Texas Meet (Saturday, March 10th, 2012) [Location Inside]
Feb 16, 2012 at 9:46 AM Post #391 of 615
My entire apartment is Ikea furniture. I love the stuff. The last thing I need to get is an Expedit book case for my albums and my audio gear. They were sold out last time, sadly. 
It's in Round Rock, btw.
I have a feeling my first trip to a record store is going to be expensive and heavy... We'll see how their selection is tomorrow night.
Not buying anything I already have on other media so at least I'll have that going for me. All new and fresh.
Oh and depending on how things go between now and the meet, I might have to stop at Ikea in Austin to get some of those cabinets that people are using for vinyl storage. No Ikea in Oklahoma

Feb 16, 2012 at 6:04 PM Post #392 of 615
Just sent an email to Brian at Whetstone Audio here in Austin (the host of the first meet) to see if he'd like to attend. I know he's gotten into headphones since the meet (and carries a range of Grados from the photos I've seen).
He also has some nice turntables I'll try to get him to bring. :D (I'm pretty sure he's on the forums but I can't remember his name. So if you know already, sorry Brian!)
Feb 16, 2012 at 9:55 PM Post #393 of 615
Odd problem, went to the record store, apparently there's a bar next door and they share a parking lot. There's only residences around the area so as you might have guessed, the bar filled up the lot and I had to leave without going in. Guess I'll try in the morning when people won't be drinking so much. Going to mention it when I make it in the store for once. Not a great first impression, especially driving 25 mins one way out of my way.
Feb 18, 2012 at 10:20 PM Post #396 of 615
Got myself a decent stack of vinyl tonight. All new to me stuff, some used some new, except radiohead ok computer. Love it and gives reference for people listening to my rig since its popular most have heard it. I need to figure out what cleaning method I want to use. This Roberta Flack album I picked up is really dirty even after a makeshift cleaning.

Great news Connor. If you want I'll make you a tag and your friends if they want one. Just need name, username, city, state.

edit: Got them added. At 27 confirmed so far.
Feb 20, 2012 at 12:50 PM Post #397 of 615

Got myself a decent stack of vinyl tonight. All new to me stuff, some used some new, except radiohead ok computer. Love it and gives reference for people listening to my rig since its popular most have heard it. I need to figure out what cleaning method I want to use. This Roberta Flack album I picked up is really dirty even after a makeshift cleaning.
Great news Connor. If you want I'll make you a tag and your friends if they want one. Just need name, username, city, state.
edit: Got them added. At 27 confirmed so far.

Love ok computer; such a timeless album. Good choice sir :wink:
Also- the missus just asked me if I had made a hotel reservation wherever we're staying out yonder.  I think Morbid or yourself mentioned a hotel near the meet earlier but I'm being lazy; kindly refresh my memory please?  
Feb 20, 2012 at 12:53 PM Post #398 of 615
The one I'm staying at is Georgetown Inn in Georgetown, 17 miles from the meet, but it may be fully booked by now with south by southwest nearing. Good luck finding one.

Btw couple Coldplay albums I picked up on a whim are pretty nice too. These stores had zero electronic music on lp unfortunately it looks like I'll have to order all of that, and some of the R+B stuff I want also.
Feb 20, 2012 at 1:13 PM Post #399 of 615

The one I'm staying at is Georgetown Inn in Georgetown, 17 miles from the meet, but it may be fully booked by now with south by southwest nearing. Good luck finding one.
Btw couple Coldplay albums I picked up on a whim are pretty nice too. These stores had zero electronic music on lp unfortunately it looks like I'll have to order all of that, and some of the R+B stuff I want also.

Well maybe I got lucky but I was able to reserve a room there just now, and it sounded like they had a few available as I was able to pick a king bed & stuff.  Thanks man!
Feb 20, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #400 of 615
Nice, maybe we can hook up for breakfast on the way to the meet.
Feb 20, 2012 at 4:02 PM Post #401 of 615
Unfortunately most of your EDM vinyl will need to be bought online from the UK. It can be found very cheap if you catch the actual release (under 10 dollars). The problem with EDM vinyl is for the most part it's pressed with DJs in mind and it's not worth it for most records stores to fill up with 2 track vinyl.

It's also the fact that there's so many EDM releases that it'd be a huge pain to keep them all in stock.
There's some special cases, but that's usually only for more Chill / Ambient works like Autechre, and Tycho because they've caught on somewhat in the US and release actual albums instead of singles and EPs.
Btw couple Coldplay albums I picked up on a whim are pretty nice too. These stores had zero electronic music on lp unfortunately it looks like I'll have to order all of that, and some of the R+B stuff I want also.

Feb 21, 2012 at 4:09 AM Post #402 of 615
Does anyone have an Ultrasone Pro 900 blue dragon cable? Would really like to test it before I shell out 160+ on a cable. 
Feb 21, 2012 at 7:54 PM Post #403 of 615
Let's keep to legal topics please. I'd appreciate self edits.

As for what to bring, depending on your goals, you may or may not have a lot of time to converse and swap. If this is your first meet ever, I would highly suggest using your time efficiently and listen to as much gear as possible. This will arm you with knowledge for the year between meets. The more meets you attend the less of a shotgun approach you need to take. You can focus on new products, gear you like and synergy combinations. There's lots of opportunity to chat, but before you get yourself in a 30 minute discussion about rig xyz make sure you've listened to anything present that might compare. You will regret it later, trust me!

If you aren't so serious about getting the most gear experience for your meet time, feel free to gab it up, listen to lots of different music and help yourself to the snacks and spirits and relax with the crew. Listen to the gear you really need to but enjoy yourself and your company.

Either approach is perfectly fine. I am most certainly in the first group, but a good meet will have a mix of both and some straddling the fence.

I would highly suggest making a demo cd with 320k/s mp3 or better tracks of music you've listened to hundreds of times that highlight different aspects of headphone performance. If you have vinyl that fits this bring it also since we appear to have several turntables this time. Bring a small notebook, say 50-100 pages 4x6 or so to make notes. By the time you get home you will have forgotten much of what you've heard. Make notes you can refer to later.

To all people bringing snacks, since we are not breaking for lunch or bringing any in, please try to have snacks with substance, rather than everyone bringing candy or cookies. Some is great, but we'll be bouncing off the walls towards the end of the meet if all we have is sugar.

If you are displaying gear make sure you have a power strip capable of powering all of your gear. If you have small extension cords I would suggest bringing them in case they are needed. If you are showing gear please indicate in the thread so I can have a table name plate printed up for you.

Since I'm on my soapbox I might as well mention hygiene and respect of others property. Clean your ears, hair, face and hands (and the rest of you) before attending. Avoid styling gels and cremes, etc that can get on peoples headphones. Treat others items better than your own. If you would like to change the headphones connected to an amplifier but you are not completely familiar with it, please ask the owner. Some amps like to be off, or turned down before changing. Don't hesitate to ask if you can try a piece of gear, even amp or source from someone's rig in your own, but be respectful if they decline (and if you are the decliner, be nice when doing so). Records are very fragile and misshandling can make them dirty and scratched. If you don't know how to handle them, ask for help. Gear should be marked with the owners name and username by the table badges I'm making so there is no excuse not to ask.

Also, I believe this meet will have food and drinks outside, keep them there or at least a good distance from any gear. You really don't want to pay to replace someone's gear or the carpet in the room.
Feb 22, 2012 at 11:39 AM Post #404 of 615
Oh, and NO wet hair. If it is raining, we might have to scale back the electrostats. Some gear (at least some parts) are just not replaceable.
I'm bringing what is in my sig (Ayon/LL/he60), along with some mid/low fi - eXStatA, a SR40/energizer (used to burn in amps), and my Equation 21 (work) headphones. Trying to have a CTH (work) done by then as well, but, we'll see.
Feb 22, 2012 at 11:44 AM Post #405 of 615
Just added the Emotiva XDA-1 to my list of stuff I'll be bringing. Nice looking DAC that I'll be evaluating Emotiva by. $250 (Clearance price) didn't seem like a bad deal at all for a Balanced DAC with a bunch of inputs. Looking forward to hearing it alongside my SA8004's built in DAC.

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