The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Jul 6, 2014 at 5:45 AM Post #21,751 of 21,764

Jul 6, 2014 at 5:54 AM Post #21,752 of 21,764
Thanks Silent, I'm both excited and a little apprehensive about the new camera. I decided to go with the A5000 because it had some key features I needed for making videos and a lot of camera sites were rating the A3000 and A5000 as good entry level DSLRs for novice photographers who were shopping around for their first DSLR. From what I've researched it's auto setting is pretty good and it's also pretty noob friendly for people who know very little about photography. The Canons I looked into were a little cheaper but they seemed to all have a steeper learning curve and their auto setting wasn't touted as noob friendly as the Sonys I researched.
Jul 6, 2014 at 6:11 AM Post #21,754 of 21,764
I hope so. I really want to make my channel more professional looking and this is my first big step towards it. I'm also guessing it'll be the first step towards further depleting my wallet due to me researching better lighting, lens, tripods etc.

Here's hoping I don't find a photography forum version of head-fi or I'll really be screwed.
Jul 6, 2014 at 11:44 AM Post #21,755 of 21,764
Great choice DF! I'm a firm believer that the least important part of photography is the camera. Once you step-up to a quality camera, it doesn't really matter whether it is Sony, Canon, Nikon, etc - they are all excellent and capable of taking great shots. The light, subject, shot composition and your skill in putting it all together is the real challenge. Of those, understanding how to use light is probably what gives the most bang for yer buck. Even with the best auto settings, you still need to understand what the light is doing to your scene. It's what turns a picture that is flat & lifeless into one that "pops".
Jul 6, 2014 at 6:59 PM Post #21,756 of 21,764
Thanks billy_bob, I'm hoping that with time I'll eventually get it and finally be able to film some vids where the colors pop as you put it. It'll take some time though. Oh well, tis another journey within the journey of life.
Jul 6, 2014 at 7:13 PM Post #21,757 of 21,764
  Thanks billy_bob, I'm hoping that with time I'll eventually get it and finally be able to film some vids where the colors pop as you put it. It'll take some time though. Oh well, tis another journey within the journey of life.

I've seriously gotten into photography, thanks to James' influence. If you want to look into lighting, consider a kit like this:
The price makes it a steal of a deal. I'm actually considering it for when I start a portrait business.
Jul 6, 2014 at 7:21 PM Post #21,758 of 21,764
I've seriously gotten into photography, thanks to James' influence. If you want to look into lighting, consider a kit like this:
The price makes it a steal of a deal. I'm actually considering it for when I start a portrait business.

I've thrown it into my saved for later list. Once I'm married and have my own place I'll probably pull the trigger. For under 40 bones I doubt I could go wrong
Jul 8, 2014 at 4:22 PM Post #21,759 of 21,764

I've thrown it into my saved for later list. Once I'm married and have my own place I'll probably pull the trigger. For under 40 bones I doubt I could go wrong

Depends on how much room you have to work with right? 

Dec 20, 2020 at 2:38 PM Post #21,761 of 21,764

The Diary Entries of a Little Girl Nearing who is now In Her 30s!

Or: How I Learned to Stop Being Productive and Love Posting in MF's Thread

Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

[for Ardgedee]

Welcome to the new new diary thread. The old one was a little overwrought in places, so hopefully this will amount to something like a fresh start while still retaining the spirit of the old thread that made it so enjoyable.

Given the rather underwhelming (and cryptic) first post of the last diary thread, there seemed to be some confusion as to its nature and purpose, so this time around I think a quick explanation would prove helpful for those who may be stumbling through the gates for the first time.

Q. What is this thread?

A. As the title suggests this is a public diary for me, MuppetFace (aka "MF" or "Mupps" or Romy). It is a creative space for me to post my impressions of audio gear, more general musings concerning anything that might interest me, and also the mundanities of everyday life. It's also a place for the small community that grew up around these threads to hang out and chat in a relaxed and hopefully drama-free manner. Others like to discuss their interests and share their impressions and thoughts as well.

Some like to imagine this thread as a coffee house for enthusiasts.

Q. Can anyone post here?

A. Of course. This is still head-fi, still a public forum, and we welcome anyone who wants to genuinely participate. We're all pretty close-knit here, so give us a chance to warm up to you if you want to be a regular too.

Q. What's the topic of conversation?

A. Just about anything that isn't restricted by head-fi's rules. We tend to discuss audio gear a lot, but also popular culture, underground culture, music, film, literature, philosophy, and sociology. Sometimes the conversation can get a bit heady; other times it's cathartically stupid. With the being said, this isn't an "anything goes" type of place, and you should keep in mind that we're all a rather colorful bunch taken collectively, so try not to be offensive to peoples' sensibilities.

For example: I'm a feminist. Gender is an area of conversation that comes up from time to time, and some of us here like to discuss these types of issues in a thoughtful way. We don't mind viewpoints being questioned in a logical and sincere debate. However blatantly sexist comments, even made jokingly, aren't going to go over well here at all. Just something to keep in mind.

Q. What's the story about this whole 'diary' thing anyway?

A. As with most stories, I suggest starting at the beginning if you really want to understand...

* * * * * * *

~The Story So Far~

Chapter 1 - Kiteki's The Diary Entries of a Little Girl!
Chapter 2 - MF's The Diary Entries of a Little Girl Nearing 30!
Chapter 3 - You Are Here

* * * * * * *

Anyway, have fun!

* * * * * * *

Dear Diary,

So on an audio-related note, I've discovered a truly stunning combination of gear:

Cavalli Audio Liquid Lightning + Stax SR-Omega

This definitely ranks among the best pairings I've ever heard. Specifically, in terms of spatial presentation, it blows away my previous setup. I'd place my order for one of these amps right now if it weren't for the Eddie Current Electra looming on the horizon. I'm really hoping I can get a demo of it before deciding on my 'stat setup.

Then there's the Liquid Glass, which has been pairing extremely well with the HD800. There's a depth and level of involvement to its sound that I don't hear in a lot of amps. Two factors contribute to this for me: a holographic presentation, and a level of micro-dynamic detail and nuance. Not to open up a whole can of worms, but I feel this is one of the biggest "differences" or "deciding factors" for certain amps at this level (Balancing Act, Manley Neo-Classic 300B, DNA Stratus, etc.) compared to others which may cost a lot less and have a fairly transparent sound. In other words, the tentative and somewhat hesitant answer to the question of "why spend any more?"

Anyway, the LG is a chameleon, and it changes quite a bit depending on which tubes one uses with it. The current tubes aren't as good of a match with the Qualia 010 as with the HD800, so I'm hoping to get a second set in to experiment before I finish my evaluation. With the HD800 and the right set of tubes however this is definitely one of THE amps in my opinion.

Really I'm trying to sort out my feelings toward tube amps in general right now. I have something of an aversion to tubes, mostly due to issues with noise (I'm obsessed with having an abyssal, black background) as well as tube rolling and having to replace them. It just... bugs me. Certain experiences to that end (Leben and Woo) have left a negative taste for me. However my Zana Deux SE has been a trusty, quiet companion, and thus I haven't written off owning tube amps completely. On the one hand I feel compelled to go with something like the Electra, Liquid Glass, or Manley. On the other hand I feel a certain comfort in sticking with solid state like the Liquid Lightning.

Unfortunately, many solid state amps sound flat and lack that depth I spoke of in comparison to tube amps. That is, of course, a generalization; it's more a matter of individual topology. The Liquid Lightning for instance sounds very involving and has a depth to it that my KGSS, another solid state amp, does not. I'm really hoping Cavalli releases the Liquid Gold, his hardcore solid state amp designed to compete with the likes of the Beta-22. The market is a bit unfavorable for these types of high-cost solid state amps at the moment, but maybe someday.


Very descriptive
Jun 11, 2024 at 11:22 AM Post #21,762 of 21,764
Who is still around? :slight_smile:
Jun 11, 2024 at 1:39 PM Post #21,763 of 21,764
Whoa! Necro-bump! I hope MuppetFace is somewhere enjoying every new good album that comes out...

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