The right to bear arms
Feb 15, 2006 at 4:34 PM Post #16 of 25

Originally Posted by Oski
I think the most civil and polite countries in the world do not allow their citizens to own firearms. Conversely, guns are prevalent in every violent, murderous, or war torn country.

I just wish every gun owner is as conscientious as you and your family. But that is not the reality unfortunately.

The inherent problem with guns is that they are a very impersonal way to harm/kill someone. If you need to get right up to somebody to punch/stab/kick are damn sure as to what you are doing. Guns allow someone to point and shoot (it's not that easy) but you don't actually need to look into the person's eyes and face, or even touch them.

It's not that I don't think people should be able to have them...but god they have certainly changed the history of this world and millions of lives.

Edit: I've shot rifles, shotguns, and pistols...but I don't own any nor have I shot in anger.
Feb 15, 2006 at 4:40 PM Post #17 of 25
When working as a G man we went through an abbreviated Police Academy thing - turned out I was a crack shot with an AR-15. Realizing the deadly talent that was Jahn with a Gun, I decided for the safety of the free world not to bear arms, just in case I sneezed and took 100 people out with perfect headshots by mistake.
Feb 15, 2006 at 4:42 PM Post #18 of 25

Originally Posted by headchange4u
The right to "Bear Arms" ????

I personally prefer my right to "bare arms" and go sleeveless often.
Feb 15, 2006 at 5:03 PM Post #19 of 25
i've shot guns... when i was 11 my grandad tought me how to shoot a .22, a shotgun(OUCH) and one of those weird german hand guns with skinny barrel.. it had this strange saftey feature wear you had to squeeze the handle with your palm and then pull the trigger, grandad had to help everytime cause i wasent strong enough to squeeze the handle back then.

I also know quite a few of my freinds parents have lots of guns.
no one ever gets shot around here though.. just one time in the last few years that i can think of.
Feb 15, 2006 at 5:05 PM Post #20 of 25
I have owned a bunch of guns for the last forty years. Hold a concealed carry permit and have taught legal basis for lethal force to concealed carry permit applicants. Fire between 1,200 and 15,000 rounds a year in practice and competition. These days I only hunt for small game and prairie dogs. Made more than a dozen felony arrests back when I was a cop. Was shot at half a dozen times and hit once. Never had to drop hammer and I pray that I never will.

The amount of total ignorance and abject fear about firearms, weapons, lethal force, right to bear arms, and other related topics never fails to boggle my mind. Rolling over and playing dead is not a working plan.
Feb 15, 2006 at 5:08 PM Post #21 of 25
I read a statistic a few years ago in one of the national newspapers, 19 times out of 20 a gun kept in the home will be used against a member of the household. Keep them guns loaded!
Feb 15, 2006 at 5:10 PM Post #22 of 25
I think I fired a weapon like one time in my life on a camping trip. I've certainly never fired one in anger. I know quite a few responsible gun owners, KYTguy isn't really a rarity or anything. It says a lot that so many people in this thread think what he's doing should be praised when I think what he's doing should just be expected from everyone. I'm really not a big fan of guns at all because I really don't see the need for them. I believe the risks outweigh the benefits. Yes hunting is fun, but accidents happen, Dick is proof of that.

Still, I've always believed that you don't base your decisions off of what the idiots and crazy people do. Personally, I don't much care for what Pat Robertson has to say, that doesn't mean I think we should limit freedom of speech or religion.
Feb 15, 2006 at 5:11 PM Post #23 of 25

Originally Posted by headchange4u
The right to "Bear Arms" ????


LOL, one of the only posts keeping this thread from TIO material.

But, yeah, this is a political discussion, especially when you take the title into consideration.

Feb 15, 2006 at 5:12 PM Post #24 of 25
Based on my philosophy, I suppport people's right to own, buy/sell/trade/manufacture/tweak/enjoy whatever they want, whether it's stereo equipment or bicycles or whatever.

I think guns are different, however, since guns are so effective at killing people....there should be EVEN FEWER legal restrictions on guns. Because the right to defend one's life and property is a fundamental human right, and furthermore it is a very important check in our system of government.

I think the 2nd ammendment is very clear and that 90%+ of all gun control laws are illegally unconstitutional. You should be able to walk into your local gun store and walk out with full auto AKs, ARs, fully functional 50cal machine guns etc. and carry whatever kind of handguns you want in public however you want to. There should be no criminal objects, only criminal actions.

I think the US suffers from a lack of guns and will to use them. If I wanted to kill a massive amount of people right now, you know where I'd go? A school. Heck, they have a 'NO WEAPONS' sign right on the door! HA! I could expect no resistance long enough to accomplish my goal. Somehow I highly doubt the kids at columbine would have have tried their stunt if it was commonplace for people (including teachers) to carry guns. I consider people that support gun control to be people supporting evil, whether it's through ignorance or malice.

We need more news stories where the good guys kill the bad guys, because I'm tired of the bad guys being the ones packing all the iron. I'm tired of the cops showing up just in time to draw the chalk outline and write up the paperwork. We should encourage good people, the kind that don't want any trouble, to carry the most effective weapons available--not hinder them in any way possible as society does with gun control. Carry a gun, and when someone tries to commit a violent crime, kill them. DRT. No jail, no parole, dead. Rehabilitation through reincarnation.

So no, I do not believe gun control reduces crime or makes our streets safer one bit, quite the contrary.
It's been shown that there is a very weak negative correlation between gun control and violent crime, where it exists at all. (I'm guilty of suggesting gun control supporters all move to Washington D.C., the gun-free utopia it is, and to stay away from Vermont where anyone can carry any weapon concealed unlicenced in public-oh the horror of it). However, even that is irrelevant. If gun control could be shown to reduce crime, I still wouldn't support it. Mandatory castration would certainly reduce rape, but that is not an acceptable solution. It is not within the scope of the government to be in my gun cabinet or my waistband.
Feb 15, 2006 at 6:00 PM Post #25 of 25
guns don't kill people. bullets kill people.

we have the constitutional right to bear arms, but do we have the right to load them? i don't think so!

so don't ban guns, ban ammo.


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