The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Nov 15, 2013 at 8:01 PM Post #6,436 of 29,013
  Damn about missing that build, it would have been something simple enough that I would have had time to do. I'm sitting on a bunch of dynahi boards as well I haven't had a chance to get around to doing anything with. There was a statement by KG somewhere where he said that I think National Semiconductor came out with an OPAMP that was basically a Dynalo or Dynahi circuit in a chip. That would make sense of why The Wire is so good if that chip was the one it is using.
The point though is that I've been wondering how close one could get to the big, top-end HP amps in a small package for use with the HD-800s. I think though that damping them removes some of their amp picky-ness, making it easier.

You can still order the wire, it's just that you missed the first batch run that is getting shipped as we speak. I didn't realize orders were going on until today and pleased they don't have a deadline yet.
Nov 16, 2013 at 12:17 AM Post #6,437 of 29,013
  That will be a very happy experience! Enjoy.

Funny thing is i actually ended up in the pub with other friends. Its 05.14 in the morning and i am nice and drunk and listening to captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy on t1/WA2. So yea 
 - that's a lot of Guinness!  
Nov 16, 2013 at 12:18 AM Post #6,438 of 29,013
  That will be a very happy experience! Enjoy.

Funny thing is i actually ended up in the pub with other friends. Its 05.14 in the morning and i am nice and drunk and listening to captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy on t1/WA2. So yea 
 - that's a lot of Guinness!  

That may sound 4D in your condition!  

Nov 16, 2013 at 12:32 AM Post #6,439 of 29,013
  That may sound 4D in your condition!  

HAHA yea. Listening to this at the moment ¬ 

Have you ever heard it? You with good taste. 
Nov 16, 2013 at 1:28 AM Post #6,440 of 29,013
Sennheiser has a shipment of balanced cables for the HD800 arriving at their warehouse in the US next week. I preordered a set last week. I'm planning on using these with the Schitt Mjolinor until the first of the year when I'm planning to order the HDVD800.
Nov 16, 2013 at 2:05 AM Post #6,441 of 29,013
I hear the full extension. Not sure what you are arguing. The HD800 extends naturally deeper than any other headphone I've ever listened to. It has cavernous bass that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It just doesn't throw it in your face like most of the planar magnetics. I've owned the HE-6 and really couldn't stand them. I've owned the LCD-2 and thought they were alright, but overrated. I've heard LCD-3 many times and thought them a slightly improved LCD-2. All 3 are overly bassy.

As much as I love the HD800 (my favorite headphone), it simply cannot extend as well down low compared to the HE6. The driver simply cannot push enough air, and the housing of the HD800 will enhance the presence and cavernous effect of it, but will fail to reproduce the really low end frequencies quite like the HE6.
The HD800 really excels in the portrayal of a realistic sound space, openess and resolution in the higher frequencies; there's really nothing like it.
Audio-Technica Stay updated on Audio-Technica at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 16, 2013 at 2:10 AM Post #6,442 of 29,013
 dleblanc343 you'are completely right. I just add the point that before I'm intestered to speaker amp I was skeptical about the synergy with the HD800. 
I owned a Super 7 and Beta 22 4 chanel, the Audiomat or MCIntosh put it to another league. 
This headpone is completely transparent, it can be bright, dark, harsh, smooth...This headphone is not responsible about weird sounding, back you should have the right source and amp. 
Nov 16, 2013 at 5:32 AM Post #6,443 of 29,013
Sennheiser has a shipment of balanced cables for the HD800 arriving at their warehouse in the US next week. I preordered a set last week. I'm planning on using these with the Schitt Mjolinor until the first of the year when I'm planning to order the HDVD800.

Would you happen to have a link or any more information on these cables? I can't seem to Google anything up. Thanks.
Nov 16, 2013 at 5:37 AM Post #6,444 of 29,013
I'll plead the 5th and take my own advice (option b) right now.

So, what's everybody's favorite amp they've heard with the HD800 so far? Mine should come as no surprise:

ZDSE, although the P1u is definitely a close second.


WA22 TS5998 / Sylvania 6SN7GT Bad Boy / USAF596
Nov 16, 2013 at 5:50 AM Post #6,445 of 29,013
Nov 16, 2013 at 8:38 AM Post #6,446 of 29,013
  Question to all.... 
Has anyone ever driven these loud enough that they get distortions? I've kind of got a bit of OCD at the mo and I keep wacking em up haha, but I've never heard anything other than clarity and control, no matter how loud. 
Are these drivers invincible?  

They are not invincible and one danger is that they need to play really loud to distort, so the urge might be there to play them too loud. But unlike say the LCD-3s or LCD-X that are rated for 20W, I don't think the HD800s have such a rating from Sennheiser.

Just getting back to this subject... Because I need to know haha (I'm obsessed with this at the mo..)
Playing them at high volume won't damage the drivers? I would have to have an amp capable of producing enough voltage that the drivers would fry in order to kill em..? Say if they are rated at 10W. I would need to feed them more than 10W to potentially cause damage. The drivers may then start to distort, but it would be the voltage that would actually cause the damage? Not the volume? 
This is something that I've never been able to find a straight answer for regarding any headphone... Some cheaper made drivers will start to disintegrate through volume alone, Others can handle the volume, but the voice coil would eventually melt with too much voltage.   
This may all seem a little silly, because we (sane people) don't go anywhere near these types of volumes. But just like anything (cars e.g) I want to know what they are capable of and what they are not. And I've not read of a single driver failure with the HD800's. Not one blown driver. Thats not bad going for a 5 year old headphone! 
Nov 16, 2013 at 8:58 AM Post #6,447 of 29,013
Nov 16, 2013 at 9:54 AM Post #6,448 of 29,013
Nov 16, 2013 at 10:09 AM Post #6,449 of 29,013
  I have not! I will add it to my list of new music to acquire. Thanks for the recommendation!

no problem just don't get the 2009 remaster - its sounds terrible. 
Its one of my all time favorites. A must have album. 

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