The Decware TABOO MK 111 Thread
Sep 30, 2015 at 5:43 AM Post #1,996 of 2,125
Gents, is the hum issues finally been addressed? Also, with LCD-X, one must get the option of Low gain on the taboo mk3? I am thinking of getting the taboo mk3 and csp preamp.  What's the waiting time these days?
Sep 30, 2015 at 7:18 PM Post #1,997 of 2,125
Hum issues??? AFAIK Decware amps are known for their quietness. If some had hum, may mean a flawed build? Or ground loop.

Taboo III has the sensitivity to not need pre-amping. Adding a CSP would be for sound-tuning reasons - which you can also do with your choice of tubes.

As for waiting time these days, ask Decware. Phone don't email!
Sep 30, 2015 at 7:34 PM Post #1,998 of 2,125
Been happily listening to my Taboo for almost 2 yrs. now and no hum issues here.
Pretty dead quiet.
Oct 1, 2015 at 12:02 AM Post #1,999 of 2,125
  Gents, is the hum issues finally been addressed? Also, with LCD-X, one must get the option of Low gain on the taboo mk3? I am thinking of getting the taboo mk3 and csp preamp.  What's the waiting time these days?

TABOO is not designed for high sensitivity headphones, for average sensitivity headphones (under 95db?) it's quiet enough.
definitely don't need low gain for LCD-X, AMOF, TABOO's default gain setting is lower then most amp I have.
Oct 1, 2015 at 12:51 AM Post #2,000 of 2,125
  Gents, is the hum issues finally been addressed? Also, with LCD-X, one must get the option of Low gain on the taboo mk3? I am thinking of getting the taboo mk3 and csp preamp.  What's the waiting time these days?

The taboo mk3 and csp2+ have been an excellent system for me.  I think think they sound very nice even with hd650 and hd800 and are really synergistic of course with lcd3f's.  I like the lcd3f with and without the pre. 
Oct 3, 2015 at 4:14 PM Post #2,001 of 2,125
Thanks for the replies. Would the sound be described as rich, warm and clean with good bass impact? Depending on tubes of course. And is the amp very responsive to tube rolling? I mean major changes in sound ? I am torn between the Taboo and Wa22 for Lcd-X.
Oct 3, 2015 at 8:08 PM Post #2,002 of 2,125
Taboo mk II is very responsive to rolling. See no reason why mk III would differ.

The sound can be tailored from warm through neutral to cool, to taste. I prefer neutral. I find it just right between wet and dry - I presume it could be richened if wished (i.e. harmonics are nicely present; not dry; tails extend well). Bass impact is excellent - with my LCD2.1 there is huge 'impact'. Interestingly, I find it more dynamic/lively and with good treble extension with the darker 2.1s. These qualities far exceeded any of the midrange SS amps I tried (Violectric V100; Meier Concerto; and Meier Classic although Classic brings qualities of its own).

Lucid mode - Taboo II, not the 'super' Lucid the III has - is a real plus with phones like classic, non-fazored Audeze's.

At times I have thought it a touch 'slow' on midrange transients compared to - e.g. - the CSP2+. Hard to be sure as the amps are built for different impedances so not apples for apples.
Oct 3, 2015 at 8:20 PM Post #2,003 of 2,125
 Taboo mk II is very responsive to rolling. See no reason why mk III would differ.

The sound can be tailored from warm through neutral to cool, to taste. I prefer neutral. I find it just right between wet and dry - I presume it could be richened if wished (i.e. harmonics are nicely present; not dry; tails extend well). Bass impact is excellent - with my LCD2.1 there is huge 'impact'. Interestingly, I find it more dynamic/lively and with good treble extension with the darker 2.1s. These qualities far exceeded any of the midrange SS amps I tried (Violectric V100; Meier Concerto; and Meier Classic although Classic brings qualities of its own).

Lucid mode - Taboo II, not the 'super' Lucid the III has - is a real plus with phones like classic, non-fazored Audeze's.

At times I have thought it a touch 'slow' on midrange transients compared to - e.g. - the CSP2+. Hard to be sure as the amps are built for different impedances so not apples for apples.

Thank you.  Makes things even more interesting...
Oct 3, 2015 at 8:42 PM Post #2,004 of 2,125
Thanks for the replies. Would the sound be described as rich, warm and clean with good bass impact? Depending on tubes of course. And is the amp very responsive to tube rolling? I mean major changes in sound ? I am torn between the Taboo and Wa22 for Lcd-X.

I have both.  I use the hd800 and lcd3f with the wa22.  And the lcd3f with the mkIII.  The wa22 has nice midrange and soundstage but some say the bass is lacking- I find it sufficient.  The mkIII has better bass slam and more transparent but less soundstage than wa22.  The hazen grid and lucid mode helps with the latter. 
Oct 17, 2015 at 5:15 PM Post #2,006 of 2,125
I am not sure the MKIII can drive the Abyss since it only puts out 1.7 watts per side at the most and I think the Abyss definitely needs more than that to really shine.
Oct 17, 2015 at 5:20 PM Post #2,007 of 2,125
^ It's not just about power but I'm sure you know that. Needed is someone in a position to try it and report back!
Nov 7, 2015 at 6:35 PM Post #2,009 of 2,125
  I've been using the hd800 with a we 422a and pinched waist 6922 on the MKIII - it is impressive.  It is warm but delicate sounding airy but with surprising dynamic bass depth.

If you can hunt down a Reflektor Holy Grail '75 6N23P SWGP Silver Shields, I suggest you give it a try. It is a step up from the pinched waist 6922. Running the same set-up you have except for the Silver Shields in the input. I will also suggest that you replace the stock fuse of the MKIII to a Audio Horizons Platinum Reference fuse and I assure you that you will be smiling from ear to ear. 

Nov 8, 2015 at 3:55 AM Post #2,010 of 2,125
If you can hunt down a Reflektor Holy Grail '75 6N23P SWGP Silver Shields, I suggest you give it a try. It is a step up from the pinched waist 6922. Running the same set-up you have except for the Silver Shields in the input. I will also suggest that you replace the stock fuse of the MKIII to a Audio Horizons Platinum Reference fuse and I assure you that you will be smiling from ear to ear. 

Thanks I might do that - I'm really surprised at how much I like this pairing with hd800 as MKIII is seen as mostly for planars.

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