The ATH-CKS77.
Apr 27, 2012 at 4:53 AM Post #706 of 1,518
As much as I love the CKS77's sound, I wish that there was only some more emphasis on the highs and a little improvement in the clarity/resolution. Oddly enough, on the same day that I got these, Dsnuts puts up a thread about the new CKM500, and says it sounds like the CKS77 + the tweaks that I would come to desire. So I've picked up a pair of those now.
Basshead audiophiles, you HAVE to get these! Hell, everyone should grab a pair lol.

Remove the filters.. it tones the midbass down a bit and offers the mids up with more clarity.. treble gets more balance too.
Apr 27, 2012 at 9:29 AM Post #707 of 1,518
Hi all,
In terms of sound general signature / balance / wow-factor (so
not necessarily critical listening), and based on your experiences
with other IEMs, probably which of  the followings has the
most resemblance with the CKS77?
- IE8
- Monster Turbine Pro Gold, Copper
- Denon C751, C710
- JVC FX700, or the
- Radius DDM?
Apr 27, 2012 at 9:32 AM Post #708 of 1,518
-MTPG is close esk, but MTPG has less of a soundstage.
-C710 is probably the little brother of the cks77's, but the 77s have better soundstage and mids detail, without any sort of sibilance
-IE8, no where near. IMO
-C751, not close at all, although the highs and soundstage are similar-esk
Apr 27, 2012 at 2:05 PM Post #709 of 1,518
As much as I love the CKS77's sound, I wish that there was only some more emphasis on the highs and a little improvement in the clarity/resolution. Oddly enough, on the same day that I got these, Dsnuts puts up a thread about the new CKM500, and says it sounds like the CKS77 + the tweaks that I would come to desire. So I've picked up a pair of those now.
Basshead audiophiles, you HAVE to get these! Hell, everyone should grab a pair lol.

Remove the filters.. it tones the midbass down a bit and offers the mids up with more clarity.. treble gets more balance too.


Is there any part of the sound that sounds better to you with the filters than without them?
Apr 27, 2012 at 3:14 PM Post #710 of 1,518
My CKS77 had arrived at Finland (Helsinki) this afternoon, should probably have them on Monday.  Concidering it was shipped on Tuesday 24th that's quite fast for the standard shipping option IMO from Kong Kong to Finland. :)
Apr 27, 2012 at 3:59 PM Post #711 of 1,518

To catch you up. BGRoberts who owns a boxed version ended up getting those. From his reports they are indeed originals but not coming in a box or all the extras means they are factory seconds. There are minor imperfections on these. He reported there was a chip in the paint on the earphones. Probably the reason why they were rejected.. So that seems to be a good deal. Stock large tips and small tips. No Xtra large or medium size and no pouch.

Yes, as far as I can discern, my CKS77'S from eBay are original "factory seconds".  Mine have a paint chip, but seem to be fine sound wise.  Other seconds could have some different problem, including sound.  It's kind of a crapshoot when buying something that might also be called "factory REJECTS".  You may want to take that into account, as well as the difference in price.  I'm happy with my purchase.  YMMV.

It would be silly for en eBay seller not to keep out the "factory seconds" that have sound problems, out of their stock.  If some of them have sound problems, then that is not a reliable source, even if they are genuine.  If you still intend to buy from that source, send them a message and ask them if they can assure you that the unit that they would send you will be free of sound defects.


For those who are interested in those ATH-CKS77 at $52 on eBay.  I does not make sense for the seller to include some pairs with sound problems in their stock.  That would be asking for automatic negative feedback.  Nobody is going to give good or neutral feedback, if their pair does not sound right.  All of them should sound right if they are genuine, and they seem to be from the evidence given by BGRoberts.  If I was interested, I would ask them to confirm that none of them have sound problems and that they are indeed genuine, and I would go for it after receiving confirmation.
Apr 27, 2012 at 4:24 PM Post #712 of 1,518
Well I ordered a pair of the LTD RED from that vendor in ebay. They seem to be good folks. I changes my shipping on them like 3 times and they were quick to respond..I will report back when I get them.
Apr 28, 2012 at 11:02 AM Post #714 of 1,518
Hi I'm new to this thread but I'm really interested in getting a new AT IEM after a nice experience with their headsets.
So, I've read the whole thread through, but I still have some questions that are probably specific to me.
My initial choice was of course the CKS77, but after looking at the description for the CKM500, I felt that it suits me more.
I listen to all sorts of music, but I think I listen to more of R&B, Soul/Ballad, Funk and Electronic house-ish (with strong base of course).
Oh, and I'm a vocalist, so I prefer to hear the vocals (at least not MUSHED by the bass).
So, I went to search for them and I had difficulty finding them in the retail stores (I'm at a lonesome island of Singapore).
I could only find CKS77(Which were my motivation for looking further into buying AT IEMs in the first place).
So, my main question was, would a pair of CKS77s still be a satisfactory choice for me if I really can't find CKM500 or do you strongly suggest I get the
PS** Do the CKS77s really pop out extensively from your ears? I'm a girl and I don't want to look like Frankenstein LOL.
Thanks for your time, appreciate a reply in advance!
Apr 28, 2012 at 11:04 AM Post #715 of 1,518
BTW I didn't mean to say I don't like to hear bass (it's quite stupid if I'm still hanging around this thread when I don't even like bass).
I just meant that I would really appreciate it if I can hear the vocals very clearly despite some enhanced bass! :)
Thanks again!
Apr 28, 2012 at 11:29 AM Post #716 of 1,518
BTW I didn't mean to say I don't like to hear bass (it's quite stupid if I'm still hanging around this thread when I don't even like bass).
I just meant that I would really appreciate it if I can hear the vocals very clearly despite some enhanced bass! :)
Thanks again!


Vocals come in nice and full. If anything vocals sound enhanced on these. More roomier sound means bigger vocals too. The bass does not drown out vocals on these at all. I listen to RnB and vocal music on these and I have to say these absolutely shine with RnB.. The reason why I said these are not your typical bass heavy earphones from the get go is because they are not. They are tuned correct and have solid highs and mids with a big roomy bass presentation.. These have a musical sound vs anything analytical.. Made for musical enjoyment. Get your foot tapping and and might even start to bust out a full on dance move. These are that immersive..
The earphones don't stick out too much.. I know the earphones look big and bulky but they are comfy and about the size of your average earbud in diameter.
Now the CKM500 I think if you are looking for more balanced sound that has more detail in your music.. Both will do your music just fine but these are gonna be harder to get as they just released these. So it will depend more on availability for you..  If you like the description of these CKM500s more so. I would wait a bit to see if these will be available to you very soon. They should be released world wide sooner than later..  These while having the same driver size as the CKS77 have the smaller housing so more comfier for smaller ears too.
Apr 28, 2012 at 12:08 PM Post #717 of 1,518
Made for musical enjoyment. Get your foot tapping and and might even start to bust out a full on dance move. These are that immersive..

^ This pretty much sums up my digiZoid ZO2.1 amp + M-Audio Q40 headphone listening experience on a daily basis... foot tapping = check, headnod/banging = check, impossible to sit still = check, look silly whenever some1 enters the room and wonder what the **** is wrong with you = check
It's a shame I won't probably be able to use these CKS77 with ZO2.1 unless maybe using a high impedance cable in-between for example to remove hissing.
Apr 28, 2012 at 12:22 PM Post #718 of 1,518
Thank you so much for the advice! I think I'll wait a little more and if the CKM500 is nowhere to be seen, I'll go ahead with the CKS77:)
Btw, they're fully compatible with any device, yes?
Apr 28, 2012 at 12:35 PM Post #719 of 1,518
Thank you so much for the advice! I think I'll wait a little more and if the CKM500 is nowhere to be seen, I'll go ahead with the CKS77:)
Btw, they're fully compatible with any device, yes?

These drive better than and sound louder than any other earphones I have..Let us know how you hear them.
You get your earphones yet RPG?
Apr 28, 2012 at 1:01 PM Post #720 of 1,518
You get your earphones yet RPG?

No should be monday or tuesday depending how long it'll stay at customs I suppose. The official postal service isn't open during Saturdays/Sundays here at least.

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