The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)
Feb 19, 2012 at 9:29 AM Post #1,006 of 7,138

Hi Sweden
Thanks for the reply, my heart says go for the LCD2 as i love the look of them and as you say they match up well with the V200 and my brain says T1 because of the build and comfort


Yes the T1 is great for female vocals and also a lot more comfortable than the LCD's.
You could also consider the HE-500 which have better comfort the the LCD's and is a lot cheaper than both phones. Not on the same level of comfort as the T1 tho. Sonically it's basically on the same level. Just different flavors. These is no shortage of information regarding these phones.  Personally I like the LCD-2  more than both these headphones. I think the T1 really sound the best with a sweet sounding tube amp like a Decware CSP2+ or DNA Sonett.  The LCD's on the other hand is know to be great with your V200.

Hi Raymond
Thanks, its good to hear from someone with the same setup, does the LCD2 make the difference in the areas that i mentioned (smoother topend, better soundstage and deeper tight bass?
Cheers, Carl
Hello Carl ,
For what I know the crack from LCD2's wood is a fact that could not avoid and unpredictable for the possibly below reasons
1. choice of wood -- different wood have different wood fiber density , more dense wood will have a stronger structure to withstand Mfg process ( drilling of part for mini XLR connection)
2. Climate differences -- for many parts of the world  , weather changes .. temperature and humidity varies through out the year causes the wood to expand/contract . just like wooden door at home...this changes causes wood to expand ,if there's a micro-crack occur (not able to seen by naked eye) during mfg process. it will crack further due to climate changes 
3. Mfg process -- not sure the sequences of how the factory drilling the headphone jack holes (mini XLR) , it gotta to be do it slowly and start from much smaller drill then gradually increase to actual diameter desired .  it makes a lot of differences if this is done is few steps or just one straight drilling.  this will causes stresses to the wood during drilling and hence micro-crack is embedded before you knew it 
The long term fixed will be reviewing the Mfg process or design changes to avoid it .
however.  if the crack is not a eye sore to you and affecting the sound quality . it is absolutely fine to use it or you could return to Audeze to change a new wood. however. the risk for crack is still there before they fixed it . 
I also have a RS1i and Violectric V200 and AudioLab MDAC as well. so I knew how the LCD2-2 is capable on these setup.
My recommendation is go for it (LCD2-2 ) . the sound and looks and the weight will bring you joy for many years to come !!
and some time down the road... you will find yourself looking for a upgrade cable ...hehe... 
Hope this is helpful !!
Raymond Lim 

Feb 19, 2012 at 1:20 PM Post #1,008 of 7,138
Interesting, I didn't know there was so much about wood drying.

The LCD-2 is Caribbean Rosewood IIRC.  I'm not sure on its details but "exotic" hardwoods often need quite a bit of care to work with properly.  Its not like pine lumber which can basically be dried in an oven without too much in the way of damage.
Some info here.
Feb 19, 2012 at 4:53 PM Post #1,010 of 7,138
I've owned both the T-1 and LCD2.2 (my current phone)  The LCD2.2's are a better phone in every way save design/looks.  The T-1 looks a million times better to me, like a STAX 009.  However I never liked the velour pads.  Those should have been leather.  Sound wise though the LC's just kill the T-1's: impact, bass, detail are all there.  I now have the Cavalli Liquid Fire which just completes the circle with the LC's.  I had the Woo WA22 and it just didn't compare.
Feb 19, 2012 at 11:00 PM Post #1,011 of 7,138
I took a close look at my LCD2r2 today and noticed that the sheet of felt-like material underneath the grills of the headphone is not 100% flat, maybe 90% flat. Moreover, I noticed that there is a straight line of something hard, presumably wires, contouing noticibly underneath the felt-like material on both left and right earpieces. 
Does anyone else notice this with their LCD-2s? Is this normal? Might this impact sound quality? 
Feb 19, 2012 at 11:34 PM Post #1,012 of 7,138

Hi Sweden
Thanks for the reply, my heart says go for the LCD2 as i love the look of them and as you say they match up well with the V200 and my brain says T1 because of the build and comfort


Yes the T1 is great for female vocals and also a lot more comfortable than the LCD's.
You could also consider the HE-500 which have better comfort the the LCD's and is a lot cheaper than both phones. Not on the same level of comfort as the T1 tho. Sonically it's basically on the same level. Just different flavors. These is no shortage of information regarding these phones.  Personally I like the LCD-2  more than both these headphones. I think the T1 really sound the best with a sweet sounding tube amp like a Decware CSP2+ or DNA Sonett.  The LCD's on the other hand is know to be great with your V200.

Hi Raymond
Thanks, its good to hear from someone with the same setup, does the LCD2 make the difference in the areas that i mentioned (smoother topend, better soundstage and deeper tight bass?
Cheers, Carl
Hello Carl ,
For what I know the crack from LCD2's wood is a fact that could not avoid and unpredictable for the possibly below reasons
1. choice of wood -- different wood have different wood fiber density , more dense wood will have a stronger structure to withstand Mfg process ( drilling of part for mini XLR connection)
2. Climate differences -- for many parts of the world  , weather changes .. temperature and humidity varies through out the year causes the wood to expand/contract . just like wooden door at home...this changes causes wood to expand ,if there's a micro-crack occur (not able to seen by naked eye) during mfg process. it will crack further due to climate changes 
3. Mfg process -- not sure the sequences of how the factory drilling the headphone jack holes (mini XLR) , it gotta to be do it slowly and start from much smaller drill then gradually increase to actual diameter desired .  it makes a lot of differences if this is done is few steps or just one straight drilling.  this will causes stresses to the wood during drilling and hence micro-crack is embedded before you knew it 
The long term fixed will be reviewing the Mfg process or design changes to avoid it .
however.  if the crack is not a eye sore to you and affecting the sound quality . it is absolutely fine to use it or you could return to Audeze to change a new wood. however. the risk for crack is still there before they fixed it . 
I also have a RS1i and Violectric V200 and AudioLab MDAC as well. so I knew how the LCD2-2 is capable on these setup.
My recommendation is go for it (LCD2-2 ) . the sound and looks and the weight will bring you joy for many years to come !!
and some time down the road... you will find yourself looking for a upgrade cable ...hehe... 
Hope this is helpful !!
Raymond Lim 


I would also agreed with just follow your heart and ear on headphone choice. 
otherwise. you will find yourself listening to other Headphone and hoping that LCD2-2 on your ear. 
For the sound quality , LCD2-2 have smooth top end , very soothing mid range and tight bass. for the soundstage wise.  HE500 might do better but that also depends on the gear that you are pairing it with . V200 and MDAC does the job very well to open out the soundstage comparing with my portable rig (CLAS solo > ALO continental V2) . 
LCD2 with V200 and MDAC it will give you a soundstage like you are at a top class concert hall. very engaging music experiences.  you will find yourself hear many detail that you never hear on many similar track. 
like I say.. sometime down the road , you will shop for a upgrade cable for LCD2-2 and it will bring all frequency spectrum to another height .
Feb 20, 2012 at 12:00 AM Post #1,013 of 7,138

I would also agreed with just follow your heart and ear on headphone choice. 
otherwise. you will find yourself listening to other Headphone and hoping that LCD2-2 on your ear. 
For the sound quality , LCD2-2 have smooth top end , very soothing mid range and tight bass. for the soundstage wise.  HE500 might do better but that also depends on the gear that you are pairing it with . V200 and MDAC does the job very well to open out the soundstage comparing with my portable rig (CLAS solo > ALO continental V2) . 
LCD2 with V200 and MDAC it will give you a soundstage like you are at a top class concert hall. very engaging music experiences.  you will find yourself hear many detail that you never hear on many similar track. 
like I say.. sometime down the road , you will shop for a upgrade cable for LCD2-2 and it will bring all frequency spectrum to another height .

I received my LCD-2 yesterday and have the same portable rig (CLAS & Continental V2). Maybe because I only have Apple Lossless on my iPod Classic but the LCD-2 makes everything sound very good. It is easily my favorite headphone and I am waiting for my Schiit Bifrost and Lyr to arrive, hopefully this week.
I'm already thinking about the upgraded cable. Raymond, do you have any recommendations? 
Feb 20, 2012 at 12:14 AM Post #1,014 of 7,138

I would also agreed with just follow your heart and ear on headphone choice. 
otherwise. you will find yourself listening to other Headphone and hoping that LCD2-2 on your ear. 
For the sound quality , LCD2-2 have smooth top end , very soothing mid range and tight bass. for the soundstage wise.  HE500 might do better but that also depends on the gear that you are pairing it with . V200 and MDAC does the job very well to open out the soundstage comparing with my portable rig (CLAS solo > ALO continental V2) . 
LCD2 with V200 and MDAC it will give you a soundstage like you are at a top class concert hall. very engaging music experiences.  you will find yourself hear many detail that you never hear on many similar track. 
like I say.. sometime down the road , you will shop for a upgrade cable for LCD2-2 and it will bring all frequency spectrum to another height .

I received my LCD-2 yesterday and have the same portable rig (CLAS & Continental V2). Maybe because I only have Apple Lossless on my iPod Classic but the LCD-2 makes everything sound very good. It is easily my favorite headphone and I am waiting for my Schiit Bifrost and Lyr to arrive, hopefully this week.
I'm already thinking about the upgraded cable. Raymond, do you have any recommendations? 

Nice Nice !!
wow , another desktop setup for LCD2-2 , Schiit Bifrost and Lyr is going to give you another sound from LCD2-2 , I am sure.. 
For the upgraded cable,  you could read more on the head-fi thread on aftermarkt cable for Audeze LCD2 .. but to save you some reading time . 
I listed some of the after market cable that many head fi reader is happy with LCD2-2 
1. Toxic Poison cable ( pure silver + 1% gold ) .. I am using this now .
2. Norse 6/8 wire cable 
3. Silver Dragon Cable ( Moon Audio)
4. Q-cable 
5. Whiplash TWag2 cable 
I have also custom made a 5M cable for me to listen to music when I lay down on bed. . it is made out of Nordost Odin Cable Base .DIY from China Market sound every bit as nice as my Toxic Cable (8ft , where I use it on the go or at my office ) .
it is a exciting experiences to search the ONE for yourself depending on the look , the feel and the sound of the cable that you are looking for. 
Feb 22, 2012 at 11:00 PM Post #1,015 of 7,138
Maybe,because the LCD-2 is made of Caribbean Rosewood it needs some hemp oil on a regular basis.Or else it starts cracking-up?
They might be the Rasta Cans mon.They need a spliff every now and then or I and I can't make it through the day.
Or just play some more reggae?          :wink:
Feb 22, 2012 at 11:44 PM Post #1,016 of 7,138
Interesting, I didn't know there was so much about wood drying.

The LCD-2 is Caribbean Rosewood IIRC.  I'm not sure on its details but "exotic" hardwoods often need quite a bit of care to work with properly.  Its not like pine lumber which can basically be dried in an oven without too much in the way of damage.
Some info here.

Thankfully, mine are still intact.
Feb 24, 2012 at 2:13 AM Post #1,018 of 7,138
After a few weeks of waiting, my LCD-2s from Moon Audio came in Wednesday. Suffice to say, they sound fantastic so far (and they're actually making me a believer in burn-in; I didn't really have an opinion on it before, but I've run them for maybe 15-20 hours and it seems like the treble is calming down a little and they're opening up a bit. Maybe it's my interconnect that is new, as well. Or maybe it's placebo.)

One small thing is irking me though. I'm fortunate enough not to have the cracking issue right above where the cable plugs in, and they seem solidly built in pretty much every aspect, but there is one tiny exception. When I tilt my head either way, I get a small clicking sound from the left cup. It's not extremely obnoxious, and if I keep my head still it's nonexistant, but keeping your head perfectly still while listening is a little unrealistic. I'm reasonably sure it's one of the screws in the cup on the left side (although not 100% positive). Right side is perfectly clean, no sound whatsoever. Should I give it a little while and hope it goes away? Or should I possibly carefully apply some kind of lubricant? Not even completely sure which screw is is though D:I believe it's the one on the front.

The other weird thing was the wooden box. It's completely black with gloss finish. Which is a shame, cause I was really really looking forward to the cherry wood looking one. Such is life; I might email Audez'e to see if it's possible to do an exchange, but I feel like that may be a little whiny. We'll see.
Feb 24, 2012 at 7:35 AM Post #1,019 of 7,138

The other weird thing was the wooden box. It's completely black with gloss finish. Which is a shame, cause I was really really looking forward to the cherry wood looking one. Such is life; I might email Audez'e to see if it's possible to do an exchange, but I feel like that may be a little whiny. We'll see.

AFAIK, the black box is the standard wooden box for both the LCD-2 and LCD-3 now. I have the red wood box, but my LCD-2 is older.
Feb 24, 2012 at 8:05 AM Post #1,020 of 7,138
I just bought westone 4R, in my opinion I must say that the sound signature is very similar to LCD2r2.

If you like LCD2r2, u would like westone 4! ! Try it on! I am happy with itm

Goshhhhhh!!! Sweet~

Sorry to my wallet...

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