THE HYPE.............................. Appreciation Thread.
Oct 24, 2014 at 8:49 PM Post #2,131 of 2,209
What about the new Sennheiser Momentum In Ears? I'm thinking they could be hype worthy.

LMAO those??? Nah they ain't even remotely close to hype worthy material knowing what Senni typically brings...... meh.
Although $100 they are worth checking out, but i bet dem Chinese cheapos blows them outta' the water.
Haha...I bought a car and I was in some forums where they talk about the model i purchased.  That got boring fast -- you turn they key, press the pedal and steer.  What more is there to talk about? 
At least my money was safe.  Now I'm back and I'm already planning my next purchase. 

SAY WHAT???!!! You have been slooting it out in some USED CAR forum, sigh. D'YAM just thinking about me makes me feel dirty. :wink:
Welp ain't no better place to start your new hype purchase than this thread. :  )
I bring you the real 'ish RAW and uncensored. : O
Elvergun's getting caught up and reaquinted with the program lol
Edit: the head-fi 12 step program that is!

There's no going back once you hit dat sonic crack meng....
... you in fo' lyfe boi!!!
BURN DOUGH BURN$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!

Oct 24, 2014 at 8:53 PM Post #2,132 of 2,209
SAY WHAT???!!! You have been slooting it out in some USED CAR forum, sigh. D'YAM just thinking about me makes me feel dirty. :wink:
Welp ain't no better place to start your new hype purchase than this thread. :  )
I bring you the real 'ish RAW and uncensored. : O

Well, I'm about to purchase some Rockets...what do you say to that? 
Oct 24, 2014 at 8:58 PM Post #2,133 of 2,209
Well, I'm about to purchase some Rockets...what do you say to that? 

i'll have something to say about them when they come in for an audition from a mini tour............................ soon.

But if you are gonna pay their nutso $250 retail price for them nah don't do it. All the TOTL flatter hyped gears are good but it ain't as AMAZEBALLZ_UCE as they make them out to be tbh. Flatters will be flatters, they like dead boring music so.... : P
For $100 to $150 is what those Rockets should cost retail at least for me so. Can't see myself paying more than $200 for them.
Oct 24, 2014 at 11:53 PM Post #2,134 of 2,209
.... unlocked, now back to the regular scheduled hype program.....
DAT Sony XBA-Z5 HYPE boi!!!


Choo Choo Choo!!! All aboard!!!
Oh but wait..................... dem graphs :  P

Uhhn K3003 was the king?
I thought the general consensus about the K3003 is that they`re a big schiit (the bad one) for the price...or even half the price.
Althought I`ve never seen one in person.
Nov 4, 2014 at 3:26 AM Post #2,137 of 2,209
  It's that time of spend money on headphones I obviously need.....

Dood since you are gonna waste monies on 'ish regardless, hook me up with that set of gr07 BEs of yours for cheeeeaps. Please. :  )
It's going to waste with ya' anyways since you can't even get a good fit on them. : P
edit: still holding out for dem VSD5. LMAO :wink:
Nov 4, 2014 at 12:32 PM Post #2,138 of 2,209
Dood since you are gonna waste monies on 'ish regardless, hook me up with that set of gr07 BEs of yours for cheeeeaps. Please. :  )
It's going to waste with ya' anyways since you can't even get a good fit on them. : P
edit: still holding out for dem VSD5. LMAO :wink:

They're nicely broken in for almost two years now too :p...but alas......the plug is broken :frowning2:, at least I'm fairly certain its the plug. I want the vsd5 too......but after the BE breaking and the vsd3s breaking on me........i went form thinking sonic had good build quality to poor very quickly. 
Nov 4, 2014 at 6:20 PM Post #2,139 of 2,209
They're nicely broken in for almost two years now too :p...but alas......the plug is broken :frowning2:, at least I'm fairly certain its the plug. I want the vsd5 too......but after the BE breaking and the vsd3s breaking on me........i went form thinking sonic had good build quality to poor very quickly. 

Damn son you be rough with your gears huh??? Both of my used VSD3S and gr07 BE is still kicking strong, but i kinda baby all my gears. They are my daily beaters so.... can't baby them THAT much, just be careful with them and they should last you a long while. The detachable cables on the VSD3S is indeed the weak point of them though, hope Vsonic will address this issue in their VSD5.... hopefully.

Nov 4, 2014 at 6:57 PM Post #2,140 of 2,209
Damn son you be rough with your gears huh??? Both of my used VSD3S and gr07 BE is still kicking strong, but i kinda baby all my gears. They are my daily beaters so.... can't baby them THAT much, just be careful with them and they should last you a long while. The detachable cables on the VSD3S is indeed the weak point of them though, hope Vsonic will address this issue in their VSD5.... hopefully.

Hahaha I'm fairly careful with mine as well. Put them in a case which then goes into the top of my bag near the handle, with nothing else, and no pressure on them! Wrap with 4 fingers and errything. 
Dec 20, 2014 at 12:25 AM Post #2,141 of 2,209
Welp here is some mo' grounded Rockets hype. Ain't what it's cracked up to be it seems.....
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Yesterday I bid the Rockets tour loaner goodbye and sent it off to the next member in Spain. Time to wrap up my impressions and share a few thoughts:
Contrary to the ASG-2 that I heard last year, I pretty much liked the Rockets from the start. The ASGs were a rather specialized tool imo, tuned first and foremost for stage monitoring, and they didn't work that well for me. The Rockets are more versatile IEMs, an undeniably closer to neutral take on sound signature, while at the same time still retaining some of Aurisonics' pedigree that makes the mids the center of attention.
And for good reason, I must say, as the Rockets' mids are up there with the very best I've heard. There has been some discussion about whether these phones can be considered high-end... not that it really matters, but I personally haven't heard mids that I'd rate superior to these, from any earphone, at any price range.
The lows and highs, while still of exceptional quality, fall just a teeny-weeny bit short of the midrange's brilliance in my book. I'd love slightly more weight at the bottom and slightly more sparkle on top, but then again that's coming from someone who mostly listens at low volume and flirts with presbycusis more than he prefers.
I took the opportunity to test the Rockets in a variety of situations, and for me they worked exceptionally well in quiet surroundings and at mid to high volume levels. Noisy environment tends to drown out bass above all else and hence I'd pick a bassier phone than the Rockets for commuting. Same goes for very quiet listening, when Fletcher & Munson take their toll... I easily prefer the FX650 (my current nighttime IEMs) to the Rockets for this purpose. But at daytime, for sitting on the couch or walking around the house listening to R&B, Rock, or, generally speaking, anything that sounds better the louder you play it, the Rockets are the ones you can't go wrong with. On top of that, I've also found them to work beautifully with acoustic, jazz and classical, as long as not much bass authority is required (or desired). I for my part wouldn't pick them for large orchestra works, but chamber music suits them very very well.
So, will I miss them? For sure! Will I buy my own pair? I haven't quite made my mind up yet. Thing is, my listening happens mostly on the go and during nighttime, in other words, I'd rarely hear them at their best. But to those, whose usage patterns are more "Rocket-friendly", I'll have no problem recommending them as some of the best sounding phones I've ever had the privilege to listen to.
Once again, thanks for having me on the tour!

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All right now. Here's the low dope yo'. I'm gonna talk some jive now on the rockets...
I was unexpectedly sent another pair of rockets a few days ago! yay. So I will be able to compare the tour pair and the loaner I have now side by side. I will also be able to ship the tour pair on very quickly as I have the other set.
So first things first. Here are some photos of me wearing them over the ear with and without ear guides. I always use the pfe232 ear guides. They are simply the best ever. :p Says me. hehe :wink:


I find I can easily wear the rockets over the ear without using the "anti-loops" but I was just testing them and they appear to work very well at preventing any rotation when moving around. I think the pfe ear guides make the cable even a bit more less prone to noise, although I use them cable down with no guides when i'm actually listening intently and I have no problems. The pfe guides don't add any stress to the cable, they simply shift the angle a bit. I like them because they work as well as any, but they are sleeker than any i've seen. The kc06 guides are much thicker and bulkier, but also work well. I haven't tried them on the rockets, but I regularly interchange the pfe232 and kc06 guides and they are fairly interchangeable on most earphones.
As for some impressions...




I'll start with the cable. Personally, this is possibly my all time favorite cable. It has SO many positives and very little, if any, negatives. I don't have any issue with cable noise, so that's a positive for me. The feel of the cable is very nice with a sort of in between texture; not too soft, not too hard. It feels durable in material. The anchoring into the housings appears to be pretty solid as well. The y-split is my dream y-split. It DOESN'T merge the wires. That is awesome. Merging the wires just adds a very possible point of failure, as the wires and sheathing have a point where they can bend over time and get pulled out or separate at the connections, etc. The rockets are simply two wires from housings to jack brought together nicely with a very sleek y-split joining. Love it.
The housings are very nice. I believe they are titanium or something? I could be wrong, but they look well machined, precise, durable, sleek. Love them. They are a bit on the smaller side when you insert them, but i have no real problems doing so. The connector is just a "bit" on the bulky side for my tastes personally. I do prefer well made right angle connectors though, and this thing at least looks very durable and well made, but the slightly more in between right angle make it overall larger. I assume the extra ring on the connector base is to make it fit different mp3 player/phone cases. I don't use those type of cases so that adds length and the thickness of the connector molding is on the medium to large side compared to most of my earphones. However, in reality I haven't had any problems with the size, and the durability is key, which it seems to have. So, I still like it compared to most.
The cable wraps up SO nicely compared to other earphone cables. It simply wraps very cleanly. The housings and components are all straight and small, so there is nothing in the way to bulk up the wrapped cable or cause any hard to wrap sections. It can wrap very tightly as well with no strain on the cable parts. Love it! The set I have is a dark, almost black cable with red and blue circular indicators near the housings and a red piece in the cord-lock, which is also a perfect cord-lock. It moves freely enough but never slides of its own accord. And it's big enough to easily move but small enough to not be bulky. Love it!
I would have to say I have mixed impressions about the sound quality of these. Oh, snap! What did he just say?!?
But seriously, I was very hyped up about these based on the impressions of a few people who usually agree with my impressions very closely on the more neutral earphones. I was expecting these to have an er4s like quality but warmer and with more bass. I suppose that could be said, however, it's farther from my imagined sound than I expected.
I'll focus on the three main portions of the frequency response, bass, mids, treble.
The bass on these is very good. They don't really lack anything per se, but the lowest sub bass doesn't have the impact and depth I would prefer, primarily because of the mid bass masking it a tad. But it is still one of the better neutral basses I've heard and is up there with some of my favorites.
The mids are gorgeous. I find a ton of mid range texture and smoothness that oozes awesomeness and gives an incredible listening experience because it is so smooth and non-aggressive. It provides a very relaxing overall experience that never even borders on harsh to my ears. The main flaw with the mid range is that the area where it starts to merge with the bass, let's call it the mid-bass!!! lol, around 300-600hz, this area is a bit boosted. This is a double edged sword, because on the one hand it makes things very smooth and relaxing, but on the other hand it masks everything else a bit. It isn't boosted enough to truly "mask" details from what I can tell in my listening, but it gives that impression in overall response. I can hear pretty much everything I can on a set like the er4s, but in a much softer less obvious way.
The treble is very superb in the sense that it is also smooth and very neutral, however it takes more of a backseat in my listening experience because of the previously mentioned mid bass region. The treble is very revealing, detailed and natural, but at the same time soft, laid back and not very "critical". What I mean by that is the treble is very good, but lower in overall relation to the warm mid-bass presence. To me this sometimes has the impression of not being as detailed, or at least the details not being as transparent and in your face when they should be. So the treble seems soft in that sense. But a very simple eq cut of the mid-bass region shows the overall frequency response of the treble range to be very good and smooth and linear, just lower in relation to the mid-bass itself.
To bring that all together, overall, the sound i hear is a warm, smooth, neutral-ish sound that is almost focused on the mids and lower mids. They rockets are pleasing to the ears, revealing, detailed, smooth, ect. But I would say they aren't exciting, they lack clarity and definition in the sense of the treble standing out in a truly neutral way. I would say they lack true transparency because of the warmth. I don't get the impression I'm in a room when the recording is supposed to give that impressions. I would say it's still very good and renders atmosphere and ambiance well, but in a softer more smoothed over fashion. It's almost like putting an er4s under a pillow in some ways. :p Certain instruments don't stand out in the field of sound like they do with something like the er4s. Almost like they lack the 3d "pop" where an instrument could jump out in a special way due to mixing, etc...
If someone made and earphone that was the physical rockets with the audio quality of the er4s with red filters and the bass of the pfe112 I'd cry and buy a bunch of them! :p haha. But as it stands, I would say the rockets are up there with some of the best I've heard, but leaning more towards the warmer-neutral spectrum. I tend to prefer the er4s type neutral, pfe112, even kc06 with its slightly more v-shaped sound over the overall warmer variants like the rockets. But if you dig a warmer, softer take on neutral, the rockets are very smooth in their response from what I hear. They do have a few slight dips and peaks here and there, but overall just eliminating the mid-bass I mentioned opens them up nicely and makes them very neutral overall in tone and thickness. Perhaps there is a mod or physical passive eq cut that could be easily made. Then these things would be a force to be reckoned with. Until that time, I'd call these a fantastic non-fatuiging, warmer take on neutral for those that are into that.
I'm still listening and always changing tips, etc. But I've had them a few days and have done a lot of straight listening as well as comparisons to the previously mentioned earphones. Keep in mind everybody's ears are different. I have the same overall results with all the tips I've tried so far, with the bi-flange type tips from meelec  or sennheiser being the easiest to use and most comfortable.

The "antiloops" is the best lookin' thing of this project for me cuz overall the style/look of these rockets are pretty damn butt ugly. LoL
With the antiloops it actually made it look half decent and less awkward but too bad they are scrapped for some reason.
Oh well, guess it's tyme to move on from the Rockets hype anyways........

Dec 20, 2014 at 3:52 PM Post #2,142 of 2,209
Could this be a Sony H3 redux??? BASS SASSYS!!! Can you trust them???


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FX1100 update: Hate to say it, but after a few more hours of in-depth listening and comparing to the FX850, I'm officially unimpressed.
Let's start with the best part, treble is really a tad less forward and smoother than on the FX850, while still retaining excellent detail and sparkle. This tuning makes it easier to listen to and less fatiguing than the latter's, particularly if you listen at louder volume.
The midrange, like I said earlier, sounds a smidgen better fleshed out than on the FX850. I'm not quite sure though, whether that's due to a more forward tuning, or just a side-effect of slightly less pronounced treble (i.e. less masking by higher frequencies).
However, the range from lower mids down to midbass is, sorry to say, not worthy of a flagship phone. Not only is it boosted and skews tonality towards warmth, but at the same time it sounds murky and congested in comparison to the FX850 and impairs dynamics and soundstage, both of which make the latter such an enjoyable IEM.
Things get back to normal below midbass, and, as I mentioned, bass feels overall a bit tighter and less reverberant on the FX1100. But I truly can understand those who auditioned both phones and ended up picking the FX850, because frankly, they're overall undoubtedly the better sounding choice.
As for the j444 mod, yes it partly mitigates the FX1100's low range issues. To be completely honest, I can't even listen to the stock sound for longer than a minute, without starting to wonder what the guys at JVC were thinking. However, the mod is far from a remedy, and the only option I can think of right now is to tinker with the back vent.
TL;DR: So far I just can't see how the FX1100 is supposed to be an upgrade over the FX850, let alone a flagship IEM.

edit: needs mo' popcorn. :  )

Dec 20, 2014 at 9:08 PM Post #2,144 of 2,209
"One day our speakers will sound very good the next day it doesn't sound as good as i remembered......" durrr!!!! It's called YOUR DAMN MOOD SWINGS!!! LMAO 
If you are having a good day and is in a very good mood then your tunes/gears will sound better, but if you're having a schiity day, your negativity is gonna carry over/affect to your listening experience as well. EZ no rocket science.
Oh and that thing just seems like a fancy EQ gadget, but 1st thing 1st WHERE IS DAT BASS!!!???
I ain't gettin' no bass whatsoever with it on and off through my $160 netbook stock speakers. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dat EQ thing is a piece of junk obvious since my floors ain't even shaking with "atmosphere" on. Yeppp nothin' but "hype" as you sad.

Dec 20, 2014 at 9:57 PM Post #2,145 of 2,209
"One day our speakers will sound very good the next day it doesn't sound as good as i remembered......" durrr!!!! It's called YOUR DAMN MOOD SWINGS!!! LMAO 

If you are having a good day and is in a very good mood then your tunes/gears will sound better, but if you're having a schiity day, your negativity is gonna carry over/affect to your listening experience as well. EZ no rocket science.

Oh and that thing just seems like a fancy EQ gadget, but 1st thing 1st WHERE IS DAT BASS!!!??? :L3000: I ain't gettin' no bass whatsoever with it on and off through my $160 netbook stock speakers. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dat EQ thing is a piece of junk obvious since my floors ain't even shaking with "atmosphere" on. Yeppp nothin' but "hype" as you sad. :p

WHY ARE YOU STALKIN' ME??? :wink_face:

Yes, I totally agree, the "atmosphere" seems to be complete audio gadgetry hype.

But it's unlikely that you will get bass from netbook stock speakers, lol :)

Im not :p

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