Symphonium Titan - Impressions and reviews
Jun 6, 2024 at 5:16 AM Post #451 of 577
Hey guys! Im not very well versed in kilobuck iems, only really used 250 dollar pieces at best before. My main concern is that I might not be getting as much of a technical improvement in anything but bass for the money.

Does anyone have a comparsion to a good cheap IEM? Also, what about comparsion to headphones in general?
Jun 6, 2024 at 8:17 AM Post #452 of 577
Hey guys! Im not very well versed in kilobuck iems, only really used 250 dollar pieces at best before. My main concern is that I might not be getting as much of a technical improvement in anything but bass for the money.

Does anyone have a comparsion to a good cheap IEM? Also, what about comparsion to headphones in general?
i wouldn't really compare headphones to IEMs solely based off of its price point...

if you want something more techinical the helios might be more of what you're looking for.
Jun 6, 2024 at 9:08 AM Post #453 of 577
Hey guys! Im not very well versed in kilobuck iems, only really used 250 dollar pieces at best before. My main concern is that I might not be getting as much of a technical improvement in anything but bass for the money.

Does anyone have a comparsion to a good cheap IEM? Also, what about comparsion to headphones in general?
Many people buying the kilobuck or three stuff know what they want. Best way to start is to audition them. Else it’ll be a very expensive journey. A trip down to CanJam or dealer is well worth the effort. Have your own source and playlist.

Asking for impressions online is very helpful when you already have a baseline.
Jun 6, 2024 at 10:06 AM Post #454 of 577
Many people buying the kilobuck or three stuff know what they want. Best way to start is to audition them. Else it’ll be a very expensive journey. A trip down to CanJam or dealer is well worth the effort. Have your own source and playlist.

Asking for impressions online is very helpful when you already have a baseline.
No such dealers here, no CanJam within a distance I can bare to travel. I dont think I can do much regarding that. :p

Best bet is selling my gear if I dont like it.
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Jun 6, 2024 at 10:25 AM Post #455 of 577
No such dealers here, no CanJam within a distance I can bare to travel. I dont think I can do much regarding that. :p

Best bet is selling my gear if I dont like it.
Ah okay. Another way is to find or form a small group of guys in the same geography and start an instant messaging group. Meet up once in a while, exchange, and try each other's loot. Probably the best way long term.

Kilobuck stuff usually scales with the chain. Better cables, amps, DAPs. Symphonium stuff are great, but they do require power to shine. Best to go back to the beginning of the thread where there is a list of recommended dac/amps/daps, and check if you have the goods to drive it.

If you like bass and a balanced sound. You will love the Titan. @EnigmaFotos made a very good video on it, easy to follow even if you are new to the hobby.

Jun 6, 2024 at 10:53 AM Post #456 of 577
Ah okay. Another way is to find or form a small group of guys in the same geography and start an instant messaging group. Meet up once in a while, exchange, and try each other's loot. Probably the best way long term.

Kilobuck stuff usually scales with the chain. Better cables, amps, DAPs. Symphonium stuff are great, but they do require power to shine. Best to go back to the beginning of the thread where there is a list of recommended dac/amps/daps, and check if you have the goods to drive it.

If you like bass and a balanced sound. You will love the Titan. @EnigmaFotos made a very good video on it, easy to follow even if you are new to the hobby.

I hope I will find such people one day. Atleast there are a few enthusiasts posting IEMs used locally.

I was actually hoping that my e1da 9038s3g is well within sufficient territory. It was made to do low impedance loads like 550mw at 16ohm. Though there is no saying if 3 ohm will work well.

I do know what good treble means, but I think I have not heard good bass that also has real power. Mostly really hope mids and treble are also very good, then this would be the perfect choice.

By the way if any of you happen to have one of these which I also own, I would be pleased to get a comparsion: Akoustyx S6, Penon Fan 2, Tin Hifi P1 Max

Thanks guys!
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Jun 6, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #457 of 577
Oh yeah. The Titan slams hard, and without bleeding into the mids. The treble balances the bass and the stage is big. No warm smoky bar feel here.

I don't have any experience with the IEMs you listed. Maybe somebody can advise on them.
Jun 6, 2024 at 11:11 AM Post #458 of 577
Ah okay. Another way is to find or form a small group of guys in the same geography and start an instant messaging group. Meet up once in a while, exchange, and try each other's loot. Probably the best way long term.

I like this approach. The nearest CanJam for me is SoCal and that’s only once a year for me. And I doubt that I can find more of the affordable IEMs I want to audition at CanJam unless I know someone that brought them.
Jun 6, 2024 at 11:17 AM Post #459 of 577
I like this approach. The nearest CanJam for me is SoCal and that’s only once a year for me. And I doubt that I can find more of the affordable IEMs I want to audition at CanJam unless I know someone that brought them.
Oh yeah. I am part of a small group and recently one of the guys went on a holiday. He prepared a loot box for us to use while he was away.

The group doesn't have to be big, 4 or 5 guys. I just sold off a Prestige LTD without having to deal with the classifieds.

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Jun 6, 2024 at 11:27 AM Post #460 of 577
I hope I will find such people one day. Atleast there are a few enthusiasts posting IEMs used locally.

I was actually hoping that my e1da 9038s3g is well within sufficient territory. It was made to do low impedance loads like 550mw at 16ohm. Though there is no saying if 3 ohm will work well.

I do know what good treble means, but I think I have not heard good bass that also has real power. Mostly really hope mids and treble are also very good, then this would be the perfect choice.

By the way if any of you happen to have one of these which I also own, I would be pleased to get a comparsion: Akoustyx S6, Penon Fan 2, Tin Hifi P1 Max

Thanks guys!
I have both the Penon Fan 2 and the Tin Hifi P1 Max, they were both purchased in my "start-up" phase in the hobby along with the Aria. I got them all used to give the hobby a try. I have since moved oon or up, however, you think about it to some more expensive gear. I pre-ordered the Titan and I have had it for several months now. I find it to be in my weekly rotation even though I swap others out. I've put in below the review I wrote for in case you are interested. On balance, these are above the Fan 2 and P1 Max IMHO.

Look, Fit, Case & Cable – The Titan is an awesome looking IEM. The faceplate outlined in the blue is very sleek. The pictures on the internet don’t do it justice, seeing it in person that blue really pops. The IEM is not huge, it is bigger than the meteor and about equal to the Crimson. The nozzle is a little wider than average. The stock tips were fine, but I switched to a pair of Divinus Velvet M to ensure a deeper fit (I generally use and ML or L). The Titan does have a vent, so there is no pressure build up and I can wear it for hours easily with no pinching, hot spots, or pain points. The metal storage case is very nice and a bit larger than the Crimson case, which is a very good thing, I found that case too small. The cable is nice, color-wise it matches spectacularly, and it does handle well – soft, flexible, very little memory. There are no ear-hooks so buyers should weigh that, however, they can be added after-the-fact, if desired. I wish the Titan had an 8W option, I am truly spoiled after the Crimson.

Sound – When I first put them in and fired up my HiBy RS6 with BB King’s The Thrill is Gone, my first reaction was “it’s so quiet did I turn the volume down accidently?” The Titan takes some power to reach its full potential. I used my RS6 on high gain. I have used it with my Chord Mojo2 and my Schiit Modi/Magni stack. Just know the more power the better the sound. The Titan feels like it was made just for me, I’m a bass lover but not a bass at all costs kind of listener. The bass is strong and visceral – hard hitting and rumbly with a fantastic decay. It is truly magnificent and as I keep listening it just gets better! The bass is great in both quality and quantity and most importantly it doesn’t bleed into the mids and the set is remarkably balanced given all the bass. The mids are fully bodied, rich, and smooth. Both male and female vocals sound good and standout enough to be clear and relatively clean all while the bass keeps making me smile. The treble is quite smooth and extended. There seems to be a peak about 6k-8k but although I can be treble sensitive with some IEMs, this didn’t impact my experience at all. I’m a mid-volume listener so take that as a reference point – no loud music for these old lady ears anymore.

Technicalities – The clarity, sound stage and resolution are surprisingly strong for such a bassy set. The clarity is good – the instruments are clear, and the vocals are clean. I’m surprised by the detail in the bass – given the level and amount of bass, I can still pic up individual string plucks and drum kicks. (The bass presentation in The Eagles Hotel California (Live on MTV 1994) is spectacular.) The Crimson is still a step above in treble detail, sparkle, and air, but the Titan holds its own at $1k.

Overall, the Titan was another fantastic Symphonium purchase for me. I now have the Meteor, Crimson and Titan. The Titan clearly rises to my top “10” list with my U12t, Odin, IE600, Monarch MK3, Twilight, Advar, and Mirai.
Jun 6, 2024 at 1:07 PM Post #461 of 577
Oh yeah. I am part of a small group and recently one of the guys went on a holiday. He prepared a loot box for us to use while he was away.

The group doesn't have to be big, 4 or 5 guys. I just sold off a Prestige LTD without having to deal with the classifieds.


Now that's a perk of knowing others in the hobby! I only see one set on IEMs in the upper row, I assume all of them have IEMs attached?

And yes dealing with Classifieds can be a pain for sure. Along with fees and logistics, I'd rather not deal with it if I can just meet up with others.
Jun 6, 2024 at 11:04 PM Post #462 of 577
Symphonium Audio Proudly Designed and Manufactured in Singapore. Stay updated on Symphonium Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 7, 2024 at 4:09 PM Post #465 of 577
@ZeroChad when will you guys be making a customized preset for the Crimson + RS8 😉

I tease, but it would be nice to see and I'm surely not the only one to appreciate the ask.

Thanks for all you do, and another great product bundle. Give my regards to the rest of the Symphonium team, keep rocking! 🤘

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