The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
May 21, 2013 at 9:57 PM Post #2,836 of 29,032
You guys are killing me.  My HD800 are suppose to be in on Thursday so I'll be the new guy. 
 Really looking forward to them. 

In the mean time, enjoying my HE500 (did I really type this on the HD800 thread
.. oops)

After you have that taste, your thirst will only get larger. Stax, other TOTL headphones will be next. Once you hear something like HD 800s, there is no going back. 

May 21, 2013 at 10:45 PM Post #2,838 of 29,032
Heard the 007.. yes, very nice.  I've decided that I'm a one headphone guy (plus portable) so I'm going to build a reasonable system around the HD800. Got a line on the Cardas Clear HD800 cable (3M) and if I can get a good price on it, I'm in. HE500 are already up for sale.
At this point in my life, it's about simplicity so I'll try with the Schiit Stack or go for the Woo WA7.
But this is HeadFi.. I keep posting and have been through the HD600, HD650, HD700 and the HE500 (plus HD25, vModa M80, SR80i) in the past two years... who am I kidding?
I've actually finished off my main A/V system and am pretty happy with it.. Martin Logan, Rotel, Oppo, PS Audio (see the pics in my profile). I definitely want to get there with my HeadFi system.
I'm hoping the HD800/Schiit stack or Woo WA7 will do it for me... but what did I say, this is HeadFi.. stay tuned 

After you have that taste, your thirst will only get larger. Stax, other TOTL headphones will be next. Once you hear something like HD 800s, there is no going back. 

May 21, 2013 at 11:40 PM Post #2,840 of 29,032
Heard the 007.. yes, very nice.  I've decided that I'm a one headphone guy (plus portable) so I'm going to build a reasonable system around the HD800. Got a line on the Cardas Clear HD800 cable (3M) and if I can get a good price on it, I'm in. HE500 are already up for sale.
At this point in my life, it's about simplicity so I'll try with the Schiit Stack or go for the Woo WA7.
But this is HeadFi.. I keep posting and have been through the HD600, HD650, HD700 and the HE500 (plus HD25, vModa M80, SR80i) in the past two years... who am I kidding?
I've actually finished off my main A/V system and am pretty happy with it.. Martin Logan, Rotel, Oppo, PS Audio (see the pics in my profile). I definitely want to get there with my HeadFi system.
I'm hoping the HD800/Schiit stack or Woo WA7 will do it for me... but what did I say, this is HeadFi.. stay tuned 

I'm not sure the Cardas is the way to go for the HD800. I would try a more mellow cable with a solid bass like my Moon Audio Black Dragon (I use a 15-footer, so I can verify that it does well in 
a longer length). I have never heard the Cardas with the HD800, but I'm not a fan of the Cardas with the HD600/650, which is too prominent in the upper mids, which is not what you want with the HD800s.
May 22, 2013 at 12:35 AM Post #2,841 of 29,032
Canare wire with a balanced 4-pin. Simply spectacular and also inexpensive (well, compared to the artsy offerings being bandied about here).

Despite some opinions to the contrary, the stock single-ended cable is damn good but doesn't have the bling factor, which could be the reason for much of the dismissive commentary.
May 22, 2013 at 12:41 AM Post #2,842 of 29,032
Just thought some pics would be nice on this thread haha. Got my new stand in today:




May 22, 2013 at 6:10 AM Post #2,843 of 29,032
Got a line on the Cardas Clear HD800 cable (3M) and if I can get a good price on it, I'm in. 

I'll echo what has been said.  If by good price you mean ~$300, have at it, otherwise you have better options.
May 22, 2013 at 11:23 AM Post #2,844 of 29,032
I just lost my HD 800s for two weeks for "repairs" (it was loose when I got it already), I'm stuck with a $10 Logitech USB Trashset.
Even listening to music is impossible now, I guess no music for two weeks! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
May 22, 2013 at 11:26 AM Post #2,845 of 29,032
Thanks all!  I have a Q cable on my HE500 which I absolutely love.  May just re-terminate with HD800 connectors which would be much cheaper.
I was pretty happy with the stock cable on my HD700 and had no thoughts of replacing it.  May feel the same with the HD800. Since it will probably be my only full size headphone, yes, looking at blinging it out.
I'll echo what has been said.  If by good price you mean ~$300, have at it, otherwise you have better options.

May 22, 2013 at 2:47 PM Post #2,846 of 29,032
I swear by uranium nuclear-reactor-core cable amplifiers, the nuclear reactor multiplies the electrons which causes a fuller and amplified sound. Volume control is done by shortening a bit of the cable in the amplifier itself. The extreme decay and deadly gamma rays also prevent interference from reaching the audio signal. I hand-craft these cable amplifiers in my Russian bunker with a chemo suit.
Availible now for a steal of $99,95 per cm!

May 22, 2013 at 2:57 PM Post #2,847 of 29,032
Here's the thread on the Uber Upgrade. I did the upgrade last night and the difference was immediately noticeable.
I cant specifically talk to the HD800... yet... but with the HE-500 the bass tightened up, better extension across the spectrum and smoother mids and highs with less grain. I'm suspecting that I'm getting more detail also but it's hard to tell. It seems a little brighter but that may be due to the upper end extension/detail. Need to spend some more time with it.
I didn't do the Gen2 USB upgrade. I do have both USB and optical hooked up with my MacMini but it's really hard to tell the difference. Maybe when I get the HD800...
Hope this helps, M

I did my before/after tests with the 24/96 Rumors album. The recording has to have detail to really appreciate the detail in the uber upgrade. Boy does that album/recording have it in spades. You're going to love the 800s.
May 22, 2013 at 11:14 PM Post #2,849 of 29,032
I found HD800 with HM901 balanced amp module is quite viable as portable setup, really impressed by the juice inside this black box.
The vintage mode just fits HD800's sound signature perfectly with add warmth in the mids and weight in the bass. First time I found HD800 to sound good with pop, vocal stuff.
May 22, 2013 at 11:28 PM Post #2,850 of 29,032
I did my before/after tests with the 24/96 Rumors album. The recording has to have detail to really appreciate the detail in the uber upgrade. Boy does that album/recording have it in spades. You're going to love the 800s.

One of my favorites!

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