The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)
Feb 18, 2012 at 5:22 PM Post #991 of 7,138
Both my 13-month old and my original (perhaps SPwild can chime in to confirm) LCD-2 have no wood-cracking issues, and they are in entirely different climates.
Feb 18, 2012 at 5:57 PM Post #992 of 7,138
Thanks for replying. Nice to get some input from long time users. It's probably just an issue with a newer batch. I didn't mean for my post to sound dramatic, but I don't really have a whole lot of money all the time, so making these kind of purchases are big investments. I spent a year saving up for my audio spending. So I was just nervous that my headphone was cracking and others including my friends just got new LCDs with cracking.

Both my 13-month old and my original (perhaps SPwild can chime in to confirm) LCD-2 have no wood-cracking issues, and they are in entirely different climates.
Feb 18, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #994 of 7,138
I'm looking to purchase some high end phone and the LCD2's are one of my options but after reading the last few pages in this thread the cracking is a big concern.
The point where they are cracking does seem to be a weak point especially as the connector is right there, the post above about Grado's i don't think really applies as although wood is used its not actually in a place where there is any stress applied.
Anyway i thought this was possibly the best thread to ask my question, in the UK my 3 main contenders for purchase (LCD2, HD800, T1) are difficult to get to hear so i am really buying blind after reading as much as possible on here.
My question is that i currently use Grado RS1i's (got very cheaply when Best Buy closed down in the UK)  which i do like but they have some short comings namely uncomfortable for long listening periods, lack of bass weight and soundstage also sometimes i find the top end can be a bit too bright harsh and fatiguing.
My music listening is varied Jazz, Folk, Rock, Blues and Country especially female vocals and i will be running them from a Violectric V200 amp fed from an Audiolb M-Dac so what would be the recommendations out of the 3 phones mentioned ?
Sorry for the long post !
Cheers, Carl
Feb 18, 2012 at 8:29 PM Post #996 of 7,138

I'm looking to purchase some high end phone and the LCD2's are one of my options but after reading the last few pages in this thread the cracking is a big concern.
The point where they are cracking does seem to be a weak point especially as the connector is right there, the post above about Grado's i don't think really applies as although wood is used its not actually in a place where there is any stress applied.
Anyway i thought this was possibly the best thread to ask my question, in the UK my 3 main contenders for purchase (LCD2, HD800, T1) are difficult to get to hear so i am really buying blind after reading as much as possible on here.
My question is that i currently use Grado RS1i's (got very cheaply when Best Buy closed down in the UK)  which i do like but they have some short comings namely uncomfortable for long listening periods, lack of bass weight and soundstage also sometimes i find the top end can be a bit too bright harsh and fatiguing.
My music listening is varied Jazz, Folk, Rock, Blues and Country especially female vocals and i will be running them from a Violectric V200 amp fed from an Audiolb M-Dac so what would be the recommendations out of the 3 phones mentioned ?
Sorry for the long post !
Cheers, Carl

Yes the T1 is great for female vocals and also a lot more comfortable than the LCD's.
You could also consider the HE-500 which have better comfort the the LCD's and is a lot cheaper than both phones. Not on the same level of comfort as the T1 tho. Sonically it's basically on the same level. Just different flavors. These is no shortage of information regarding these phones.  Personally I like the LCD-2  more than both these headphones. I think the T1 really sound the best with a sweet sounding tube amp like a Decware CSP2+ or DNA Sonett.  The LCD's on the other hand is know to be great with your V200.
Feb 18, 2012 at 10:18 PM Post #997 of 7,138
The possibility is always there. Even with an extended warranty and excellent customer service, they can still crack way after the warranty has expired.

Isn't this kind of crack due to a wrong level of dryness of the wood? I would assume that 3 years post buy, the wood would have reached its final stage of dryness, and if it hasn't cracked by then, the LCD-2/3s won't crack later on.
Feb 18, 2012 at 10:51 PM Post #998 of 7,138
Isn't this kind of crack due to a wrong level of dryness of the wood? I would assume that 3 years post buy, the wood would have reached its final stage of dryness, and if it hasn't cracked by then, the LCD-2/3s won't crack later on.

That is what usually causes that sort of thing.  I'm not an expert in wood working but IIRC some kinds of woods can take nearly a decade to completely dry if kept under normal conditions and not kiln dried or something.  I don't know if wood used in the LCD-2 needs that much but a mistake in the kiln drying process could cause that sort of thing with many types of woods.
Feb 18, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #999 of 7,138
Yes the wood needs to be kiln-dried and then sealed to prevent the re-introduction of moisture. The HiFiMAN HE-5 had similar issues, and they stopped making wood headphones after that. I hope Audeze keeps the wood and eliminates the problems associated with it.
Feb 18, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #1,000 of 7,138

I'm looking to purchase some high end phone and the LCD2's are one of my options but after reading the last few pages in this thread the cracking is a big concern.
The point where they are cracking does seem to be a weak point especially as the connector is right there, the post above about Grado's i don't think really applies as although wood is used its not actually in a place where there is any stress applied.
Anyway i thought this was possibly the best thread to ask my question, in the UK my 3 main contenders for purchase (LCD2, HD800, T1) are difficult to get to hear so i am really buying blind after reading as much as possible on here.
My question is that i currently use Grado RS1i's (got very cheaply when Best Buy closed down in the UK)  which i do like but they have some short comings namely uncomfortable for long listening periods, lack of bass weight and soundstage also sometimes i find the top end can be a bit too bright harsh and fatiguing.
My music listening is varied Jazz, Folk, Rock, Blues and Country especially female vocals and i will be running them from a Violectric V200 amp fed from an Audiolb M-Dac so what would be the recommendations out of the 3 phones mentioned ?
Sorry for the long post !
Cheers, Carl

Hello Carl ,
For what I know the crack from LCD2's wood is a fact that could not avoid and unpredictable for the possibly below reasons
1. choice of wood -- different wood have different wood fiber density , more dense wood will have a stronger structure to withstand Mfg process ( drilling of part for mini XLR connection)
2. Climate differences -- for many parts of the world  , weather changes .. temperature and humidity varies through out the year causes the wood to expand/contract . just like wooden door at home...this changes causes wood to expand ,if there's a micro-crack occur (not able to seen by naked eye) during mfg process. it will crack further due to climate changes 
3. Mfg process -- not sure the sequences of how the factory drilling the headphone jack holes (mini XLR) , it gotta to be do it slowly and start from much smaller drill then gradually increase to actual diameter desired .  it makes a lot of differences if this is done is few steps or just one straight drilling.  this will causes stresses to the wood during drilling and hence micro-crack is embedded before you knew it 
The long term fixed will be reviewing the Mfg process or design changes to avoid it .
however.  if the crack is not a eye sore to you and affecting the sound quality . it is absolutely fine to use it or you could return to Audeze to change a new wood. however. the risk for crack is still there before they fixed it . 
I also have a RS1i and Violectric V200 and AudioLab MDAC as well. so I knew how the LCD2-2 is capable on these setup.
My recommendation is go for it (LCD2-2 ) . the sound and looks and the weight will bring you joy for many years to come !!
and some time down the road... you will find yourself looking for a upgrade cable ...hehe... 
Hope this is helpful !!
Raymond Lim 
Feb 18, 2012 at 11:46 PM Post #1,001 of 7,138
If you guys just want to "fix" the crack, this stuff is stronger than the wood itself and it REALLY bonds:

Feb 19, 2012 at 2:49 AM Post #1,003 of 7,138
Feb 19, 2012 at 3:09 AM Post #1,004 of 7,138
That is what usually causes that sort of thing.  I'm not an expert in wood working but IIRC some kinds of woods can take nearly a decade to completely dry if kept under normal conditions and not kiln dried or something.  I don't know if wood used in the LCD-2 needs that much but a mistake in the kiln drying process could cause that sort of thing with many types of woods.

Yes the wood needs to be kiln-dried and then sealed to prevent the re-introduction of moisture. The HiFiMAN HE-5 had similar issues, and they stopped making wood headphones after that. I hope Audeze keeps the wood and eliminates the problems associated with it.

Interesting, I didn't know there was so much about wood drying.
Feb 19, 2012 at 5:58 AM Post #1,005 of 7,138
Is that better than this?

For wood, maybe. GG is unbelievably strong, but maybe not as versatile as these others (which I have not tried).
If I need versatility I usually try seal-all as it seems to bond with anything:


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