Taking the plunge: buying my first headfi inspired rig today!
Jan 22, 2009 at 10:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Jan 21, 2009
About a month after my last setup was stolen (5thgen 80gig ipod/se110) and a week of sifting through the goldmine of information that is headfi, I finnally decided on my new rig! I know this post is useless, im giddy like a school girl anyways, lol.

Im going with a sansa fuze 85@amazon, hd25-II 175@compsource (+2 16gb ultra sdhc) and a fiioE5 off ebay. (anyone wanna suggest a good cable upgrade for the fiio?)

thanks for all the help and legwork put in by some of the regs @headfi and pity my wallet for what its about to endure.

Jan 23, 2009 at 1:34 AM Post #3 of 7
I am planning for a Fuse myself - a good choice indeed. I am also planning on making myself a LOD for the Fuse, will see how that goes. Fingers crossed.
Jan 23, 2009 at 1:36 AM Post #4 of 7
Clie let me know how that LOD works out for ya, I might revisit that idea in the future if you can do it.

Supermini would be glorious paired up with a fuze, LOD, and my er4s
Jan 23, 2009 at 3:33 AM Post #5 of 7
For a LOD with the fiio, I would suggest a short, cheap cable. You aren't going to get that much SQ improvement that would justify a 100 dollar lod, but if you are planning on getting a good portable amp (not that the E5 isn't), then getting a high priced lod now isn't going to hurt.

I would say around 30 bucks max is what you need

Oh, and you should love your setup. The E5 has had great reviews for being amazing for only 20 bucks.
Jan 23, 2009 at 7:51 PM Post #6 of 7
Cardas makes a nice mini cable in 6" and 12" lengths. i use the 6" one with my E3. A bit odd since the cable cost twice as much as the amp did, but it's definitely higher quality than the one included. Plus, both ends have right angles, which is nice.
Jan 24, 2009 at 5:56 AM Post #7 of 7
change of plans, I went with a d2 at the last second. (black 4gb + 1 8gb sdcard for 60$ off a friend of a friend). the hardest part of all of this... not selecting the rush shipping upgrade at the Echeckout! Im willing to spend whatever for the rig, but somehow spending 30$ extra for 2/3 day shipping seems extravagant...

there seems to be a bit a confusion on the on board amp on the d2, is it powerful enough or will the E5 still make a noticeable difference (not that more power or a 20$ amp is necessarily a bad thing)

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