The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:09 AM Post #271 of 21,763

I usually find the iBuds to be a shame. For $30 dollars they can't even compete with the average $10 Sony buds on the shelves, let alone a Sennheiser MX580. Who knows, maybe after 3 years of research they finally designed a modern e484/e888. That would be amazing, but is highly unlikely :rolleyes:

I find posts like this to be fishy. I honestly doubt you've used an apple product for more than an hour. Yet, you insinuate that apple users are essentially sheep. iBuds were never meant to be audiophile products but, as Tyll said in his review, a decent option that people can use as soon as they unbox their new phones.

As for the ongoing patent wars, what's the sense in patenting something if you can't defend it? Microsoft is eating a good percentage of every android phone sold, yet there is no public outcry.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:37 AM Post #273 of 21,763
While this may not interest any of you, I am pleased with the results of the Dutch elections.
Now the waiting game for coalition formation begins. Probably not gonna take as long as last election, and especially not as long as the Belgian elections.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:38 AM Post #274 of 21,763
I find posts like this to be fishy. I honestly doubt you've used an apple product for more than an hour. Yet, you insinuate that apple users are essentially sheep. iBuds were never meant to be audiophile products but, as Tyll said in his review, a decent option that people can use as soon as they unbox their new phones.
As for the ongoing patent wars, what's the sense in patenting something if you can't defend it? Microsoft is eating a good percentage of every android phone sold, yet there is no public outcry.

For one thing, I wasn't insuating that apple users are sheep. I've owned a 1st Gen iPod Nano, a 6th Gen Classic 80, and the 6th Gen Nano/Video 5.5G, both of which I currently use and enjoy. I did mean to continue my post, but had to stop halfway through for english 101, so I apologize for not explaining myself. The current ibuds aren't bad per se, just a little grainy, while lacking in overall presentation compared to the MX580. I admit the 484/888 don't count since they aren't on the market and were flagship 90's earbuds. 

I only meant to joke about the possibility of these new earpods being equivalent to great earbuds but went overboard with an exagerated comparison, so thanks for catching me.

As for the Nano, I'm looking forward to it. I don't care for iOS/apps, so if it sounds as nice as the 6th gen, with less than a 2 ohm output impedance and good video, it'll make for a nice barebones player.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:46 AM Post #275 of 21,763
There's something about the K1000 that has always bothered me. The gulf between the earspeakers and the ears---that which gives them their character in the first place---creates a certain effect that I find difficult to convey in words. It manifests in a lack of engagement, in a certain thinness of the sound.
Oddly I don't feel this way about the H2+ when the earspeakers are spaced away from the ears. Perhaps the directionality has something to do with it. Not sure.

I've heard that the engagement of the K1000 can be improved by adding a subwoofer.  In other words, listen to the earspeakers and have a subwoofer in the room filling in the bass.  Yes, it kind of defeats the point of listening to headphones, but the K1000s aren't really a personal listening device anyway.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:49 AM Post #276 of 21,763
I've heard that the engagement of the K1000 can be improved by adding a subwoofer.  In other words, listen to the earspeakers and have a subwoofer in the room filling in the bass.  Yes, it kind of defeats the point of listening to headphones, but the K1000s aren't really a personal listening device anyway.

Is there a point to listening with headphones other that fidelity in your opinion, then?

I personally don't care if others can hear what I'm listening too for my home rig. I use headphones because of their fidelity, not so that others can't hear my music.
Sep 13, 2012 at 12:12 PM Post #277 of 21,763
Sure, Apple can make cheap IEMs but instead they are making so much effort to stay with earbud form factor. Did you read EarPods description? 
 "The audio quality is so superior, they rival high-end headphones that cost hundreds of dollars more."
Pretty bold statement. Eh? Either they exaggerate sound quality of their earbuds or Apple engineers are of no good opinion about high-end headphones which cost not a hundred but  hundredS of  dollars. Or the third conclusion can be that EarPods DO sound like high-end headphones.
Also, one of the reasons why they probably want to stay with an earbud form factor is that earbuds are more comfortable to run with and exersize. And it is very important.

Really? I always find the earbud form factor useless to do anything with, let alone exercise. I mean, they fall out of my ears if I sit down at my computer. Imagine them staying put if I run about or jump around. 
 I don't know. On the subway today I only saw one pair of iBuds, and a plethora of different IEMs and a few supraaurals (AKG K518 and HD25-1 II). This may just be in Sweden, but I can swear that all (most) people say is that iBuds suck when it comes to staying put in the ears, and that most people buy cheapish IEMs instead.
As for their marketing, yeah, I do find a lot of their marketing talk to be complete BS. That concerns a lot of their products, not just earbuds. However, this is really not Apple exclusive as I find most marketing talk to be complete BS regardless if it's Apple or not.

On another note, I went to the follow up interview to present my solution to the problem/task they gave me. All of them were impressed that I had barely done any front-end developing, and one of them really liked my solution and the fact that I was able to finish it and make it work.
They'll have a meeting tomorrow and decide among themselves and the board. I hope I get it, but there may be one little problem that could possibly get in the way. We'll see. I'm positive that if I don't get the job, it won't be because of lack of skills - social or code related.
Sep 13, 2012 at 12:44 PM Post #278 of 21,763
Really? I always find the earbud form factor useless to do anything with, let alone exercise. I mean, they fall out of my ears if I sit down at my computer. Imagine them staying put if I run about or jump around. :D  I don't know. On the subway today I only saw one pair of iBuds, and a plethora of different IEMs and a few supraaurals (AKG K518 and HD25-1 II). This may just be in Sweden, but I can swear that all (most) people say is that iBuds suck when it comes to staying put in the ears, and that most people buy cheapish IEMs instead.

As for their marketing, yeah, I do find a lot of their marketing talk to be complete BS. That concerns a lot of their products, not just earbuds. However, this is really not Apple exclusive as I find most marketing talk to be complete BS regardless if it's Apple or not.

On another note, I went to the follow up interview to present my solution to the problem/task they gave me. All of them were impressed that I had barely done any front-end developing, and one of them really liked my solution and the fact that I was able to finish it and make it work.

They'll have a meeting tomorrow and decide among themselves and the board. I hope I get it, but there may be one little problem that could possibly get in the way. We'll see. I'm positive that if I don't get the job, it won't be because of lack of skills - social or code related.

Congrats in advance - from I can tell (and I have hired a number of developers) it would definitely be *their* loss if they don't snag you.

I have exactly the opposite problem with the iBuds - They fall out of my ears because I can't get them in my ears. It feels like I'm trying to jam a golf ball in my head. *If* I can get them to stay in, the pain is horrible. I have the same problem with any "bud" style earphone that does not have an actual tip that can be inserted. I have no problem with IEMs from several different mfrs.
Sep 13, 2012 at 1:14 PM Post #279 of 21,763
I'm sorry, but the one thing that came to mind is "THE ULTIMATE EAR-DESTROYING CUSTOMISABLE TREBLE EXPERIENCE". Yes! That's probably the greatest thing since sandwich!!
Though, I might seem like a hater of the Tesla driver just based on a 20min listening audition with the T1. Which is 101% true.


Drinking age is 16, but it will be increased to the rather high age of 18 next February.

18 is high?  Aren't you guys lucky.  It's 21 over here.  3 years after you can vote, smoke, join the military, and pretty much everything else that come along with legally being considered an adult.  We have neo-prohibitionists MADD to thank for that...
Is there a point to listening with headphones other that fidelity in your opinion, then?
I personally don't care if others can hear what I'm listening too for my home rig. I use headphones because of their fidelity, not so that others can't hear my music.

I'd much rather use speakers.  They sound far more natural.  I use headphones because I don't have the space for speakers and even if I did I'd have to turn them down so low I could barely hear them in order to keep the peace in my house.
Sep 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM Post #281 of 21,763
18 is high?  Aren't you guys lucky.  It's 21 over here.  3 years after you can vote, smoke, join the military, and pretty much everything else that come along with legally being considered an adult.  We have neo-prohibitionists MADD to thank for that...

Ah well, the US has a low driving age (18 for us), and our exams are stricter as well.

We have a low drinking age. We also have the highest rates of kids drinking themselves in comas with permanent damage or death as a result. And with kids I don't just mean the 16-year-olds who just became legal to drink, I mean the 14/15-year-olds.

There was a recent debate whether they should include those people in the health care or not, since a) they cost a lot of money b) they are doing something illegal c) it costing money might prevent them from doing it. In the end they decided not the exclude them from health care, because it would make people in life threatening afraid to go to the hospital because of monetary concerns.
Sep 13, 2012 at 1:31 PM Post #282 of 21,763
How can this be even possible? I'm jealous. We are on the edge of civil war or something.  

How I can be pleased by the results of the elections?

Because socialism didn't win, of course. Instead a right-wing party won with two chairs over a slightly left from middle party. They will probably form a right-wing coalition, but they need the support of another party in order to gain majority in the first chamber as well.

This explanation must sound really confusing to those unfamiliar with the Dutch political system.

Whether right or left wing politics is better shall not be discussed for obvious reasons. I'm just conveying the facts.
Sep 13, 2012 at 1:51 PM Post #283 of 21,763
Ah well, the US has a low driving age (18 for us), and our exams are stricter as well.
We have a low drinking age. We also have the highest rates of kids drinking themselves in comas with permanent damage or death as a result. And with kids I don't just mean the 16-year-olds who just became legal to drink, I mean the 14/15-year-olds.
There was a recent debate whether they should include those people in the health care or not, since a) they cost a lot of money b) they are doing something illegal c) it costing money might prevent them from doing it. In the end they decided not the exclude them from health care, because it would make people in life threatening afraid to go to the hospital because of monetary concerns.

We have had similar debates here - with the targets being smokers, or motorcycle riders or obese people, etc, etc. To date the only actions to come out of those debates have been to add taxes to items that are considered "bad", plus the motorcycle helmet laws in some nanny states.

Of course, we do not have national healthcare, so its really not the same debate.
Sep 13, 2012 at 2:00 PM Post #284 of 21,763
I'd much rather use speakers.  They sound far more natural.  I use headphones because I don't have the space for speakers and even if I did I'd have to turn them down so low I could barely hear them in order to keep the peace in my house.

I know I've mentioned this several times before, but my approach to this hobby is largely that of an archivist. I like collecting headphones specifically, and in a sense following the trajectory of their unique form factor over the years. I can't really collect speakers, at least not at this point in time (for reasons of expense and finitude of space). Secondly I'm more interested in the compromises that come from an object that is essentially worn on one's person. Maybe in that sense I really am fashion minded? I do feel there is more of a personal connection with headphones as a result; there is an intimacy which arises whether one stick them on top of one's cranium or shoves them in one's ears. Additionally, when it comes to sound, it is relatively easier with headphones to amass a diverse assortment of differing sound signatures with which to explore and experiment. Music listening (and collecting) is a hobby of mine in and of itself; that it intersects with my exploration of audio equipment leads to yet another---third---hobby in the form of playback and experimentation.
From a purely practical standpoint, aside from the argument for saving space and keeping noise down, I'd say the benefit in many headphones can also be felt in their portability.
Sep 13, 2012 at 3:13 PM Post #285 of 21,763
Congrats in advance - from I can tell (and I have hired a number of developers) it would definitely be *their* loss if they don't snag you.
I have exactly the opposite problem with the iBuds - They fall out of my ears because I can't get them in my ears. It feels like I'm trying to jam a golf ball in my head. *If* I can get them to stay in, the pain is horrible. I have the same problem with any "bud" style earphone that does not have an actual tip that can be inserted. I have no problem with IEMs from several different mfrs.

Thank you my friend. I'm keeping positive regardless their decision tomorrow. I'm thinking, if they decide not to take me, someone else will. :)

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