The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Sep 25, 2012 at 10:29 AM Post #1,190 of 21,761

saying NO instead of No. emphasises the the meaning of no more...(yes this was my pathetic attempt to liven up the thread 

Sep 25, 2012 at 1:04 PM Post #1,195 of 21,761
Compare and contrast:

Audio cable maker opens a Lightning connector, sees an uknown chip, rumors site reports that it's for device authentication to serve some undefinable present or future purpose.

Computer scientist and chip engineer opens a Lightning connector and establishes that circuitry on the cable is for dynamic pin allocation and negotiating cable functionality. (I'm linking to the MacRumors page because it's a good summary, but Brinkerhoff's blog posts are highly readable and, if anything, even more fascinating.)

(Edit: Now that I'm over my ranting, in good conscience I must note that AppleInsider has linked to the Brinkerhoff blog entries too. But man, I wish those guys could dial back the sensationalizing by a few hundred degrees. I don't hold Peter at Double Helix particularly responsible for the story copy; for all I know, the conversation went like this:
"It's a chip. how weird."
"Could it be used for... authentication, say?"
"Dunno. Maybe. I was able to make a working USB cable with it, anyway, can you run a pic of it?" )
Sep 25, 2012 at 1:22 PM Post #1,196 of 21,761
So I was just typing up swear words here about something and in the preview, I'm surprised that it didn't censor it. So that's a thing. At first I thought that certain combination of common swear words aren't censored but then I tried some normal common swear words (welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department) and it's the same thing.
Sep 25, 2012 at 1:24 PM Post #1,197 of 21,761
So I was just typing up swear words here about something and in the preview, I'm surprised that it didn't censor it. So that's a thing. At first I thought that certain combination of common swear words aren't censored but then I tried some normal common swear words (welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department) and it's the same thing.


There are actually only two words I've encountered on this forum that are censored.

One of which occurs very frequently when typing Japanese words / titles in romaji. Which always annoys the heck out of me.
Sep 25, 2012 at 1:26 PM Post #1,198 of 21,761
"The preservation of the unsent letter is its arresting feature. Neither the writing nor the sending is remarkable (we often make drafts of letters and discard them), but the gesture of keeping the message when we have no intention of sending it. By saving the letter, we are in some sense 'sending' it after all. We are not relinquishing out idea or dismissing it as foolish or unworthy (as we do when we tear up a latter); on the contrary, we are giving it an extra ote of confidence. We are, in effect, saying that our idea is too precious to be entrusted to the gaze of the actual addressee, who may not grasp its worth, so we 'send' it to his equivalent in fantasy, on whom we can absolutely count for an understanding and appreciative reading" --Janet Malcolm, The Silent Women

Just finished Malcolm's "The Journalist and the Murderer" where she eviscerates McGinnis, but neatly, very neatly.
Sep 25, 2012 at 5:55 PM Post #1,199 of 21,761
There are actually only two words I've encountered on this forum that are censored.
One of which occurs very frequently when typing Japanese words / titles in romaji. Which always annoys the heck out of me.

Mastu****a, Lip****z, etc, etc...

More on Sony...

Sep 25, 2012 at 7:40 PM Post #1,200 of 21,761
I think it's safe to say that the family of Stax flagships rank as my favorite and most respected headphones. They each have their own unique personality that comes through despite their being among the most direct headphones in terms of connecting to music. The SR-007 is the somewhat mousy sibling who requires some directness and prodding to come out of her shell. She's a dreamer, a naval gazer. Those who have the patience and take the time to get to know her however discover a fierce intelligence at work behind her gentle demeanor. If roused with enough current, she can be the life of the party.
The SR-Omega, the eldest sibling, is content to be perceived as somewhat eccentric and the most mysterious of the bunch. She's extremely analytical in nature, observing her surroundings with a keen awareness of everything going on around her. She's an overachiever and likes to stay on top of things, likes to be in control of the situation and to be able to account for any contingency. The youngest of the bunch, the SR-009, admires her older sister and wants to be just like her, and in these efforts she actually surpasses her. She is however more self absorbed, her attention turned inward more than outward, and she's also more competitive. Both are high strung and need a somewhat relaxed atmosphere to unwind and display the full extent of their charms. They'll let their hair down so to speak under the right circumstances.
This is why the BHSE, a true powerhouse which exercises a lot of control over the drivers, sounds best with the SR-007 and a bit flat and thin with the SR-009. Similarly this is why the LL---more polite, laid back, and enticing---pairs so well with the SR-Omega and SR-009.

I skipped this earlier but I think your in depth characterizations of headphones are pretty cool.
It makes me wish I could draw so I could make OS-tan-esqe SD caricatures/avatars of different headphones...

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