The New Enleum AMP-23R Amplifier (Successor to Bakoon AMP-13R) Thread
Sep 1, 2023 at 5:50 PM Post #1,743 of 1,898
Are you able to share them? That would definitely be useful. Or did you and I missed it?
No, I didn’t share so you didn’t miss and no I can’t as I it was data I quickly got rid of from my iPad as it took up a surprising amount of space. I also didn’t feel inclined to retain it as it served no purpose other than to confirm what I was hearing and what I was hearing had already determined the amp would be going back.
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Sep 1, 2023 at 6:08 PM Post #1,744 of 1,898
Set to “ignore”. Life is indeed too short. Someone who literally trawled an entire thread to score a point by taking stuff out of context and then changes his mind. Comic genius.

So, back on topic.
i deleted the post to keep the peace and this thread on topic but i'm tempted to repost it as you want to go on with it regardless. oh, and there was no need to trawl the entire thread for your posts. i just went to 'postings' in your profile and found them there - it only took a few minutes. quoting your posts in full would have been excessive, however and would not have cast the extracts taken from them in a more positive light. and contrary to what you would have us believe, those extracts clearly show that you have 'attacked the poster' on more than one occasion, thereby exposing the hypocrisy of your post (#1,733). hope you find that amusing.
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Sep 1, 2023 at 7:02 PM Post #1,745 of 1,898
No, I didn’t share so you didn’t miss and no I can’t as I it was data I quickly got rid of from my iPad as it took up a surprising amount of space. I also didn’t feel inclined to retain it as it served no purpose other than to confirm what I was hearing and what I was hearing had already determined the amp would be going back.
I’m sure you heard what you heard but citing measurements that no one else can ever see doesn’t prove anything. I’m not a measurements at all cost person, but if you’re going to cite measurements as proof of your claim that the Enleum is recessed in the midrange, and use that to discount the experience of other people who have heard and own the amp, then you should be able to produce those measurements.
Sep 2, 2023 at 7:18 AM Post #1,746 of 1,898
I think you’ll find I wrote a detailed review of my experience. I didn‘t and don’t seek to “prove” anything to anyone here or “discount the experience of others”. I described my experience and how I arrived at my decision. I took measurements solely to see if they reflected what myself and my friend heard in two different environments and systems. It happened that they did. Had they not I would nevertheless have not purchased the amp because of what my ears were telling me i.e. that there was no mid-range magic; no flow; nothing exceptional going on with vocals and a narrow soundstage.

I note that CMA and his Patreons took measurements before drawing the same conclusion re: midrange. I’ve not seen them published either.

My sole point re: the measurements was that others may well hear all the things we didn’t. That’s subjective as we all have different ears. If they love they amp as I had hoped to then that’s great. Measurements obviously don’t tell the full story but, done competently, they do reflect an objective truth as to which frequencies are boosted, cut etc.

I will repeat then. My measurements were for me. My citing them here was not to prove or disprove anything. They we’re an interesting adjunct to the listening experience for me which took place over 14 days. Ultimately though it’s the listening experience which decides.
Sep 2, 2023 at 12:31 PM Post #1,747 of 1,898
I think you’ll find I wrote a detailed review of my experience. I didn‘t and don’t seek to “prove” anything to anyone here or “discount the experience of others”. I described my experience and how I arrived at my decision. I took measurements solely to see if they reflected what myself and my friend heard in two different environments and systems. It happened that they did. Had they not I would nevertheless have not purchased the amp because of what my ears were telling me i.e. that there was no mid-range magic; no flow; nothing exceptional going on with vocals and a narrow soundstage.

I note that CMA and his Patreons took measurements before drawing the same conclusion re: midrange. I’ve not seen them published either.

My sole point re: the measurements was that others may well hear all the things we didn’t. That’s subjective as we all have different ears. If they love they amp as I had hoped to then that’s great. Measurements obviously don’t tell the full story but, done competently, they do reflect an objective truth as to which frequencies are boosted, cut etc.

I will repeat then. My measurements were for me. My citing them here was not to prove or disprove anything. They we’re an interesting adjunct to the listening experience for me which took place over 14 days. Ultimately though it’s the listening experience which decides.
Your repeated remarks about defensiveness on the part of people who like the amp says differently. You have indeed discounted the experiences of others while demanding that they acknowledge and validate yours. I have no skin in this game. I don’t have an Enleum and haven’t heard one and won’t be getting one. I have literally no opinion on or stake in this amp one way or the other. And I can tell you that as someone coming in to this without any preconceived bias of the amp itself, you have been acting poorly in this thread. You have repeatedly questioned the hearing and competence of people who have heard differently from you, and multiple times you have discounted others by citing these measurements that only you have seen and did not provide for anyone else to study. You have not shown yourself interested in actual discussion, just having your own point of view confirmed and validated.

I will not continue to post in this thread because it will be pointless. I’ll probably end up on your ignore list anyway, and you sure will be on mine. I just want you to read this so you can reflect on your own behavior.
Sep 2, 2023 at 1:10 PM Post #1,748 of 1,898
Your repeated remarks about defensiveness on the part of people who like the amp says differently. You have indeed discounted the experiences of others while demanding that they acknowledge and validate yours. I have no skin in this game. I don’t have an Enleum and haven’t heard one and won’t be getting one. I have literally no opinion on or stake in this amp one way or the other. And I can tell you that as someone coming in to this without any preconceived bias of the amp itself, you have been acting poorly in this thread. You have repeatedly questioned the hearing and competence of people who have heard differently from you, and multiple times you have discounted others by citing these measurements that only you have seen and did not provide for anyone else to study. You have not shown yourself interested in actual discussion, just having your own point of view confirmed and validated.

I will not continue to post in this thread because it will be pointless. I’ll probably end up on your ignore list anyway, and you sure will be on mine. I just want you to read this so you can reflect on your own behavior.
Bore off eh. Another on “Ignore“. No skin in the game but just had to launch a personal attack.
Sep 2, 2023 at 2:15 PM Post #1,749 of 1,898
Your repeated remarks about defensiveness on the part of people who like the amp says differently. You have indeed discounted the experiences of others while demanding that they acknowledge and validate yours. I have no skin in this game. I don’t have an Enleum and haven’t heard one and won’t be getting one. I have literally no opinion on or stake in this amp one way or the other. And I can tell you that as someone coming in to this without any preconceived bias of the amp itself, you have been acting poorly in this thread. You have repeatedly questioned the hearing and competence of people who have heard differently from you, and multiple times you have discounted others by citing these measurements that only you have seen and did not provide for anyone else to study. You have not shown yourself interested in actual discussion, just having your own point of view confirmed and validated.

I will not continue to post in this thread because it will be pointless. I’ll probably end up on your ignore list anyway, and you sure will be on mine. I just want you to read this so you can reflect on your own behavior.
points well made but it's an exercise in futility as his typically abrasive response shows. what an arrogant ass. he'll have the thread all to himself at this rate, although i'd wager that he's still reading posts from those he's put on "Ignore".
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Sep 2, 2023 at 3:30 PM Post #1,751 of 1,898
Man give it a rest already. Go listen to music. Have sex. Eat some fruit. Go for a jog.
Give what a rest? Setting up “Ignore“ on people going out of their way to launch personal attacks? I think not.

There was a sensible discussion going on here. I post a review a few pages back which reflects the fact that I didn’t get the experience I hoped to and all manner of twattery appears. If you‘ve an Enleum and it’s great for you I have no issue with that and I never will. People wishing to score points and prove that my experience was for some reason other than that I described? There’s your problem.

Once again with feeling then. Stop commenting on the poster and get back on topic.
Sep 3, 2023 at 3:02 PM Post #1,753 of 1,898
In the end, it just seems the Enleum is not a good fit for your system and for at least one more person here. You had two units, so the chances of both of them being sonically faulty seems very low.
It’s interesting as there is, as best I can tell, absolutely zero reason why that shouid be the case. My Innuos/Chord front end is matched by a few others on this thread who have purchased the Enleum and absolutely don’t recognise what I heard and the Zu speakers, with a sensitivity of 101db, should have been perfect. Where it got interesting for me was moving it to a different location and system. I would not have expected it to have been a good match there but if anything, because that’s a vastly superior system to my own, it was a better match but the sane traits were on display. .

I take your point about the unlikelihood of two consecutive units being faulty but I’m not sure I agree. The reality was that the isolation feet on both units were in a dreadful state; the first unit was dented and marked and the remote control on the second unit was a right state. i could pin the first unit on the supplier as it was open box, or at least Enleum could argue it wasn’t them. However the second unit was unopened. Any issues there were undeniably down to quality control at the Enleum end and it beggared belief that anyone could have allowed it to leave the factory in that state.

Add into that the software itself was indisputably erratic as my review described. Gain control was not consistent.

I’ll see if I can drop some images so you can judge for yourself.
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Sep 3, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #1,754 of 1,898




These images are the first unit. Open box but supposedly never used.

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