The Console Wars: Cast your vote and share your predictions
May 18, 2006 at 10:45 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 146


Member of the Trade: Zynsonix
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I've noticed that console fever is in the air, and debates over which one will succeed are pouring into other videogame related threads. I thought we might be able to polarize these posts in this thread.

Now that E3 has come and gone and we've seen what Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft plan to bring to the table, I thought it might be interesting to see what people think might happen a year or two from now. Remember everything shared here is each posters respective opinion of what might happen and who might come out in the lead in terms of worldwide sales.

The poll is for which console you think will sell the most units. It may not necessarily be the one you like the most.

My 2 cents: I was reading the latest EGM and they had an interview with Eiji Aonuma, the director of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and he mentioned that the Xbox 360 was still going nowhere in Japan, so Japanese developers would most likely be choosing between the Wii and the PS3. I'd imagine if the Xbox 360 is the most successful in the US that there would be fewer games games developed in Japan would be released over here, which would be quite unfortunate. With the way things have been laid out it (The PS3s cost may be too high to make it's way into the average gamers house) seems almost inevitable unless the Wii garners much more attention than the Gamecube did, and I'm just not sure that people will take it as seriously as the other two consoles because of the lack of HD and the unique controller. My prediction, which could be way off but it's fun to guess
, is that Microsoft will be the dominant console in the U.S. and the Japanese will favor the PS3, with the Wii selling in higher volume than the cube but not quite making it to the levels of the other two consoles.

Anyway enjoy the thread, and please try and keep it civil
May 18, 2006 at 10:47 PM Post #2 of 146
I'll keep playing my 360 until the ps3 drops in price...
The only way I'm getting a Wii (the nintendo kind) is if my wife wants to play with it.........
Oh, I think the PS3 will sell the most, by far...
May 18, 2006 at 10:53 PM Post #3 of 146
I definitely wanna say PS3,

but the Wii (hehe, that name is awful) is rumored to cost $150-$200.
If that is indeed the case, they could definitely be number one, although their games may not be as exciting, since its meant to be made for all age groups. That idea could be semi-succesful, or a total flop, but time will tell.
May 18, 2006 at 11:06 PM Post #5 of 146
I plan on picking up a Wii at launch, and an Xbox 360 when the price drops. I'm really hoping for a new F-Zero game.
May 18, 2006 at 11:08 PM Post #6 of 146
I've been very pleased with my Xbox360. I may pick up a PS3 when Sony executives stop insulting their user-base and a Final Fantasy hits it in a year or two. I'll definitely get a Wii at launch.
May 18, 2006 at 11:10 PM Post #7 of 146
Since Microsoft has at least a one year head start, I'd venture to say it would be a tie worldwide within one year between the 360 and Wii, and that's assuming the Wii sells well in the US as it does in Japan.

So it's a Wii60 future, FTW!
May 18, 2006 at 11:19 PM Post #8 of 146

Originally Posted by Edwood
Since Microsoft has at least a one year head start, I'd venture to say it would be a tie worldwide within one year between the 360 and Wii, and that's assuming the Wii sells well in the US as it does in Japan.

So it's a Wii60 future, FTW!

*high fives*

I swear to God though, if the Xbox360 pulls a Dreamcast on me, I'll kill EVERYONE. I can't stand that kind of heartache again!
May 18, 2006 at 11:28 PM Post #9 of 146
I feel like a broken record saying this, but I believe the Wii will win this console war. No company has ever ruled for three generations and I don't think this time will be any different. Sony's PS3 costs way too much, does the same thing as the competition and more so then ever before, will deliver less innovation across the console's lifespan. You are all in for Playstation sequelitis, with games costing two times more then the previous gen, many more developers that do stick with Sony will not want to take chances with new IPs, not when there's not much to recoup in the process. I mean 3 FF-XIII titles
That coupled with the new standard of graphics proposed and games will take even longer to come out then before. I don't think the casual gamer will care now when uber mainstream title GTA is readily available on X-Box 360, at half the price. I mean hey, don't get me wrong, there are titles on PS3 that excite me, MGS4 comes to mind, but that's the last Kojima developed title in the saga, so I'm NOT shelling out 600 for one game!

When the dust settles I think Nintendo will will take Japan, and in the US, it'll be down to MS and Nintendo.

Catch you later,
May 18, 2006 at 11:28 PM Post #10 of 146
^ Yeah, DC was a good system

I'm going with you on this one, HiGHFLYiN9.

Personally, I had a 360 but sold it after a couple months. There just weren't any games on the horizon that I wanted that I couldn't get on the PC (except for N3), oh, and I needed cash for some headphone related purchases

Pre-E3, I was most looking forward to Wii. Post-E3, I'm not sure. The PS3 which I was pretty set against may have won me over with Assassins Creed. Chances are I will end up owning 2 of the 3 systems (I generally own all systems of each generation, but I have a feeling that'll change this time).
May 18, 2006 at 11:35 PM Post #11 of 146

although their games may not be as exciting, since its meant to be made for all age groups

Ignorance! Wiiiiiii!
May 19, 2006 at 12:01 AM Post #12 of 146
At this point I hope nintendo implodes and just goes to third party, cause I think most of their exclusive rights titles for the Gamecube weren't worth the lack of other games. When RE4 went to PS2, it really sealed the deal for me, and I didn't think the the last zelda game was so hot notr the metroids.
And have you looked at the reviews of the new Xbox360 games. Forget it.
I'll just wait til the PS3 drops a bit (and don't think that everyone will) and catch up on the last two years of good PS2 games I missed on the cheap while I wait for the PS3 titles to drop in price. There is no other way to go.

Though it looks like Twilight Princess may end up being the greatest game of all time...
May 19, 2006 at 12:11 AM Post #14 of 146

Originally Posted by Idsynchrono_24
You are all in for Playstation sequelitis, with games costing two times more then the previous gen.

Are you saying that PS3 games are going to cost $100? No way.

I think PS3 wins because it will be on EVERY kids wishlist, regardless of what kind of games are made for it. Any kid I know that is remotely interested in console games ALWAYS wants the biggest and best, and I think most parents will be willing to shell it out to keep them happy. Sad, but true. Also, like most kids I know whos parents won't pay that kind of money, they don't have a GCN, they have a gameboy of some sort. Smart parents, IMO, go that route. Anyway, just my thoughts.
May 19, 2006 at 12:19 AM Post #15 of 146

Originally Posted by meat01
I think consoles are getting too expensive these days. They are more expensive than a computer.

Ya but try playin these kinda games on a $500-600 computer. Good luck

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