T.H.E. Headphonium 2014 (May 30th, 2014 ~ June 1st, 2014) @ T.H.E. Show in Newport 2014

Apr 28, 2014 at 5:22 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 214
Jun 9, 2011
Head-Fi LA
Calling all SoCal Head-Fiers!  It's that time again.  Announcing...
T.H.E. Headphonium 2014 at T.H.E. Show in Newport!

This year's Headphonium is the largest yet, and more than twice as big as last year.  @mikemercer and I have been working hard on the show, and we hope to see you all there!
Dates & Hours:
Friday, May 30th, 2014:  11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday, May 31st, 2014:  10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday, June 1st, 2014:  10:00 am - 6:00 pm
T.H.E. Show's Locations:
Hilton Hotel: Orange County Airport
18800 MacArthur Blvd.
Irvine, California 92612
Tel: 1-949-833-9999
Atrium Hotel: Orange County Airport
18700 MacArthur Blvd.
Irvine, California 92612
Tel: 1-949-833-2770
T.H.E. Show's Pricing:
  1. One-Day Pass (any day) = $15
  2. Three-Day Pass = $40*
* If you are thinking of getting the three-day pass, here's a little tip:  if you join the LAOCAS (Los Angeles & Orange County Audio Society), you get a free pass.  Membership is $40/year.  In other words, it's the same price as the three-day pass... so you might as well join.  Go to http://theshownewport.com/visitors/join-la-oc.html for more info on this deal.
For More Info:
To learn about driving/traveling to the show, parking, accommodations, etc. - please visit http://theshownewport.com/visitors/t.h.e.-show-info.html

Apr 28, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #2 of 214
Seminars & Activities
Join us for some fun seminars and brunch/drinks at T.H.E. Headphonium.  Here's what we have in store so far:

T.H.E. SHOW SEMINAR:  Personal Audio ~ How the Power of Community is Rekindling Passion for Hi-Fi
Date & Time:  Friday, May 30th, 2014 @ 5:00p ~ 6:00p
Location:  T.H.E. Show's Seminar Hall @ The Hilton Hotel
Personal audio is uniquely different from traditional hi-fi, aside from the obvious.  What truly sets us apart is not the delivery method for the music, but the strength and bond of a worldwide community.  This panel explores the headphone culture revolution, and how the passion behind its devotees are changing hi-fi.  Will personal audio save hi-fi?  Can hi-fi even be saved?  Or are we the next generation of audiophiles, taking over hi-fi?
  1. Michael Mercer:  Michael is a columnist and reviewer of music and audio components. He is a managing partner for Audio360.org and writes for Positive Feedback, The Daily Swarm, Part-time Audiophile, Enjoy the Music, and The High Fidelity Report. Mercer is also a brand-building and social media strategist for leading Hi-Fi brands. He also serves as Senior Vice-President of Personal Listening for the Los Angeles & Orange County Audio Society (LAOCAS)
  2. Warren Chi:  Warren is a personal audio enthusiast and evangelist, as well as a managing partner in Audio360.org and a columnist/reviewer for Positive Feedback.  He also serves as the Vice-President of Personal Listening for the Los Angeles & Orange County Audio Society (LAOCAS).  In his spare time, he is an active member and moderator for Head-Fi.org (the world’s largest personal audio community), and an organizer of personal audio shows nationwide.
  3. Jason Stoddard:  Jason (along with Mike Moffat of Theta fame) co-founded an improbable start-up to offer personal audio enthusiasts the best Schiit possible:  high-quality, high-end gear, made in the USA at near-Chinese prices.  He got started in audio designing speaker amps, preamps, DACs, and transports with Sumo in the 1990s.  Today, Jason’s busy preparing a Schiitstorm of new products, and writes science fiction professionally under his own name and as Brett Patton.
  4. Alex Rosson:  Alex is the CEO of Audeze, a U.S.-based designer and manufacturer of high-end, planar magnetic headphones. In addition to leading the growth of Audeze, Alex utilizes his talents and expertise in the audio recording industry as the owner of independent record labels, Play Me and Play Me Too Records.
  5. Owen Kwon:  Owen had over a decade of experience in personal/portable audio electronics at iriver, before taking on the role of Vice-President of Business Development at Astell&Kern - a manufacturer of leading high-fidelty personal audio devices like the acclaimed AK100, AK120 and AK240 audiophile-quality digital players.  He oversees product planning, development and launch - as well as sales & marketing efforts - for all Astell&Kern products in North America.
  6. Mike Dias:  Mike Dias is a writer, speaker, connector, entrepreneur, app developer, music supervisor, in-ear monitor expert and the Director of Sales at Ultimate Ears.  He started working with Ultimate Ears over 15 years ago, and from behind the scenes, he's helped grow the in-ear market for both musicians and consumers.  In doing so, he has increased the understanding of his industry, and is able to contextualize how all the pieces and players are interconnected.

Semi-Private Head-Fier's Breakfast
Date & Time:  Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 8:30a ~ 10:00a
Location:  Waterfalls Restaurant @ The Atrium Hotel
Hey, we all gotta eat right?  Might as well hang-out... grab some grub together... talk about music... catch up on what we've heard at T.H.E. Headphonium... and chill with manufacturers away from the hustle and bustle of the show floor! 
And of course, this will probably turn into an ad-hoc mini meet as we whip out our portable rigs. 
  Once the breakfast is over, we'll all head on over to T.H.E. Headphonium together!
Please post in the thread if you would like to join us, that way we can get some kind of reservation going on to make sure everyone's got a seat at the table.  Here are the 27 people we've got so far:
@Frank I
@Tyll Hertsens
@Dean Seislove
@David Pritchard
Raymond Li, Alpha Design Labs (ADL)
Simon Au, Alpha Design Labs (ADL)
Mike Johnson, Pendulumic
Chunbeng Quek, Pendulumic
Alex Rosson, Audeze
Chuck Reynolds (+2), JH Audio
@HiFiGuy528, Woo Audio
Jack Wu, Woo Audio
Dan Clark, MrSpeakers
Jason Stoddard, Schiit
Alex Cavalli, Cavalli Audio
@gary ocock
Brannan Mason, Noble Audio
@Ultimate Mango

HEADPHONIUM-EXCLUSIVE SEMINAR:  Are Orthos/Planars the Future of High-End Headphones?
Date & Time:  Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 10:30a ~ 11:45a
Location:  Poolside @ The Atrium Hotel
Orthos and planars (headphones utilizing planar magnetic drivers) are quickly becoming prevalent and widespread, occupying a sweet spot in terms of price-to-performance between dynamic and electrostatic headphones.  As technological improvements continue to be made to improve performance, and manufacturing methods are perfected to lower costs, this begs the question... are planars the future of high-end headphones?
  1. Frank Iacone (Moderator):  Frank is a columnist/reviewer with Audio360.org, Part-Time Audiophile, Positive Feedback.  He is also a veteran member of Head-Fi.org, the world’s largest headphone enthusiast community.
  2. Alex Rosson (Audeze):  Alex is the CEO of Audeze, a U.S. based designer and manufacturer of high-end, planar magnetic headphones such as the LCD-2, LCD-3, LCD-X and LCD-XC.
  3. Dan Clark (MrSpeakers):  Dan is the founder and CEO of MrSpeakers, a San Diego based manufacturer of popular orthodynamic headphones such as the Mad Dog, Mad Dog Pro and Alpha Dog.
  4. Fang Bian (HiFiMAN):  Dr. Fang Bian is the CEO of HiFiMAN, a manufacturer of a wide range of planar magnetic headphones including the HE-4, HE-5, HE-5LE, HE-6, HE-400, HE-500 and the upcoming HE-560.
  5. Luis Flores (Reference Sounds):  Luis - better known as LFF in the personal audio community - is the founder of Reference Sounds (a.k.a. Paradox Audio) and is the creator of several orthodynamic headphones such as the Paradox, Slant and Enigma.
  6. Tyll Hertsens (Inner Fidelity):  With his own headphone amp design, Hertsens started Headroom. After 17 years at Headroom, Hertsens has moved on to become the online editor of the website Innerfidelity.com, which covers all things related to headphones.

T.H.E. SHOW SEMINAR:  When Headphones Get Smart ~ Future Directions for Active Headphones
Date & Time:  Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 1:00p ~ 2:00p
Location:  T.H.E. Show's Seminar Hall @ The Hilton Hotel
Join a panel of headphone experts, audio reviewers, and industry insiders for a forward look at technologies that might appear as headphones with active electronics become more common.
  1. Tyll Hertsens:  With his own headphone amp design, Hertsens started Headroom. After 17 years at Headroom, Hertsens has moved on to become the online editor of the website Innerfidelity.com, which covers all things related to headphones.
  2. Michael Mercer:  Mercer is a reviewer of music and audio components. He currently writes for Positive Feedback, The Daily Swarm, Audio360.org, Part-time Audiophile, and The High Fidelity Report. Mercer is also a brand-building and social media strategist for leading Hi-Fi brands.
  3. Alex Rosson:  Rosson is the CEO of Audeze, a U.S.-based designer and manufacturer of high-end, planar magnetic headphones. In addition to leading the growth of Audeze, Alex utilizes his talents and expertise in the audio recording industry as the owner of independent record labels, Play Me and Play Me Too Records.
  4. George Cardas:  George Cardas is the founder of Cardas Cables, a maker of premium cables and component parts.  Cardas has been in development on an IEM and this year released the Ear Mirror 5813, Cardas Audio's first "Ear Speaker."
  5. Michael Goodman:  Goodman is the Managing Director of CEntrance. Founded in 2000, CEntrance develops, licenses and distributes cutting edge home and pro audio products. CEntrance’s product line includes desktop and portable headphone amps.

Apr 28, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #3 of 214
T.H.E. Headphonium Raffle:
Prizes (over $5,500 in prizes):
  1. Alpha Design Labs (ADL):   ADL-H118 Headphone (a $299 value)
  1. Audeze:  LCD-2 w/Bamboo Composite ear cups and new Fazor drivers (a $1,145 value)
  1. Cavalli Audio:  2 x NOS Hytron 6SN7 vacuum tubes, matched pair (a $300 value)
  1. CEntrance:  DACport LX & Reserve Series Interconnect (a $249.98 value)
  1. Darin Fong Audio:  Out Of Your Head virtual speaker software package w/all 22 speaker presets (a $600 value)
  1. HiFiMAN:  HM-700 DAP bundled w/RE-600 Universal IEM (a $499 value)
  2. MrSpeakers:  Mad Dog Pro (a $449 value)
  1. Noble Audio:  Noble 4 Universal IEM (a $450 value)
  1. Pendulumic:  Stance S1 (a $199 value)
  1. Schiit Audio:  Bifrost DAC fully upgradeable 24/192 DAC (a $349 value)
  2. Schiit Audio:  Some new and (as of yet) unreleased Schiit!!! 
  1. WyWires:  $1,000 WyWires Gift Certificate
How To Enter:
T.H.E. Headphonium's raffle is a part of your admission, there is no further purchase necessary.  By the same token, you cannot purchase additional raffle entries.
1. Pick-Up your official Headphonium raffle card.
Raffle cards are available at T.H.E. Headphonium Too at the Hilton.  They will be at a small kiosk next to Darin Fong Audio.  While you're there, you might as well stop by Darin Fong Audio's exhibit to check out their Out of Your Head virtual speaker software, and get them to validate your raffle cards since they are participating in the raffle.
2. Get your raffle card filled out.
As you make your way through T.H.E. Headphonium, be sure to stop by each participating exhibitor.  They will have some kind of task for you to complete.  This can range from auditioning a specific item, to opting-in some info, to bequeathing your firstborn.  Once you complete the task(s), you will receive a mark on your raffle card for that exhibitor.
3. Fill-in your contact info.
This is important, because it's the only way you'll know if you've won.  T.H.E. Headphonium is a multi-day event, and not everyone will be present on the last day of the show for a drawing.  As such, all prizes will be shipped to the winner - which means we need to contact you if you win.

4. Turn-in your completed raffle card.
Once you have your raffle card completely filled-in, turn it into the kiosk at near Darin Fong Audio in T.H.E. Headphonium Too at the Hilton.
How To Win & Claim Your Prize:
1. We will draw random winners after the close of the show.
2. Prize winners will be contacted via phone and/or email.
3. All prizes will be shipped from directly from the exhibitor/manufacturer to the winner.
** Please note that this is NOT part of the T.H.E. Show's giveaway.  This is a separate raffle for everyone in the personal audio community that is attending T.H.E. Headphonium.

Show Specials
Brilliant Zen Audio:  Bravissimo Headphone Amplifier ($700; MSRP $800; $100 off)
CEntrance:  AudiophileDesktop™ System ($899; MSRP $1,299; 30% off)
Darin Fong Audio:  Out Of Your Head virtual speaker software package ($99; MSRP $149; 33% off)
HiFiMAN:  10% off any purchase of inventory-on-hand made at T.H.E. Headphonium;
MrSpeakers:  10% off any purchase made at T.H.E. Headphonium

Noble Audio:  Free ear impressions w/the purchase of any Noble CIEM made at T.H.E. Headphonium.

Pendulumic:  $20 off on the Stance S1 ($179+tax; MSRP $199; $20 off)
WyWires:  25% off any purchase made at T.H.E. Headphonium
*NOTE:  Show specials are only valid at T.H.E. Headphonium only.  We've negotiated these specials with the manufacturer especially for T.H.E. Headphonium's attendees only.  Please do not request these deals after/outside of the show.
Apr 28, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #4 of 214
A Trip Down Memory Lane...
For those that came to the show last year, here are some pics to remind y'all of what a blast it was.  Plus, there's a video of @mikemercer being interviewed by Audio-Head at the bottom.  If y'all got any pics of last year, post them in the thread and I'll add them here. 


@weirdfishes, @shiorisekine, me, @Tyll Hertsens and @mikemercer

@Tyll Hertsens talking about measurements until my eyes glazed over (kidding Tyll!)

@morserotonin and Mat Weisfeld of VPI Industries.

A pre-Geek Gavin Fish thinking to himself "we can do better..."

ALO's Studio Six made its debut at last year's Headphonium.  Wonder what's new this year?

Alex Rosson of Audeze hitting the turntables poolside!

@jw111, shortly before going on a personal audio spending spree.

Enjoying the days with Steven Rochlin of EnjoyTheMusic.com

And of course, @mikemercer with his favorite cans.
Apr 29, 2014 at 2:11 AM Post #5 of 214
SO sorry its taken so long for me to respond to our own thread about The Headphonium event at THE Show Newport this year!!
As many of you know - my wifey has been in the hospital dealing with major surgery, well, she's home now - recouperating and making progress.
It meant the world to me.
Anyway - YES!! It's that time again. Now - last year I took on cultivating the gear and peeps for The Headphonium event at THE Show Newport just as Alexandra (my wifey) was getting sick! How CRAZY is that? Almost precisely a year later - she just had an operation that MAY have taken care of many of her horrific symptoms! 
SO - obviously last year was TOUGH, juggling a newly SICK wifey (I'm usually the one who's sick - she's NEVER had a problem during the whole 17 years we've been together) and taking on a headphone show with VERY limited real estate!! THose of you who attended last year remember how small the room was and the patio wasn't that much bigger either.
However - people seemed to have a good time - and I'm SO grateful for that! Especially my fellow Head-Fiers who came and enjoyed themselves. After all - our panel (the headphone panels) were THE MOST PACKED - out of all of em!
I especially dug when Tyll (after my shout-out to the "Head-Fi Community") paused the panel and actually asked the audience if "anyone here has even heard of Head-Fi" - and next thing ya know - like 95% of the rooms hands went up in unison! I decided to flash the newly minted Head-Fi gang sign and that was IT for me! I shoulda left on the high note! But we had alot of fun - and this year should be as well.
@warrenpchi did something brilliant last year to pull some of the financial weight off the tickets: If you sign up as a member to the Los Angelese & Orange County Audio Society you get a discount on THE Show Newports tickets!
Whats the discount Warren? You remember??
ANYWAY - this year we got some terrific vendors lined up - and The Headphonium had to expand!
We wanted to take over the vinyl ballroom this year - but we've been stuck in two separate spots: The Hilton and the Atrium.
Signage should make things VERY easy to find.
And this year I've cultivated The Headphonium w/ my dear friend and bizness partner @warrenpchi!
He's been doin a KILLER JOB bringin' up the slack as I'm been trying to take care of my wifey.
A lil' SOUND-OFF????
Who's comin...
Apr 29, 2014 at 2:12 AM Post #6 of 214

I've been gearin' up for the event (gonna still bring some portable rigs to share) - and also doin a TON of listening to prepare some KILLER playlists!!!!

Hell, ANY reason to listen to my Cavalli Audio Liquid Gold & Audezes + my McIntosh D100 DAC/MacBook Pro/Amarra rig - I'm IN!!

Gonna be LOTS of fun this year fellas!

and lets get even MORE Head-Fiers to the headphone panel on Fri night than last year!
I'm TOTALLY DOWN to throw up the Head-Fi gang sign AGAIN!! 
Apr 29, 2014 at 3:50 PM Post #8 of 214
Enjoyed last years panel discussion. This one really caught my attention. I'll be there. 
Edit: I lied. The wife just shut down all hopes of attending. It's only her birthday...psssshht. 

Apr 29, 2014 at 3:59 PM Post #9 of 214
  Enjoyed last years panel discussion. This one really caught my attention. I'll be there. 

Yeah right?  That was a riot!  The whole room was packed with Head-Fiers... it was AWESOME!
There are going to be three discussion panels this year, including a special Headphonium-only panel about planars.  I'll be updating post #2 with more info on that shortly. 

Apr 29, 2014 at 4:17 PM Post #11 of 214
Im hoping to come.
Apr 29, 2014 at 4:32 PM Post #13 of 214
Loved going last year, I will make plans to come but I'll see how my schedule is that weekend and which day works for me. I'll see if some friends want to come.
Im hoping to come.

Bitchin'!  I'm also hoping we can get a Head-Fier's dinner and pool party going on Saturday night. 

  Awesome! You guys can count me in!
Any word on if the new Hifimans will be available for demo?

That all depends on whether they will be ready by then... which is hard to say with all those last minute modifications going on.  But they are exhibiting, and Fang is coming, so maybe we can all corner him and force him to give it up.  Okay, that didn't sound right, but you know what I mean.  Oh, and some of us might have an HE-560 there in an unofficial capacity. 


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