The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016
Dec 19, 2013 at 2:18 PM Post #8,941 of 18,652
  The Noble K10 is a >35ohm custom IEM and completely hiss-free on the DX50. Sounds great straight from the headphone output.
You might want to sit down before you look at the pricetag though.

Damn.  lol.  
I don't really have a set budget for a high end headphone, which is nice.  The jh13 and 16 were looking actually rather enticing, but have been fearing those wouldn't work how I would want them to straight from the DX50 and this thread has led me to believe that they would not.  Good to know a custom that for sure does.  But of course, have a ways to go in reviewing all my options before going nuts with money.
There was a time I went nuts with money on audio equipment.  It was about 10 years ago, and I was in the Army.  Nowadays have been much more reserved.  Though it's sorta frustrating because I made it too expensive for myself to 'upgrade' my theater system to where I just don't want to do it.  Lol.  However in this sense it's also good, saves me money once I find something expensive enough that I can't be motivated to upgrade out of it.  :)
Dec 19, 2013 at 2:36 PM Post #8,942 of 18,652
  Klipsch did make me spoiled in the regard that they have the comfiest ear tips I've ever used.  That's the brand I'm using now, but they don't have anything headphone wise for pro audio.

Have you ever considered using your favorite Klipsh S4 eartips on other "pro audio" IEM's?
They are available ya know:
Dec 19, 2013 at 2:43 PM Post #8,943 of 18,652
Have you ever considered using your favorite Klipsh S4 eartips on other "pro audio" IEM's?
They are available ya know:

I haven't yet tried 'pro audio' headphones.  :)  However I have tried them on a different IEM at some point in time but they didn't quite attach properly.  There is reason to believe they would probably attach to certain things.  Would just need to be tried.  And I for sure would be trying it.  :)
Dec 19, 2013 at 3:09 PM Post #8,944 of 18,652
I haven't yet tried 'pro audio' headphones.  :)  However I have tried them on a different IEM at some point in time but they didn't quite attach properly.  There is reason to believe they would probably attach to certain things.  Would just need to be tried.  And I for sure would be trying it.  :)

Yeah the S4 nozzle (below) looks very unique so tips might not fit other IEM's. Your best bet is probably IEMs with small diameter nozzles like Shure. 

Dec 19, 2013 at 4:02 PM Post #8,945 of 18,652
Hello all,
I have to say after 4 days with my DX50 and I couldn't be happier! For a portable rig (without having to pile devices on top of each other), this thing sounds amazing with my Westone 4Rs! I can live with all the growing pains of this device. I have had a lot worse! Also I do not understand all the complaints about pairing this player with the RE400s? jazz, classical, and early prog rock sound amazing!

Dec 20, 2013 at 2:53 AM Post #8,951 of 18,652
I'm using 1.2.6 and mine doesn't want to scan my 64g sandisk card (exFAT), i have tried the reset and still have to mess with it a lot to get the files to show up browsing the directory, then the only way it will scan is to access one of the tracks, and it will scan only that album. May try going to 1.2.5, don't like the crossfade thing really. Hope it's not defective, i do enjoy the player of course.
Dec 20, 2013 at 2:55 AM Post #8,952 of 18,652
  I ordered from MP4Nation and they advised it was from the latest batch so I'd assume I've got the a 12th. Is there any way for me to check?

Ya same here, Please tell me you did see the 10% discount coupon and used it, because i have just missed on that

Dec 20, 2013 at 3:10 AM Post #8,953 of 18,652
I'm using 1.2.6 and mine doesn't want to scan my 64g sandisk card (exFAT), i have tried the reset and still have to mess with it a lot to get the files to show up browsing the directory, then the only way it will scan is to access one of the tracks, and it will scan only that album. May try going to 1.2.5, don't like the crossfade thing really. Hope it's not defective, i do enjoy the player of course.

It's not defective. If you move to 1.2.6, it's using a different scanning technique and to get it to work right requires few simple steps. I suggest you go back to prior posts to find out how. In conclusion, you might need to delete the .audio_data folder on the sd card in order to allow a full, lengthy I might add for the 1st time, scan.

Good luck but please don't give up. I went back and forth with 1.2.5 and 1.2.6 and prefer the scanning progress bar on the latest release. At least you know it's working and where you are and when it's over. :)
Dec 20, 2013 at 11:02 AM Post #8,955 of 18,652
  The Noble K10 is a >35ohm custom IEM and completely hiss-free on the DX50. Sounds great straight from the headphone output.
You might want to sit down before you look at the pricetag though.

Alright, so after careful review, these Kaiser 10 headphones seem like they are everything I want out of a pair of headphones.  
Read the reviews, one I believe is your own review, and if I am to get my own super custom headphones, these would probably be that end-all solution.  Similar to sticking my home theater speakers up to my ears in clarity I am sure.  Being assured they sound nice with the DX50 on its own is also rather positive feedback, and is what was preventing me from pulling the trigger on the JH13 or 16 last month.  
Speaking of things, I have almost an impossible time settling for less when it comes to speakers, I tend to always go for the flagship models of the brand I chose of that year.  After learning my lesson when I first started buying home theater equipment, I started out low.  Maybe about 6 months realized I could do better, upgraded again to something mid-way up the chart.  Then maybe a year later, upgraded again to the flagship model which I still have now as my primary sound system 10 years later.  Love those things.  

I was contemplating getting a lower model custom headphone, such as the $400 models.  But I know once I get those I will want to upgrade to see what I am missing.  Saves money to just get it over with and dive in.  
The IEM's I've been using are already the flagship of the company they came from (Klipsch),  I've been loving them the past few years, but I can't upgrade beyond that with them, which implies it's time to move on.  Custom monitors seem like they'd be the most comfortable for me.  Lots of universal headphones just downright like to be evil and hurt my ears.  lol.  Causing pressure points where my ears disagree.  
Anyway, while I'm feeling confident in the Kaiser 10, I have scheduled my audiologist appointment for next Thursday.  Where then I will continue to ponder what exactly I would like to order.  Those K10s though are freaking beautiful.  It's eye candy.  :p

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