The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:54 PM Post #361 of 29,017
According to people on tis topic and it came form a source in Germany they made changes starting with pairs  over 10000 serial numbers. Sennheiser has never either acknowledged or denied the rumors. I know my pair is better than the first ones I had and it over 10000 but others say they are the same.  In any event I like the pair i have and wont sell them.
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:55 PM Post #362 of 29,017
Without a 19K+ how do you know :p  My 07/2012 pair was quoting my notes...
lacking very bottom
somewhat flat
little emotional engagement
greyness to it
back of club feel
somewhat dry
This pair isn't any of those :wink:

Is the rest of your system same as back in 07/2012? And even if it is, w/o proper A/B it's hard to tell, audio memory is pretty short and there is a big part played by "emotional" tuning.
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:57 PM Post #363 of 29,017
According to people on tis topic and it came form a source in Germany they made changes starting with pairs  over 10000 serial numbers. Sennheiser has never either acknowledged or denied the rumors. I know my pair is better than the first ones I had and it over 10000 but others say they are the same.  In any event I like the pair i have and wont sell them.

And when 10,000 started shipping?
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:00 PM Post #365 of 29,017
According to people on tis topic and it came form a source in Germany they made changes starting with pairs  over 10000 serial numbers. Sennheiser has never either acknowledged or denied the rumors. I know my pair is better than the first ones I had and it over 10000 but others say they are the same.  In any event I like the pair i have and wont sell them.

Not confirmed ... But when I  was in the store, I just  bought the one with the biggest serial number available 

Feb 27, 2013 at 6:00 PM Post #366 of 29,017
I have no idea you would need to go back and research the old thread to see when they started to ship been a while back,,. 

This is also an interesting data point
BTW, pertaining to the OP. I've measured five pairs of HD800 with s/n's from the hundreds to ~15000. (I can't say for units s/n ~20+), but all of the HD800 basically sounded the same and measured the same, at least on my rig (despite provided Senn graphs.) Maybe, maybe one pair, Maxvla's s/n ~15k seems slightly warmer with less of a peak in direct comparison with two other pairs (Jason and Analmort's) we happened to have had on hand for that session. Even then, the measurements on Maxvla's pair did not indicate any significant differences which would explain this. The subjective differences between so called early pairs and late pairs can probably be accounted for as follows: 1) individual pair characteristics; 2) music being played at the time; 3) equipment being used at the time; 4) mood and/or developing tastes.
It's possible the later production pairs do sound different, but I haven't encountered this specifically with early s/n and late s/n pairs in direct controlled tests using the same measurement equipment, and same sets of ears, test tracks, and gear. Besides, if you've ever talked to a Senn rep, they will say the HD800 is neutral and perfect. One tends not correct neutral and perfect.

Feb 27, 2013 at 6:08 PM Post #367 of 29,017
And you will find a different post from Innerspace who had a few pairs and all sounded different. Measurements dont always tell anyone how anything will sound. You can also have amplifier made by the same company and change one capacitor and the sound will be different even though they measure the same. I had a dealer change one capacitor in my Pioneer sx980 and the sound was very different even though the caps values were identical but from different manufactures. So I dont buy in to the measurements as being the end all at least form my 38 years of buying gear.
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:12 PM Post #368 of 29,017
And you will find a different post from Innerspace who had a few pairs and all sounded different. Measurements dont always tell anyone how anything will sound. You can also have amplifier made by the same company and change one capacitor and the sound will be different even though they measure the same. I had a dealer change one capacitor in my Pioneer sx980 and the sound was very different even though the caps values were identical but from different manufactures. So I dont buy in to the measurements as being the end all at least form my 38 years of buying gear.

Didn't Purrin say "measured AND sounded" the same. And if the bass response is significantly different, it should show in FQ response, we are not talking about some miniscule differences, do we?
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:20 PM Post #369 of 29,017
According to people on tis topic and it came form a source in Germany they made changes starting with pairs  over 10000 serial numbers. Sennheiser has never either acknowledged or denied the rumors. I know my pair is better than the first ones I had and it over 10000 but others say they are the same.  In any event I like the pair i have and wont sell them.

AFAIK Sennheiser always denied any changes in HD 800 production since it started until now.
You can count me as a German source, too. :wink:
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:32 PM Post #370 of 29,017
AFAIK Sennheiser always denied any changes in HD 800 production since it started until now.
You can count me as a German source, too. :wink:

I  don't want to start an other flame war, but when people claim they hear difference by swapping cables, it's perhaps even less surprising they hear differences from different batch of the hd800.
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:35 PM Post #371 of 29,017
Let's not forget why the last thread was closed, cable arguments, so lets move on.
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:36 PM Post #372 of 29,017
I  don't want to start an other flame war, but when people claim they hear difference by swapping cables, it's perhaps even less surprising they hear differences from different batch of the hd800.

Let's stay on the course, please, the other HD800 thread was locked because of the raging cable discussion.
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:50 PM Post #373 of 29,017
This denial by Sennheiser doesn't mean there aren't any differences at all between one and another model. But they try to make them all sound as equal as possible. So if you really imagine to hear or at least measure -which seems to be quite more possible- differences between one and another pair it's imaginable, imho. But this matter of industrial production is no proof at all for a "new", "other" or any kind of differnce in sound signature forced by Sennheiser.
Feb 27, 2013 at 6:59 PM Post #374 of 29,017
Is the rest of your system same as back in 07/2012?

Nope.  Now using a brighter DAC and more laid back amp and still ended up with a bass monster that is dynamic... go figure.
Rig at that time was W4S DAC-2 and Apex Peak w/ a Sylvania Bad Boy.

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