T-PEOS H-200 - new triple hybrid IEM - Impressions thread
Aug 20, 2013 at 4:43 AM Post #2,073 of 2,595
I think d marc0 was in-contact with them and FlySweep might know, I haven't had any communication with T-Peos in many months.
Aug 20, 2013 at 4:50 AM Post #2,074 of 2,595
I think d marc0 was in-contact with them and FlySweep might know, I haven't had any communication with T-Peos in many months.

Still waiting on any info on them. Stock cables have microphonics so I'm hoping the 7N's sleeving would be better. Also, not being red is also fine with me.
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:14 AM Post #2,077 of 2,595
Worse than the red rubberised ones? Those are pretty bad. Been trying to wear them over ear but my ears just don't like it.

The outer layer on my silver plated cable is equivalent to a plastic straw from Burger King. It has settled somewhat since new however, If you think the red cable is bad you'll possibly have a heart attack going for the one I have, that's why last I heard T-Peos were working on a solution but it's been some time.

Did you allow your H-200 some more burn in? Is the peak still present for you?
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:19 AM Post #2,078 of 2,595
The outer layer on my silver plated cable is equivalent to a plastic straw from Burger King. It has settled somewhat since new however, If you think the red cable is bad you'll possibly have a heart attack going for the one I have, that's why last I heard T-Peos were working on a solution but it's been some time.

Did you allow your H-200 some more burn in? Is the peak still present for you?

Not what I wanted to read! :p

They've tamed down a little since. The aggressive sound is still there, but it doesn't hurt like when I first had it. I've also switched to TSX-200 Complys, which should also help.

I've noticed the stock grey tips doesn't isolate outside noise too much, when I'm walking around the city I can stil hear some noises leaking through the music(Metalic clangs, loud voices and sometimes even cars). Which made me think the H-200 themselves had a cluttered sound to it, not the case after I switched tips.
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:20 AM Post #2,079 of 2,595
The outer layer on my silver plated cable is equivalent to a plastic straw from Burger King. It has settled somewhat since new however, If you think the red cable is bad you'll possibly have a heart attack going for the one I have, that's why last I heard T-Peos were working on a solution but it's been some time.

Did you allow your H-200 some more burn in? Is the peak still present for you?

For me, the peak is still present.
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:38 AM Post #2,080 of 2,595
I think d marc0 was in-contact with them and FlySweep might know, I haven't had any communication with T-Peos in many months.

Got an email from them a couple weeks ago. They said they're finalizing things and will release soon.
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:46 AM Post #2,081 of 2,595
Not what I wanted to read! :p

They've tamed down a little since. The aggressive sound is still there, but it doesn't hurt like when I first had it. I've also switched to TSX-200 Complys, which should also help.

I've noticed the stock grey tips doesn't isolate outside noise too much, when I'm walking around the city I can stil hear some noises leaking through the music(Metalic clangs, loud voices and sometimes even cars). Which made me think the H-200 themselves had a cluttered sound to it, not the case after I switched tips.

You want something with an open bore, atleast wider than the ones stock have, helps keep the sound uncongested in busy sections of songs or choruses.

Like this.

For me, the peak is still present.

Here's my experience with the peak, you might of read it. No word of a lie mine came and went away, just as that post says


Got an email from them a couple weeks ago. They said they're finalizing things and will release soon.

Aug 20, 2013 at 5:50 AM Post #2,082 of 2,595
You want something with an open bore, atleast wider than the ones stock have, helps keep the sound uncongested in busy sections of songs or choruses.

Like this.

What tips are those? Can i buy them seperately? I'm pretty happy with Complys but anything better is always welcome.
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:56 AM Post #2,083 of 2,595
What tips are those? Can i buy them seperately? I'm pretty happy with Complys but anything better is always welcome.

Sure, here's the tips above. : http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-V-Moda-Earphones-Replacement-EarBuds-Tips-Gels-Sleeves-Plugs-Cushions-Pads-/220853034652?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item336bddde9c
Aug 20, 2013 at 6:02 AM Post #2,085 of 2,595
They don't ship to my country. Schhiiitt.....

Try these ones, same thing.


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