies, expect the price to raise 2x as much. :D

I will not believe any new Stax amp can out perform these DIY fruits. It is just not viable for economy reasons, period. Unless it is priced around 10-15k :p
Apr 25, 2017 at 6:38 AM Post #11,939 of 25,850
Yeah, Birgir is awesome!
just exactly as you mentioned. Because you are buying from folks who loves and have a big heart in this hobby (audio + Stax + DIY) , and that is why you can get the Carbon performances at the affordable price that you bought. If it was made by any big company like Stax or brand companies, expect the price to raise 2x as much.

I will not believe any new Stax amp can out perform these DIY fruits. It is just not viable for economy reasons, period. Unless it is priced around 10-15k

Yeah, I'm listening to my Carbon right now, it just gets better! But you're a bad influence  - GG pusher lol
Apr 25, 2017 at 6:58 AM Post #11,940 of 25,850
  I will not believe any new Stax amp can out perform these DIY fruits. It is just not viable for economy reasons, period. Unless it is priced around 10-15k

I think it is viable under 10K? The BHSE is 6.5K roughly, and similar complexity (maybe more complex). If a company did such an amp (not a KG copy as that is copy protected for commercial I believe) and they then sold direct like Cavalli or Woo Audio or Head-Amp (no dealer mark-up) then why not?
Having said that, I do agree, the KG DIY amps do seem to blast to commercial amps for a six, if we ignore Head-Amp for a moment. Lets see if Stax rise to the challenge. I guess they don't even think about that, but they must be aware of the requirement for an amp at dealer demo's and to sell with those HPs that do the 009 and 007 justice. It is waaaay long overdue IMO.

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