:sunrise: CanJam SoCal 2016 (March 19-20, 2016)
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Jan 24, 2016 at 11:44 AM Post #256 of 1,119
I think some people are blowing the "commercial" aspect of the show way out of proportion.  You realize that there with be a thousand+ people attending who are not commercial?  These people (i.e. us) are what make the show, just as much as the gear on display.  Just because there isn't an official members room, doesn't mean you can't hang out with members and listen to their gear.
Here are my impressions of the social side of Canjam Socal last year.  It should say something to you that I split my show impressions into two posts: one for gear and one for the social aspect.  It was my first Canjam and I made a lot of friends.  If you read through the post, you'll see that none of the cool people I met or fun memories I made were from meeting someone at an official member table or member area.  
And the same kinds of things happened at the Schiit Show and RMAF last year as well.  I met and hung out with lots of people.  We had meals, we had mini-meets in hotel rooms, we went karting, we sampled various alcohols, etc.  These things happen organically if you let them.
My point is simply this:  the social aspect is what you make of it.  Canjam is a place where everyone you meet shares at least one giant thing in common with you:  our love of the hobby.  You can walk up to anyone and start talking about gear and you'll be met with an enthusiastic reply from a new friend.  Who cares if it's someone's personal gear or you're at the RHA table listening to their stuff and talking to those crazy Scots?  The social scene is there and accessible and it's great.  Don't knock it until you've tried it.
I plan on using a Sharpie to write my forum name in big letters on my name tag.  I hope to see you all there and make some new friends yet again.

Jan 24, 2016 at 11:53 AM Post #257 of 1,119
  I think some people are blowing the "commercial" aspect of the show way out of proportion.  You realize that there with be a thousand+ people attending who are not commercial?  These people (i.e. us) are what make the show, just as much as the gear on display.  Just because there isn't an official members room, doesn't mean you can't hang out with members and listen to their gear.
Here are my impressions of the social side of Canjam Socal last year.  It should say something to you that I split my show impressions into two posts: one for gear and one for the social aspect.  It was my first Canjam and I made a lot of friends.  If you read through the post, you'll see that none of the cool people I met or fun memories I made were from meeting someone at an official member table or member area.  
And the same kinds of things happened at the Schiit Show and RMAF last year as well.  I met and hung out with lots of people.  We had meals, we had mini-meets in hotel rooms, we went karting, we sampled various alcohols, etc.  These things happen organically if you let them.
My point is simply this:  the social aspect is what you make of it.  Canjam is a place where everyone you meet shares at least one giant thing in common with you:  our love of the hobby.  You can walk up to anyone and start talking about gear and you'll be met with an enthusiastic reply from a new friend.  Who cares if it's someone's personal gear or you're at the RHA table listening to their stuff and talking to those crazy Scots?  The social scene is there and accessible and it's great.  Don't knock it until you've tried it.
I plan on using a Sharpie to write my forum name in big letters on my name tag.  I hope to see you all there and make some new friends yet again.

I have already been talking to people in threads about going out to dinner. Not sure which night that will be, but its in the works. I have 3 people so far, I will be looking to fill out 2 more spots once we get closer to the dates, or even while at the show. So once the show is done for the day, its not the end of a good time.
Jan 24, 2016 at 12:11 PM Post #258 of 1,119
+10 Stillhart. Making friends and all of the off-the-grid hang-outs really make the experience for me.
Jan 24, 2016 at 3:34 PM Post #259 of 1,119
Funny, I thought the folks at the RHA table were Irish. :wink:

Of those who are "commercial" and "non-commercial", I am in between. While I do like to mod my stuff, I prefer to at least leave anything in and around the driver alone. It's more than just keeping the driver not damaged, but really to keep the original sound signature and change whatever treble peak I find not ideal. So while I really enjoy seeing new stuff, I also really enjoy hearing stuff that is modded, no longer available, or both.

I heard of a Sony MDR-R10 being demoed at last year's CanJam@SoCal, so seeing this at the show is enough for me, but seeing more rare stuff would be much better.
Jan 24, 2016 at 4:17 PM Post #260 of 1,119
I am attending CanJam for my 1st time in SoCal and am super excited. I certainly understand the appeal of meets but to be able to listen to such a wide array of equipment I've read about on this site, but isn't available to demo. where I live, is a dream come true. For me this is the appeal of a large event even if that requires vendors (many of whom I hope are enthusiasts as well.) Anyway, very much looking forward looking forward to seeing you all in March!
Jan 24, 2016 at 7:35 PM Post #262 of 1,119
Funny, I thought the folks at the RHA table were Irish.


Technically, one of their reps is Irish.  But the company is based out of Glasgow.  :p
Jan 25, 2016 at 5:10 PM Post #264 of 1,119
Forgive the question but, this will be the first CanJam I will be attending and was wondering if besides sampling the goods, can you purchase them as well? Are there "Show" prices and specials available?
Jan 25, 2016 at 5:30 PM Post #265 of 1,119
  Forgive the question but, this will be the first CanJam I will be attending and was wondering if besides sampling the goods, can you purchase them as well? Are there "Show" prices and specials available?

This will be my first CanJam also but at other meets there are some that give deals on there goods. Got my Ether-C's 10% off and a free DUM cable pretty good deal. I didn't get them at the time but it was still a good deal . Others had deals on there gear also. 
Jan 25, 2016 at 10:14 PM Post #270 of 1,119
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