The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:01 PM Post #6,451 of 29,017
Just getting back to this subject... Because I need to know haha (I'm obsessed with this at the mo..)
Playing them at high volume won't damage the drivers? I would have to have an amp capable of producing enough voltage that the drivers would fry in order to kill em..? Say if they are rated at 10W. I would need to feed them more than 10W to potentially cause damage. The drivers may then start to distort, but it would be the voltage that would actually cause the damage? Not the volume?
This is something that I've never been able to find a straight answer for regarding any headphone... Some cheaper made drivers will start to disintegrate through volume alone, Others can handle the volume, but the voice coil would eventually melt with too much voltage.  
This may all seem a little silly, because we (sane people) don't go anywhere near these types of volumes. But just like anything (cars e.g) I want to know what they are capable of and what they are not. And I've not read of a single driver failure with the HD800's. Not one blown driver. Thats not bad going for a 5 year old headphone!

To go along with your car analogy-I wondered how fast my motorcycle could go. Drove me nuts. So I decided to push it to the limit firsthand. 162mph.

So there's only one way for you to find out-it goes something like this:

Good luck-but put some earplugs in first-or just take them off your head and listen to them like speakers. :p
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:03 PM Post #6,453 of 29,017
  I have not! I will add it to my list of new music to acquire. Thanks for the recommendation!

no problem just don't get the 2009 remaster - its sounds terrible. 
Its one of my all time favorites. A must have album. 

Great album... I need a better copy than the 256 mp3 from iTunes though.
180 gram vinyl ordered!
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:17 PM Post #6,454 of 29,017
  What kind of music is that? I'm always up to trying something new...

Its folk with a slightly jazzy/soulful feel. definitely one of my favorite albums. Kind of an unsung classic. 

Nov 16, 2013 at 3:34 PM Post #6,455 of 29,017
Always loved Solid Air, great album.  But at the moment I'm in a phase where EVERYTHING sounds better out of my HE-500s than my HD 800s, so I'd better duck back out of this thread.  

Nov 16, 2013 at 3:40 PM Post #6,456 of 29,017
  Always loved Solid Air, great album.  But at the moment I'm in a phase where EVERYTHING sounds better out of my HE-500s than my HD 800s, so I'd better duck back out of this thread.  

I have never actually heard the HE500 how does it sound compared to HD800? What amp you using for those? you use the same amp with both cans?
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM Post #6,457 of 29,017
  I have never actually heard the HE500 how does it sound compared to HD800? What amp you using for those? you use the same amp with both cans?

Well, though the HD 800 has more detail, space and is broadly regarded as the 'superior' headphone, the HE-500 is warmer and just has an amazing feelgood factor, especially when playing heavier rock-oriented music.  I listen through my V200 and my Taboo MKIII,  both very nice amps that work well with both cans (always V800 as DAC).  
That said, in the last 30 minutes I found myself suddenly grabbing the HD 800s while playing some old heavy metal from the 80s (Judas Priest and Diamond Head).
They're both amazing cans, but I'm possibly the only person in the world who often reaches for the HE-500 over the HD 800.  
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:50 PM Post #6,458 of 29,017
  I have never actually heard the HE500 how does it sound compared to HD800? What amp you using for those? you use the same amp with both cans?

Well, though the HD 800 has more detail, space and is broadly regarded as the 'superior' headphone, the HE-500 is warmer and just has an amazing feelgood factor, especially when playing heavier rock-oriented music.  I listen through my V200 and my Taboo MKIII,  both very nice amps that work well with both cans (always V800 as DAC).  
That said, in the last 30 minutes I found myself suddenly grabbing the HD 800s while playing some old heavy metal from the 80s (Judas Priest and Diamond Head).
They're both amazing cans, but I'm possibly the only person in the world who often reaches for the HE-500 over the HD 800.  

The Taboo MK III does love Planers!
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:53 PM Post #6,459 of 29,017
  The Taboo MK III does love Planers!

tubes with planars - i like it. Its not everyday you hear that. Did you have MK III with hd800 before? 
Nov 16, 2013 at 3:58 PM Post #6,460 of 29,017
  tubes with planars - i like it. Its not everyday you hear that. Did you have MK III with hd800 before? 

Besides giving them plenty of juice, this is also because the Taboo MK3 is a well balanced tubes amp in sound signature and tonal balance. It has some of the traits you'd expect from a tube amplifier: great soundstage, microdynamics, body, bass presence, but it also drives fast transients, and has air and spark at the top. Thankfully it's not one of those syrupy, slow and rolled off at the top tube amps.
One of the reasons it works well with the HD800s too is that unlike *some* SS amplifiers it does not exhibit any harshness at the top, while playing to the main strengths of the headphones due to the aforementioned traits.
Nov 16, 2013 at 4:22 PM Post #6,461 of 29,017
Judas Priest sounds great on open/airy headphones I have found. I have problems on cans with more modern complex metal like Equilibrium and Alestorm. That's why I got the Hd800, so I can see if they work for my metal. The T1 is great but I think the 800 could be more to my liking. I know my He5Le were special for certain genres over the T1 like electronic so that's interesting you like your 500 for rock, I found the LE got congested easily.
Nov 16, 2013 at 4:32 PM Post #6,462 of 29,017
Yeah I definitely prefer the HE-500s for most of the heavy retro rock I listen to (Graveyard, Kadavar, etc...) but every now and then the HD 800s shine (now listening to the Diamond Head albums from the 2000s and it sounds incredible).  Overall I find the HE-500s better for metal - the heavier it gets (black and death metal), the more likely it is that I prefer the Hifimans.
Nov 16, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #6,463 of 29,017

Good luck-but put some earplugs in first-or just take them off your head and listen to them like speakers. :p

Hahaha ok then if you're sure..... Here i go :)  I've got me ear plugs in. Helmet is on. Motorhead's Ace of Spades is ready to play. I'm now revving my Suzuki Sansui 500 up.... still revving... revving it up a bit more...
Ok here we go. Number 11 !!!!!!!


hahhhh... never again haaa... These cats hahh.. get loud haaaa...
Well the drivers seem to be fine... 
But unfortunately it seems I may have prolapsed.  

Nov 16, 2013 at 5:23 PM Post #6,464 of 29,017
Nov 16, 2013 at 5:24 PM Post #6,465 of 29,017
Judas Priest sounds great on open/airy headphones I have found. I have problems on cans with more modern complex metal like Equilibrium and Alestorm. That's why I got the Hd800, so I can see if they work for my metal. The T1 is great but I think the 800 could be more to my liking. I know my He5Le were special for certain genres over the T1 like electronic so that's interesting you like your 500 for rock, I found the LE got congested easily.

Priest is GREAT with the HD800's!  


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