The AKG K550 Impressions and Discussion Thread!
Feb 13, 2014 at 12:05 AM Post #1,201 of 2,855
First time I've seen there is a seller for the AKG K550 's earpads.
Feb 13, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #1,202 of 2,855
  Does anyone use K550 with these players: iBasso DX50, Fiio X3, HM-601? Or maybe there are better options?

Just bought the AKG and have been listening through iBasso DX50. Only been listening for 1 hour! BUT 3 thoughts immediately come to mind
1, through the Lineout / Amped the headphones are a very different beast (much more impressive)
2, for the DX50 even with FW 1.2.8 I had to EQ the bass down a bit
3, I think (as people say) the 550's will greatly benefit from some serious burn in
Over all though I am happy with the pairing. There certainly needs some work to find how they best work with each other but yes, I think they will in time be very happy together ):
Feb 13, 2014 at 12:34 PM Post #1,204 of 2,855
After listening to the AKG amped (through the amp in my avatar) they are becoming more and more impressive - Im just falling in love with them. I am a firm believer in burn in and am amazed at the difference after only an hour or so.
I hope you are happy with your purcheses. there is nothing like finding and falling in love with headphones / guitars etc etc ! :wink:
Feb 14, 2014 at 3:15 PM Post #1,205 of 2,855
After listening to the AKG amped (through the amp in my avatar) they are becoming more and more impressive - Im just falling in love with them. I am a firm believer in burn in and am amazed at the difference after only an hour or so.
I hope you are happy with your purcheses. there is nothing like finding and falling in love with headphones / guitars etc etc ! :wink:

I wish I still have love for my guitar lol
Feb 22, 2014 at 6:26 AM Post #1,206 of 2,855
After one and a half years, the rubberized coating on the outside half of the ear cups (the part you put your hands on, the other side being your ears?) started getting gummy, attracting lint etc and they couldn't be cleaned. I called the local distributor (Singapore) and they replaced it with a brand new pair. Apparently the latest ones have a less gummy (or not) rubberized coating. Good service from AKG.
Feb 24, 2014 at 2:47 PM Post #1,207 of 2,855
Does anyone of you know if there's a replacement for the head-cushion available? Mine got damaged when I scotch-taped the cable to it to prevent scratches on the ear-cups during travel. It's just an optical issue; however I would like to fix it, if there's a possibility to do so (one that's not overly expensive that is). Thanks! 
Feb 24, 2014 at 3:27 PM Post #1,208 of 2,855
  Does anyone of you know if there's a replacement for the head-cushion available? Mine got damaged when I scotch-taped the cable to it to prevent scratches on the ear-cups during travel. It's just an optical issue; however I would like to fix it, if there's a possibility to do so (one that's not overly expensive that is). Thanks! 

As of right now, you can't buy the headband. Give trying AKG a email shoot and see if they can sell you a replacement part. 
Feb 26, 2014 at 11:04 AM Post #1,209 of 2,855
Hey guys,
I'm thinking of building my own O2 amp. I've seen some people mention it in this thread, but I'd like some more opinions on how it works combined with the K550 anyway. Has anyone compared the O2 to some other amps with the K550?
Feb 26, 2014 at 11:11 AM Post #1,210 of 2,855
  Hey guys,
I'm thinking of building my own O2 amp. I've seen some people mention it in this thread, but I'd like some more opinions on how it works combined with the K550 anyway. Has anyone compared the O2 to some other amps with the K550?

I prefer my Audio-gd 12.1 with my K550. It adds a little more ump in the bass department since the amp/dac is sorta warm. 
Feb 27, 2014 at 3:17 AM Post #1,212 of 2,855
  I prefer my Audio-gd 12.1 with my K550. It adds a little more ump in the bass department since the amp/dac is sorta warm. 

I've heard a lot of people saying that the K550 needs a warm amp, seems almost like a general opinion. Maybe the flat O2 is less enjoyable, not "remedying" the less good parts of the K550?
  I'm using the Aune T1 DAC/amp with my K550.  You can swap out the vacuum tube to tailor the sound.

The Aune looks really interesting, tubes are fascinating! What is the effect of using tubes in the DAC? Does it make a bigger difference than a tube amp?
Feb 27, 2014 at 9:24 AM Post #1,213 of 2,855
I makes less of a difference. As for 550 benefitting from a warm amp, all relative, the 550 are already warm sounding, so if you prefer an even warmer sound, then sure, if you prefer a more neutral sound, then no, and if you like the 550 as is, then no too. fwiw, I'm using a T1 with mine with stock tube and imho sounds great!
Feb 27, 2014 at 10:46 AM Post #1,214 of 2,855
I makes less of a difference. As for 550 benefitting from a warm amp, all relative, the 550 are already warm sounding, so if you prefer an even warmer sound, then sure, if you prefer a more neutral sound, then no, and if you like the 550 as is, then no too. fwiw, I'm using a T1 with mine with stock tube and imho sounds great!

I don't think the 550 is warm sounding at all actually. I find it a little cold to be honest. I normally use it with my o2/odac at work due to the excellent sound isolation but definitely prefer the added coloration of my nfb 12.1. Of course all sound preference is subjective and amp choice is relative to that. 
Feb 27, 2014 at 12:11 PM Post #1,215 of 2,855
I find the 550s to be more fun and engaging than warm. They have great clarity and instrument separation but aren't analytical like my previous AKG 701's. There is good base unless you want your head to throb and they're easy to toss in a bag and go. They do take female vocals and treble sounds right to the edge of being too harsh but just as I start to worry or wince they don't actually go there. I recently gained a new appreciation for these cans after installing Amarra and listening through my Peachtree Audio MusicBox hybrid amp. This combination really smoothed out the 550s and let's them shine.

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