The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread
Jul 12, 2016 at 6:02 PM Post #286 of 1,867
I think you did pretty good in terms of price/performance ratio here! I can't give enough praise for the L700, especially when driven by budget stax amps.

Also, I think proper welcome to the club is in order :). There are many of us who've been going through various high end dynamic phones (not really orthos in my case as I settled on stats before they became popular again) to eventually settle with stats.

Of course, challengers come everyday, but at what price. The L700 deserves more exposure imo in that regard.


I have several years experience with dynamic headphones (LCD 2.1, LCD 3F, ZMF Omni, ZMF Blackwood, HD 650, Beyer T1s) but none with electrostatics.  I looked at the Stax lineup and concluded that the L700s may have the best combination of Stax technology (SR-009 stator/diaphragm materials) and cost, and so I sprung for the L700s from a US vendor.  Based on comments in these forums, I bought a used KGST solid state/tube hybrid amplifier to drive the L700s.  I listened.  WOW!  I am blown away by the transparency and dynamics.  In my system (all analog vinyl of very high quality) the phones reveal themselves to be accurate and musical at the highest quality level.  If anyone is considering buying L700s with the intent of upgrading the electronics over the years, I can tell you that these phones scale well with the source quality and amplification.  They are a long term investment.
Jul 12, 2016 at 10:55 PM Post #287 of 1,867
I so wanted to buy a pair of HD800s for when I'm in Japan away from my home (I run speakers) and have withdrawal symptoms.
Auditioned them 4 times with the HDVD800, balanced and unbalanced.
They sound fine, good, but they did not wow or move me. 
I auditioned the L700 once and bought them immediately yesterday. WOW. 

I also wanted to like the SRM-353X; smaller, less expensive and lighter. But after A-B'ing, I had to buy the 007tA.
Jul 13, 2016 at 12:53 AM Post #288 of 1,867
I also wanted to like the SRM-353X; smaller, less expensive and lighter. But after A-B'ing, I had to buy the 007tA.

I'm quite curious about this part. Seems like you preferred the 007tA - may I ask why?
I actually am considering getting a L700 myself, and I have heard it with the 007tA (the combo was excellent). But I was wondering whether it would be ok to save some money by going with the 353X (which I have not heard).
Jul 13, 2016 at 1:06 AM Post #289 of 1,867

I think I have a general preference for the output stage to use tubes over solid state. I think this is generally true for me personally.  YMMV.
Although I have both, I prefer my class A SET amplifier over my very good class A solid state amplifier when it comes to speakers. Perceptually speaking, it's a bit hard to pick out any single factor. I find it's just easier and more relaxed to listen to. My wife has the same preference and she has better hearing than me.
Jul 22, 2016 at 3:36 AM Post #290 of 1,867
I currently have the Stax SR-507, SR-L700 and Sennheiser HD800S in my ownership, so I thought people may be interested in my overall impressions/comparisons between the three.

Bit of background, the HD800S and SR-507 I've had for a bit and the SR-L700 joined the stable a little over a week ago. The Stax are being powered by the Stax SRM-006ts driver and the HD800S is running balanced from a Little Dot mk VIII. I have a preference for tubes.

The Stax 507 has a very upfront mid range which gives great vocal clarity. The 700 by comparison, is a lot more even across the board. When I first started listening to the 700s, I thought the mid range was a little recessed, after being used to the 507s. It's actually not though, it's just that the base and treble have been brought up. The 700s took a few days to burn in though, so bare this in mind when auditioning. After 20 hours of running I really noticed a difference. They suddenly had more air about them and more detail in all areas over the 507. They also have a slightly bigger soundstage. I would describe it by saying that the 507 sounds like the band are standing around you in circle. The 700s sound like a small studio, whereas the HD800S sounds like a concert hall at times.

The HD800S is an amazing headphone and I really like it a lot. The soundstage is bigger than anything else I've ever heard and it has a lot of detail. With the HD800S, the huge soundstage can work incredibly well with certain tracks where soundstage should be present. In other tacks though it can make them sound a little disjointed and less engaging than they should sound. This is where the 700 steps ahead of the HD800S for me. Once you get over the initial 'wow' of the HD800S, the 700 has all the detail, but manages to present it in a smoother, cleaner, more together presentation. It manages to make pretty much all music sound great and in my opinion, strikes that real sweet spot. If you are looking for a one headphone to do everything end game, or at least something to enjoy for longer listening sessions, then I can highly recommend the Stax SR-L700 with the Stax SRM-006ts amp. It's very easy to live with and offers superb performance for the money.
Jul 29, 2016 at 2:41 PM Post #291 of 1,867
This is where the 700 steps ahead of the HD800S for me. Once you get over the initial 'wow' of the HD800S, the 700 has all the detail, but manages to present it in a smoother, cleaner, more together presentation. It manages to make pretty much all music sound great and in my opinion, strikes that real sweet spot.

I completely agree with this...I have the HD800 (non-s) and 700 and whilst I will always keep my HD800, if I had to have just one it would be the  700 because it has all the detail but more warmth than the HD800.  I run the 700 with a 353 amp.
Jul 29, 2016 at 2:43 PM Post #292 of 1,867
I'm quite curious about this part. Seems like you preferred the 007tA - may I ask why?
I actually am considering getting a L700 myself, and I have heard it with the 007tA (the combo was excellent). But I was wondering whether it would be ok to save some money by going with the 353X (which I have not heard).

I actually chose the 353 over the tubed alternatives with the important to listen and decide which one you personally prefer...
Jul 29, 2016 at 5:08 PM Post #293 of 1,867
I actually chose the 353 over the tubed alternatives with the important to listen and decide which one you personally prefer...

Yup. Immediate back to back comparisons are valuable since music memory is notoriously unreliable. YMMV, I came in wanting the 353X but had to go for the 007tA after AB'ing it at the store with my own music. Heavier, more money and less convenient, but the preference was there. Would have regretted the 353X.
Jul 30, 2016 at 11:11 AM Post #294 of 1,867
I understand your point, but jumping between what some would consider a veiled headphone (say an 007A or HD650) and a brighter pair of cans (say a Lambda) can be misleading initially.  I need to live with a pair of headphones like the 007A's for a day or so and jumping between them and say my TH900's can be deceptive in the short-term although now I've learned what to expect of each out of the amps I own.  
Bright sounds better initially, but then it just becomes bright for me.  The 007A's are not veiled but natural for me once I've used them a bit, and I need what they supply in the lower mids and lows.  They're absolutely butter out of the KGSSHV Carbon.  
Happy listening.
Jul 30, 2016 at 11:27 AM Post #295 of 1,867
  I understand your point, but jumping between what some would consider a veiled headphone (say an 007A or HD650) and a brighter pair of cans (say a Lambda) can be misleading initially.  I need to live with a pair of headphones like the 007A's for a day or so and jumping between them and say my TH900's can be deceptive in the short-term although now I've learned what to expect of each out of the amps I own.  
Bright sounds better initially, but then it just becomes bright for me.  The 007A's are not veiled but natural for me once I've used them a bit, and I need what they supply in the lower mids and lows.  They're absolutely butter out of the KGSSHV Carbon.  
Happy listening.

One thing, just out of your 007A have the port mod or are stock?
Jul 30, 2016 at 11:42 AM Post #296 of 1,867
I have not modded them as I have with some of my other headphones. I quite like the way they sound out of my chain (44/16 files > ygg > KGSSHV Carbon > 007A).

Are they perfect, whatever that means? Not quite and my opinion varies with my listening mood and the style of music I choose at a given time, but they are REALLY good IMO.

I rotate between them, my HD650's with silver cable out of my Headamp GS-1 w upgraded Dynalo+ boards, and my TH900's out of my WA7 w upgraded tubes. I mix it up w my SR003Mk2's out of the 400v KGST for sport and when I'm not in the mood for a headband.

Aug 2, 2016 at 3:15 PM Post #297 of 1,867
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to add my contribution to this thread, by writing my impressions of my month-old SR-L700 while, of course, listening to it :)
First a bit of background. I entered the hobby in early 2013 when I bought my first pair of what could be considered really high-end cans at the time (since then the category has almost doubled in price, but that's another topic - or is it?), namely the LCD-3 (classic version). Since this initial revelation, I have expanded my collection with, in chronological order, the LCD-XC, SR-507, HE-560, Ether C, TH-900 and now SR-L700. In order to drive these diverse cans, my initial Burson DA-160 + Soloist combo has seen the arrival of some company, with the Burson Conductor and Woo Audio WA7 and WA8 DAC/Amps, and Stax SRD-7 and SRM-323S amps.
The SR-507 was my first foray into electrostats, and while I was impressed by its detail retrieval and etheral sound, the forward and a tad aggressive presentation, combined with a less visceral bass than planars didn't fully convince me to switch from the WA7 (upgraded tubes) / LCD-3 as my go-to setup for everyday listening (the SRM-323S though helped an awful lot from my initial SRD-7, which, while pleasant enough, felt limited).
But I knew I was missing out on stats. For a moment I considered acquiring the SR-009, but the steep price (I think my psychological barrier lies around 2000€), combined with the feeling that the SRM-323S would limit it, made me instead delve further into planar land.
That was until a couple months ago, when I discovered the existence of the SR-L700, promising SR-009 tech in a sleek black lambda frame (I'm a sucker for this Vader look), and at the very reasonable price, in these 4000-euros-for-the-LCD4-because-f*-you times, of 1400€.
Plugging the SR-L700 into the SRM-323S and with the Conductor acting as DAC, I think have finally understood what stats are really about. I mean, the transparency is out of this world. Music just floats around of you. Every instrument, voice, sound, whatever the frequency, is perfectly defined. It feels like there is a empty space between them, not some grey area ever so slightly murky.
And the tone, the tone...each sound just feels right. Your brain tells you that you expect to sound it like that, and it does. This feels especially true when I switch from the SR-L700 to, well, any of my other cans. They all feel colored. Fun, perhaps, but colored. And also really, really veiled.
Compared to the SR-507, the L700 feels much less shouty, more composed. It englobes you more, and does it more comfortably. It's also predictably tonally better. I can listen to these cans for hours and feel nothing but pure musical joy. I mainly listen to electronica, and while the bass doesn't have the impact of the LCD-3 or TH-900, its deepness and perfect tone make it much more engaging. I have never been so hypnotized by the music, oftentimes dancing at it like a rave junkie while working in my office. With the SR-L700, I think I finally understood that the game ends with stats.
Aug 2, 2016 at 4:14 PM Post #299 of 1,867
  Hello everyone,
Just wanted to add my contribution to this thread, by writing my impressions of my month-old SR-L700 while, of course, listening to it :)

Having also listened to both the SR-507 and the L700, I pretty much agree with this. The L700 was also the headphone to make me truly understand why people love their stats so much.
Aug 2, 2016 at 10:31 PM Post #300 of 1,867
I just got a SRM-T1 and might get a L700 later this year. I've read some comments that the L700 pairs very well with tube driver units. Does anyone have experience with the L700/T1 or other tube driver? I would be interested in hearing more thoughts.

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