The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Nov 15, 2013 at 2:40 PM Post #6,406 of 29,017
My vote for best budget amp with incredible synergy with the HD800 is still the m-Stage, but I'm excited to try the Vali next week with it as well.

Yup I'd go with that as well. And keep us informed how you get on with the Vali, I'm sure to buy one of these as soon as I can. For the price you really can't go wrong! 
Nov 15, 2013 at 2:47 PM Post #6,407 of 29,017
  Always wanted to hear that one-but after being slightly disappointed with my WA5LE/HD800 (no offense Frank!! lol)-I'm not sure if I'll try-although I'm inclined to think theirsonics will be quite a bit different. I did like the Woo/Senn, just not nearly as much as my cheaper alternatives, the Zana and Luxman. Even the BHA-1, in some regards, not others.
My vote for best budget amp with incredible synergy with the HD800 is still the m-Stage, but I'm excited to try the Vali next week with it as well.

I remember when you got the WA5-LE and wait till i tell you - I had dreamed of getting the WA5-Le myself until you chimed in with some impressions and put the doubt in my mind. I was gonna go WA22 or 5le but then DG got the Zana and didnt care for it that much (think she said it was a bit SS sounding) So you didn't like the WA5-LE as much as the Zana and she didnt like the Zana or WA22 as much as the WA2. In the end i decided to go somewhere else besides another woo = Glenn OTL. 
I really want to try a DNA Stratus more than anything else especially for HD800! 
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:02 PM Post #6,409 of 29,017
  I'll plead the 5th and take my own advice (option b) right now.
So, what's everybody's favorite amp they've heard with the HD800 so far? Mine should come as no surprise:
ZDSE, although the P1u is definitely a close second.

If it can be useful for somebody. I really found (confirmed by friends) that a Meier Corda Jazz does a very good job. Great budget amp undoubtedly :wink: . But my favourite until now stays my MG Head, an old but good tube amp to drive Sennheisers , even HD800 with appropriates tubes.  A bit Less transparent than Meier Corda Jazz but a bit smoother.  My next puchase will be another jan Meier's product : Corda Concerto.  This one will complement my MG Head not replace it.  
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:04 PM Post #6,410 of 29,017
I am surprised it is not mentioned more often, but the Taboo MK3 is an excellent amplifier with the HD800s. It offers strong transparency, minimal colour tint, really great bass, body and dynamics. Being a tube amplifier it doesn't make things worse with the treble like *some* SS do. It is not a treble rolled off/mellow box so don't expect that. Oh and I don't know if there's something about that SET "magic" as some people call it, but it sounds damn satisfying.
In particular with the HD800s the best Taboo MK3 synergy I found with:
- some nice EL84s output tubes
- I'd recommend an old school 1950s double D getter RCA 5Y3GT (inexpensive) or if your DAC is a bit bright something like the Brimar 5R4GY 
- Amperex driver tube
And yes, I ended up using the Taboo for both intended and unintended purpose, but that's another story. Let's just say it has great versatility.
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:23 PM Post #6,411 of 29,017
What happened? where did everyone go? This thread was getting exciting and all of a sudden everyone vanishes. 
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:27 PM Post #6,412 of 29,017
  What happened? where did everyone go? This thread was getting exciting and all of a sudden everyone vanishes. 

Is Friday not a piss-up day in Ireland? :) I am concerned everyone will get back later on with "strong opinions".
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:36 PM Post #6,414 of 29,017
Is Friday not a piss-up day in Ireland? :) I am concerned everyone will get back later on with "strong opinions".

Ha Ha - you are right. Unfortunately i could not convince any of my friends to go to the pub tonight so you people will have to entertain me. Im gonna get to hear this bad boy with HD800 shortly ¬

Nov 15, 2013 at 3:41 PM Post #6,415 of 29,017
  Yup I'd go with that as well. And keep us informed how you get on with the Vali, I'm sure to buy one of these as soon as I can. For the price you really can't go wrong!

For sure!  I still wish the m-Stage/HD800 would catch on more with the new/budget crowd. Myself, P86, Maxvla as well as others know it well as a nice stop gap while saving for a higher end amp for the Senns. Plus it works with a nice wide range of headphones. I've never heard a V200, but I imagine the m-Stage is somewhat similar to that sonically-warm, excellent transients, etc. I'm hoping the Vali knocks it out of the park (for it's price) with the HD800. Marv's comments on it having a somewhat EC house sound have peaked my interest. Like you said-for $120, not much to lose!
  I remember when you got the WA5-LE and wait till i tell you - I had dreamed of getting the WA5-Le myself until you chimed in with some impressions and put the doubt in my mind. I was gonna go WA22 or 5le but then DG got the Zana and didnt care for it that much (think she said it was a bit SS sounding) So you didn't like the WA5-LE as much as the Zana and she didnt like the Zana or WA22 as much as the WA2. In the end i decided to go somewhere else besides another woo = Glenn OTL.
I really want to try a DNA Stratus more than anything else especially for HD800!

Well-it still pays to listen for yourself-but of course that is much easier said than done in this hobby. Hopefully that Glenn amp will cater to your ears just nicely!
Not directed at you Sally

Not sure that's my name-but hey I'm glad I got your's right.
If it can be useful for somebody. I really found (confirmed by friends) that a Meier Corda Jazz does a very good job. Great budget amp undoubtedly :wink: . But my favourite until now stays my MG Head, an old but good tube amp to drive Sennheisers , even HD800 with appropriates tubes.  A bit Less transparent than Meier Corda Jazz but a bit smoother.  My next puchase will be another jan Meier's product : Corda Concerto.  This one will complement my MG Head not replace it. 

I actually used the Meir Rock for a bit with the HD800-kinda reminded me of the m-Stage pairing, but with even more rounded bass. A decent pairing in a pinch, but didn't have the usual Meier house sound (neutral, transparent) of his other amps. I've read great things about the Jazz for both the T1s and HD800s too. Are you picking up the 'old' Concerto, or the updated Classic?
  What happened? where did everyone go? This thread was getting exciting and all of a sudden everyone vanishes.

I can't speak for everyone, but one has resorted to personal attacks via PM lol. I had to remind him to throw his come in the wastebasket before coming in for a lesson. :wink:
When is your Glenn amp arriving?
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:54 PM Post #6,416 of 29,017
I'm surprised people think that the HE-6 are overly bass. At the time of my listen, I thought the HE-6 had the best bass over every hp I've heard. The texture, decay, and quality imo is unmatched.
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:55 PM Post #6,417 of 29,017
I actually used the Meir Rock for a bit with the HD800-kinda reminded me of the m-Stage pairing, but with even more rounded bass. A decent pairing in a pinch, but didn't have the usual Meier house sound (neutral, transparent) of his other amps. I've read great things about the Jazz for both the T1s and HD800s too. Are you picking up the 'old' Concerto, or the updated Classic?

Old Concerto :wink: . besides my Utbe amp I really want to keep a neutral, transparent SS amp with crossfeed feature. I initially wanted to pruchase a brand new Daccord+Classic combo but i haven't enough money. So I opted to a used HEGEL HD10 and a used Concerto :) . Jazz is astonishingly good for the price but it's defintively not warm. Jazz offers Meier typical house sound . Jan says precisely that the Rock is more forgiving and warmer  but Jazz is more detailed/transparent. The Classic is a slight upgrade over Jazz with a bit more body and roundness.  From my experience , the Hd800 is so sensitive to upstream gear that I'm convinced that upgrade from Jazz to concerto worthes the price. 
With MG Head + Hegel HD10 + Meier Concerto,  I think any substantial improvement would cost me very big bucks.   
Nov 15, 2013 at 3:55 PM Post #6,418 of 29,017
 When is your Glenn amp arriving?

It wont be till early next year. He starts the build in Jan. Here is a picture of the one i will get  - has a volt switch and bigger transformer. 
Picture ¬

Nov 15, 2013 at 4:47 PM Post #6,419 of 29,017
  What happened? where did everyone go? This thread was getting exciting and all of a sudden everyone vanishes. 

:)) +1 . I went for a drink a few hours back and when I come home, I see "72 unread messages" . In my head "gooodies!" :))) 
I have the Burson Conductor paired with HD800 and I think it is doing a decent job. With the MSB Analog Dac, the HD800 scaled so much, it almost scared me and this with Burson Conductor as amp, so I think it is a decent amp. However, can't wait to try the Taboo MkIII with it.

Nov 15, 2013 at 4:49 PM Post #6,420 of 29,017
  Always wanted to hear that one-but after being slightly disappointed with my WA5LE/HD800 (no offense Frank!! lol)-I'm not sure if I'll try-although I'm inclined to think theirsonics will be quite a bit different. I did like the Woo/Senn, just not nearly as much as my cheaper alternatives, the Zana and Luxman. Even the BHA-1, in some regards, not others.
My vote for best budget amp with incredible synergy with the HD800 is still the m-Stage, but I'm excited to try the Vali next week with it as well.

No offense taken. I still wish you would heard them with a different tube setup. I had lots of people hear this setup over the last two meets and many were  floored with the presentation. But hey,everyone prefers different amp and tubes a well.  I just love them with this tube setup and they were underwhelming with other tubes  I have tried using with them.  I went through a few combinations and found the right drivers for them,. The 596 rectifiers also made a big difference.

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