The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Sep 24, 2012 at 5:06 PM Post #1,171 of 21,763
I was going to mention that hours ago, but I didn't want to look like the immature one. Thanks for taking that bullet.

It kinda reminds me of the Najica Blitz Tactics anime.  Najica is basically a female Jame Bond-esqe secret agent in a mostly flooded post-apocalyptic-but-since-rebuilt world where all villains are required to employ legions of attractive female henchmen and all their uniforms require miniskirts so MILF terrorists would fit right in.  Also, during action scenes the camera isn't allowed more than 1 foot off the floor so it's non stop panty-shots.  That's pretty much as explicit as it gets though.
Also, Najica's 'day job' is as a perfumer.
Sep 24, 2012 at 5:17 PM Post #1,172 of 21,763
Actually, those two women said something along the lines of having hard to get off to anything unless balloons were involved. They said they enjoyed the sounds the balloons made and apparently the feeling they got when touching them. Now, I don't know if they just said that on cam because they happen to make that kind of porn or if they really meant it, however, it is kind of an interesting fetish - or kink. 

The thing I was trying to get across is that it depends on the person and not the activity or object.
When you're talking about a kind of sexual activity in general without reference to a specific person or group it's usually considered correct to call it a kink.  A fetish is basically an obsession with a particular kink.
Sep 24, 2012 at 5:43 PM Post #1,174 of 21,763
Sep 24, 2012 at 6:16 PM Post #1,175 of 21,763
So you don't think the HE-6 is worth getting over the HE500? What about the LCD2, 3 and TH900. Would be sweet to have them all :p. If I had deep pockets I think I'd opt for the LCD-3, HD800, TH900, and HE500.

My favorite of the HE series is the HE500.  The HE-6, to me, sounds strained and overdamped.  They get better if you put massive amounts of power behind them, the best example being the Ray Samuels DarkStar.  But IMO the HE-500 have a sound that's more "effortless" and natural, and doesn't require nearly the investment in an amplifier.
Sep 24, 2012 at 7:19 PM Post #1,176 of 21,763
Oh, yes, I did get my HE-60s in and the Woo WES. The WES is marginally better than the GES with my brighter stats, which is to say they really blow my freaking mind now. I like the looks much more too, the double-decker black looks incredible, and I got a set of Shuguang 50yrs Treasures as a bonus for my trouble. I'm not sure how the BHSE or Electra is better than this, it drives the 007 Mk1s without any effort. However, the 009s + WES are the best setup I have now, it's just that good. The HE-60s... they're completely in a different category. They don't sound like Stax, or the ESP/950s, or any of the orthos. They have great bass, a lot like the 007s, but the mids are more colored. There's just a lush quality to them that's tough to describe, not really warm but definitely mellow. Frankly, they sound like HD-650s made into stats, in a lot of ways. I like them.

My favorite of the HE series is the HE500.  The HE-6, to me, sounds strained and overdamped.  They get better if you put massive amounts of power behind them, the best example being the Ray Samuels DarkStar.  But IMO the HE-500 have a sound that's more "effortless" and natural, and doesn't require nearly the investment in an amplifier.

Darkstar isn't that amazing, I sampled it. A real 2ch speaker amp is almost a must for the HE-6, it's best just to treat them like speakers and be done with it. I run mine off a Cary SLI-80 and it does a great job, no straining or other audio issues.
Sep 24, 2012 at 8:25 PM Post #1,177 of 21,763
I've still been putting off sending my HE-500's for the left driver swap they need.  UPS is far away and I haven't been using headphones at home much for a few months now, but, with the right channel lowered to 84% they sound awesome every time I take them out (which happens every time people here start talking about them).  I still think they have something worthwhile over every other headphone I own.  I'd kill for a portable with this sort of presence and treble voicing without sibilance.
I should just schedule a UPS pickup and ditch class to be home sometime.

Both Purrin and some dude I met at ChiUnify think the ECBA is adequate for the HE-6's, which, as a future owner of said amp, has me tempted to check them out, but the "you need a speaker amp" opinion seems far more prevalent.  I actually heard the HE-6's with the BA (and some big TTVJ thing) at that meet, but only for 6 minutes in a noisy room, so I reckon my indifference at the time could have been for any number of reasons. 
Sep 25, 2012 at 2:23 AM Post #1,178 of 21,763
The thing I was trying to get across is that it depends on the person and not the activity or object.
When you're talking about a kind of sexual activity in general without reference to a specific person or group it's usually considered correct to call it a kink.  A fetish is basically an obsession with a particular kink.

Right. I didn't know that. We don't really have that word, kink, in Swedish (or to be more precise, we might have that word, but usually we just call it fetish).
Sep 25, 2012 at 2:33 AM Post #1,179 of 21,763
Right. I didn't know that. We don't really have that word, kink, in Swedish (or to be more precise, we might have that word, but usually we just call it fetish).

Most native speakers probably wouldn't get it either.  I think that bothering to make the distinction is more of sub-culture specific thing.
Sep 25, 2012 at 4:13 AM Post #1,180 of 21,763
Most native speakers probably wouldn't get it either.  I think that bothering to make the distinction is more of sub-culture specific thing.

I can imagine. 


Time for a music dump:

Sep 25, 2012 at 6:10 AM Post #1,182 of 21,763
Maybe they should have showed that to whoever voiced the HD700...
Sep 25, 2012 at 8:12 AM Post #1,183 of 21,763
The WES is marginally better than the GES with my brighter stats, which is to say they really blow my freaking mind now. I like the looks much more too, the double-decker black looks incredible, and I got a set of Shuguang 50yrs Treasures as a bonus for my trouble. I'm not sure how the BHSE or Electra is better than this, it drives the 007 Mk1s without any effort. However, the 009s + WES are the best setup I have now, it's just that good.

AFAIK the main complain on the WES is that it sounds different at different volume levels, something resulting from its design. Have you noticed this?
Overall though, when you get to that level it mostly comes down to minor differences and personal preference regarding those differences. It's only really apparent for most people in my experience when they start A/Bing several of the amps side-by-side, otherwise I think most people would find any one of the top stat amps a perfectly glorious solution.
I'm sure the WES, BHSE, LL, and Electra are all end game amps. The BHSE has the best driver control of the group (second only to the DIYT2) but sounds a bit flat to some, and most seem to agree it's best paired with the SR-007. The LL is more involving and spatially satisfying for some but smears a little detail in places, producing a sound that pairs exceptionally well with the SR-009 but that some find too polite with the SR-007. The Electra is described by some folks I trust as being exceptionally musical and involving with the right tubes, but still true to the Eddie Current emphasis on transparency. It doesn't have as much driver control as the BHSE and DIYT2 however.
Sep 25, 2012 at 8:55 AM Post #1,184 of 21,763
I think it's safe to say that the family of Stax flagships rank as my favorite and most respected headphones. They each have their own unique personality that comes through despite their being among the most direct headphones in terms of connecting to music. The SR-007 is the somewhat mousy sibling who requires some directness and prodding to come out of her shell. She's a dreamer, a naval gazer. Those who have the patience and take the time to get to know her however discover a fierce intelligence at work behind her gentle demeanor. If roused with enough current, she can be the life of the party.
The SR-Omega, the eldest sibling, is content to be perceived as somewhat eccentric and the most mysterious of the bunch. She's extremely analytical in nature, observing her surroundings with a keen awareness of everything going on around her. She's an overachiever and likes to stay on top of things, likes to be in control of the situation and to be able to account for any contingency. The youngest of the bunch, the SR-009, admires her older sister and wants to be just like her, and in these efforts she actually surpasses her. She is however more self absorbed, her attention turned inward more than outward, and she's also more competitive. Both are high strung and need a somewhat relaxed atmosphere to unwind and display the full extent of their charms. They'll let their hair down so to speak under the right circumstances.
This is why the BHSE, a true powerhouse which exercises a lot of control over the drivers, sounds best with the SR-007 and a bit flat and thin with the SR-009. Similarly this is why the LL---more polite, laid back, and enticing---pairs so well with the SR-Omega and SR-009.
Sep 25, 2012 at 9:45 AM Post #1,185 of 21,763
"The preservation of the unsent letter is its arresting feature. Neither the writing nor the sending is remarkable (we often make drafts of letters and discard them), but the gesture of keeping the message when we have no intention of sending it. By saving the letter, we are in some sense 'sending' it after all. We are not relinquishing out idea or dismissing it as foolish or unworthy (as we do when we tear up a latter); on the contrary, we are giving it an extra ote of confidence. We are, in effect, saying that our idea is too precious to be entrusted to the gaze of the actual addressee, who may not grasp its worth, so we 'send' it to his equivalent in fantasy, on whom we can absolutely count for an understanding and appreciative reading" --Janet Malcolm, The Silent Women

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