The Exploration of Metal and Progressive Rock
Jan 6, 2011 at 4:49 AM Post #511 of 660
Dear DF,
I sincerely recommend you check out the band Coroner.  People like you, who are on a mission to discover all the great music of our time, need to be aware of the greatness of this humble band from Switzerland.  The following song in particular is imo the epitome of "metal and progressive rock".  It swings.

Best regards,
David (c:
Jan 6, 2011 at 9:17 AM Post #512 of 660

Testament - Practice What You Preach (Thrash)

Ehh maybe if your hardcore in love with 80's thrash but there is potential for a person to get burned out though.
If there is one must have Testament album I think it has to be "The Gathering"
That album is insanely good.
The only downfall for some might be the few songs with sort of death metal vocals.
I really don't care for vocals like that but with this album its perfectly fine and doesn't bother me at all.
I say try listening to some 30 second samples on amazon or something.
Not really the greatest thing but sometimes it kinda gives you a good taste but sometimes you just still don't know.
Or youtube is sometimes good but usually most of the stuff on there has horrible SQ.
I've bought a lot of albums with just 30 second samples from amazon.

I have the entire Testament discography and love each and every single album made by them. I recommended this album in particular by them because it was a slight departure from the classic 80´s thrash sound from the bay area, with some progresive elements to it. Alex Skolnick´s guitar soloing is superb IMO. The gathering is a heavy as screw album and excellent in that way, but it really doesn't show you anything new, just your typical aggression. Practice sounded so different when it came out, just like Metallica´s  Justice album.
Jan 6, 2011 at 9:20 AM Post #513 of 660

Dear DF,
I sincerely recommend you check out the band Coroner.  People like you, who are on a mission to discover all the great music of our time, need to be aware of the greatness of this humble band from Switzerland.  The following song in particular is imo the epitome of "metal and progressive rock".  It swings.

Best regards,
David (c:

CORONER!!!!! good times
also people might like Death Row from Germany with their album Deception Ignored, technical thrash metal bliss.
Jan 7, 2011 at 6:25 AM Post #514 of 660

I have the entire Testament discography and love each and every single album made by them. I recommended this album in particular by them because it was a slight departure from the classic 80´s thrash sound from the bay area, with some progresive elements to it. Alex Skolnick´s guitar soloing is superb IMO. The gathering is a heavy as screw album and excellent in that way, but it really doesn't show you anything new, just your typical aggression. Practice sounded so different when it came out, just like Metallica´s  Justice album.

I really need to listen to Practice What You Preach again its been awhile so it will be almost new again.
I just remember it being a natural follow up to The New Order not being a huge change. I do remember (i think) the solos being great though.
The Gathering is fairly heavy every time I listen to it its a lot of fun and enjoyable maybe not the best introduction to Testament but who knows maybe it is.
It just has lot of groove to it. The album Low is also like that and worth looking at that one could be better for some.
Its just with thrash a person might get burned out with its style at times unless they love it. But a fun thrash album is nice to have.
That's why I say try some samples on amazon although they are so brief.
That's the interesting thing about music an okay album might be really good next time you visit it.
Or an amazing album might not be so amazing later just good maybe okay.
Each time you visit it when its been awhile there is the potential of a new opinion about it.
Jan 7, 2011 at 9:12 AM Post #516 of 660
So which Overkill albums should I start with?
Hmm ... maybe I should try some Overkill ...

Yeah you should their a fun thrash band with the right albums.
Metallica is the thrash band most people have heard or love to me they are a bit boring.

Jan 7, 2011 at 9:28 AM Post #518 of 660
It's hard to say.  Depends what kind of music you like.  If you like typical fast thrash, then you might start out with their first few albums.  My all time favorite is
Years of Decay (1989).  My second is "From the Underground and Below".  You should preview a few on Youtube.  Their newest one, Ironbound, is getting incredible reviews. You can see my review of Ironbound at my blog which is in my signature.  It's probably my 3rd favorite??
Overkill has changed throughout the years, but the bass and vocals which is their staple sound, has remained their constant.
Jan 7, 2011 at 5:50 PM Post #519 of 660

So which Overkill albums should I start with?

Years of Decay is the much loved 80's album although Taking Over is just as good but out of print.
Horrorscope is the next step of the 80's sound and with some pretty slick production not one of my favorites but pretty popular it seems.
From the Underground and Below is a great modern album which I think a lot of people would like.
It's hard to say.
EDIT: Now that I really think about it From The Underground and Below is like the epitome of what I mean when I say Overkill is a fun thrash band.
The 80's albums have that too but it is possible for someone to think ehh its not that different from other 80's thrash.
Jan 7, 2011 at 6:18 PM Post #520 of 660

So which Overkill albums should I start with?


I've always thought that Overkill's first full-length album, Feel the Fire, was the best thrash album of all time.
Feel the Fire relates to the rest of the Overkill catalog like the two DiAnno albums relate to the Maiden catalog, IMO... kind of raw and simple, but containing the essential ideas from which the bands' more mature albums would eventually come.
Jan 9, 2011 at 5:26 PM Post #521 of 660
I have been away for some time. 
Overkill's "Years Of Decay" was sweet. The clean recording made me think of Rage Against The Machine's first album. But for the music I would prefer Overkill anyway even though I cannot explain why...
Coroner he? I was thinking of checking out Tool and the Young Gods among others but I will check it out.
Jan 9, 2011 at 5:48 PM Post #523 of 660
Mibutenma, Slayer's 'violence in stereo' has only been matched with King Crimson's track "Red" and the track "The Devil's Triangle". Otherwise Bach is just too much for Slayer or any other band, sorry for that. Blame it on majestic church organs and church acoustics.
Regarding Blitz's voice on "Years Of Decay", he sounded perfect but explaining why is to hard. I felt he sounded perfect somehow...
Coroner's track "Serpent Moves" reminded me of Kyuss somehow. It sounds good and melodious. Because of the irony "Still Thinking" is now playing and now I am listening, I like the drumming and riffing more. Nice floating guitars... Tasty solos, this is very likeable. Percussion! 1993, I love the early nineties. Set up: Youtube on computer + Fiio E5 (no bass boost) + K181 (no bass boost)
P.S. I should check out some music by The Who and U.F.O. too...
Jan 10, 2011 at 9:20 AM Post #525 of 660

Overkill's "Years Of Decay" was sweet. The clean recording made me think of Rage Against The Machine's first album. But for the music I would prefer Overkill anyway even though I cannot explain why...

maybe because it's better?
What's amazing is the separation between the drums, bass and guitars.  Each one hold a powerful spot in the mix WITHOUT overpowering each other.
That album was produced by Terry Date who went on later to produce many?most? of pantera's albums which put them on the map in my opinion.  He is known for getting the heaviest guitar sound on a recorded medium.

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