The "mod your Zhalou" Thread
May 31, 2006 at 5:45 AM Post #61 of 2,143

Originally Posted by Gabe Logan
I am guessing that all these mods wont be ready or coming out untill 3.0 is finished.

First don't shoot me! From some casual talks with Eddie I heard that PCM1794 (D2B) won't be available anytime soon. While the Zhaolu designer is still working on it, it looks like the challenge is more than just "another DAC board", and linked to more complications in the power supply side. So, .... there is a likelihood that 1794 will be implemented as Zhaolu D3.0, and someone looking at the crystal ball said it should be some 6 months away.

I cannot judge how firm these all are, but think it is still good to share. Again, don't sue me if I am proved wrong.

F. Lo
May 31, 2006 at 6:17 AM Post #62 of 2,143

Originally Posted by fkclo
Some update: While the trial battery setup provides remarkable performance, there is currently no plan to make it a commercial offering. Time (all Eddie got is 24 hours a day) aside, the cost of putting together a nice package (a box, charger, batteries, voltage distribution....etc) may render the offering unattractive for most. That aside, I do believe he can come up with a few to entertain real die hard Zhaolu fans.....

For those who are after a transportable DAC with USB, I do believe the Stello DA-100 is a good choice. Out of my limited experience, I think the Stello has the best execution of USB in an audio DAC.

F. Lo

That's the thing. Stello's USB implementation is nothing special. It's just PCM2704 USB chip, internally spdif'd to the DAC, just as un-special as Apogee Mini-DAC USB, AQVox DAC, etc, etc.

So that means not to expect USB option on Zhaolu anytime soon?

As far as the battery PS, why even shoot for "die-hard Zhaolu fans"? By making the battery PS, people will turn into die-hard Zhaolu fans.
May 31, 2006 at 6:26 AM Post #63 of 2,143
Hello Jon,

If you´re a bit handy with ye olde soldering iron, you could do the USB thingy yourself.
I´m working on one right now. On the 1.3 board the connection between 8414 and 1852 is nicely done via 3 (IIRC) resistors. Remove those and add a USB to I2S convertor (like from and voila: USB done correctly.

Again: I´ll report when finished.

May 31, 2006 at 7:02 AM Post #64 of 2,143

Originally Posted by Jon L
That's the thing. Stello's USB implementation is nothing special. It's just PCM2704 USB chip, internally spdif'd to the DAC, just as un-special as Apogee Mini-DAC USB, AQVox DAC, etc, etc.

So that means not to expect USB option on Zhaolu anytime soon?

While USB implementation in DAC is no rocket science, somehow judging from my ears the Stello has done some magic with the USB input - the sound is rich, liquid and though not exactly so, is more analogue than other USB implementations I have heard (based on 320kps AAC source file). Granted, it is still not as good as direct CD input through SPDIF, but USB vs. USB, Stello offers the best I have heard so far.

To the best of my knowledge, USB for Zhaolu D2.x is unlikely.

F. Lo
May 31, 2006 at 7:04 AM Post #65 of 2,143
Hi guys,

for the zhaolu D2, which caps are modded to BG cap by Eddie and what are the value/rating?
and the 14 os-con caps, 4 elna and 4 resistors upgrade as well
can any guy post the pic?

May 31, 2006 at 10:58 PM Post #66 of 2,143
Hi 1'st post.
I have a zhaolu D2 that I have been doing some op-amp rolling on. I do not know if this is the right thread for it because I am not sure if that is really "modding"
So far I really like the opa2132, the lm6172 and the ad825 (looks like I have most of the mfg covered). Right now I have 3 opa2132 in the dac and I am very happy
Jun 1, 2006 at 12:20 AM Post #67 of 2,143

Originally Posted by chernloon
Re Zhaolu D.2 - Which caps are modded to BG cap by Eddie and what are the value/rating?and the 14 os-con caps, 4 elna and 4 resistors upgrade as well can any guy post the pic?

Looks impressive doesn't it ? Lets hope it's not only a flashy looker !

Jun 1, 2006 at 2:49 AM Post #70 of 2,143
Looks good.

I am not sure, however, that it is good thing to have Oscons in the analog stages.

I found that Oscons used in this application impart brightness in the upper mids. I would use Tonerex, Cerefines or bigger values of the green Muse capacitors.


Originally Posted by Gone4T
Looks impressive doesn't it ? Lets hope it's not only a flashy looker !


Jun 1, 2006 at 4:58 AM Post #71 of 2,143
I am getting a horrible click/static in between tracks. I found one album today and it was very bad. On some cd's it is barley noticable but on others it is horrid. Anyone else experience this?
Jun 1, 2006 at 5:08 AM Post #72 of 2,143

Originally Posted by BeerCan
I am getting a horrible click/static in between tracks. I found one album today and it was very bad. On some cd's it is barley noticable but on others it is horrid. Anyone else experience this?

you need to upsampling your source in foorbar to 96khz.
Jun 1, 2006 at 5:08 AM Post #73 of 2,143
Does the static come from the speakers/headphones or from the set itself?

There is another fellow from Singapore who has the same problem. It could be a problem with the relays or the opamps.

Try rubbersoul's solution too.


Originally Posted by BeerCan
I am getting a horrible click/static in between tracks. I found one album today and it was very bad. On some cd's it is barley noticable but on others it is horrid. Anyone else experience this?

Jun 1, 2006 at 2:40 PM Post #75 of 2,143
If my soundcard only outputs 48khz spdif, then I'm stuck right?

I don't have the zhaolu 2 unit yet. I'm thinking if foobar outputs a constant stream - which it should, then there shouldn't be any clicking, even between tracks, as it is a continuous stream.

how bad is the clicking? bad enough to hurt ears and damage headphones

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