Summer 2005 SoCal Meet Impressions/Photos
Aug 15, 2005 at 2:34 PM Post #61 of 229
Hehe I wouldn't say everyone didn't like the k3000 I only see 2 or 3 people. I have a hunch though that someone may have accidentally pushed the driver cone in. It happened to my pair at a meet and that would explain the weird distortions.

I also get the impression that people were expecting them to sound exactly like the K1000's and they certainly do not. They maintain the rich midrange of the k1000 but they aren't quite as extended up top and have a ton more bass.
Aug 15, 2005 at 2:46 PM Post #62 of 229

Originally Posted by tkam
Hehe I wouldn't say everyone didn't like the k3000 I only see 2 or 3 people. I have a hunch though that someone may have accidentally pushed the driver cone in. It happened to my pair at a meet and that would explain the weird distortions.

Sorry, just everyone that has posted so far.
Aug 15, 2005 at 3:32 PM Post #63 of 229

Originally Posted by tkam
Hehe I wouldn't say everyone didn't like the k3000 I only see 2 or 3 people. I have a hunch though that someone may have accidentally pushed the driver cone in. It happened to my pair at a meet and that would explain the weird distortions.

I also get the impression that people were expecting them to sound exactly like the K1000's and they certainly do not. They maintain the rich midrange of the k1000 but they aren't quite as extended up top and have a ton more bass.

It's very strange indeed, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if that K3000 was indeed damaged or not up to spec. Something was horribly wrong, and the first words out of my mouth was, "This sounds broken."
Aug 15, 2005 at 3:51 PM Post #64 of 229
Some comments-

Someone pushed in your K3000 driver cone at another meet, Tkam? Yikes! That rant on the general discussion forum is right on topic then!

You guys hooked the Hornet into a K1000? Poor little amp! But glad to hear it performed admirably. I wonder who could have mistakenly taken a hornet board home lol - sent it back folks, Ray's not the vindictive type - he'll just order an airstrike on your house the next time you're on vacation

You guys had a A900 here? Rats I still have yet to hear it!
Aug 15, 2005 at 4:03 PM Post #65 of 229
Fun, fun, fun! Thank you very much to Luis (LLF) and his employer Peter Rasla & Associates, P.L.C. and thanks to EdWood who I didn’t get to chat with but next time yes! Also thanks to Ray and Tyll for traveling to bring us exceptional gear. After finally getting on the road we had an opportunity to sit on 5North for 2 hours…AHH was is worth it!? YES! We showed up just in time for the crew to get back from lunch and set up my “station” down the hall. We were in isolation. The people who came to visit where “looking for the restroom” and said WOW I didn’t know people were back here… haha After I setup I gave an open invitation and was happy to see many others enjoying my equipment. This gave me an opportunity to head to the conference room and dig into some gear I have been dreaming of listening to. The STAX Omega II/Gilmore. HD650/With all Ray Samuels amps, tube and portable.. I wanted to try a few different cans on my WOO when Tyll from Headroom cruised back and brought the Micro DAC which we put on the front end of the STAX . The Headroom Desktop Amplifier package For the 880, RS-1, and HD600. OMG!! Incredible. I was thinking of upgrading my sound cards but I’m going for the DAC! I could go on and on.. but just wanted to say Thanks! This was a rare opportunity to have such a variety of amplifiers, Headphones, and sources under the same roof. I enjoyed meeting and talking with all of you. Jasper994, Crazyfrenchman27, brianknewbie, RnB180(greatcables!), Sduibek!, NoSpam.. ahhh Some I didn’t get the screenmane/name.. the list goes on. I will have pics to post with some impressions of gear.
THANKS!! Hope to see you all again.!!
Aug 15, 2005 at 4:13 PM Post #67 of 229
the reflection on that first pic make it look like a fiber optic cable lol!
Aug 15, 2005 at 4:59 PM Post #68 of 229

Originally Posted by philodox
Any more impressions on the K340's? What mods were done to the pair that were there?

Jon L would be most qualified to answer the question because he brought it.
As far as I can see, it is recabled and terminated with a four-pin XLR male connector, analogous to K1000. It was convenient at the meet because I could use my DIY K1000 extension cable with it. I want to thank Jon L for bringing this rare gem and quench my curiosity.
Aug 15, 2005 at 5:25 PM Post #69 of 229

Originally Posted by philodox
It sounds like the hornet was a big hit. Any direct comparisons to the headroom micro amp?

I think several of us (including myself) compared the two. As mentioned before, I focused primarily on portable equipment on Saturday. Following are the results of a shootout between the Hornet, SR-71, Headroom Micro Amp (standard module), and my old Porta Corda MkII, using Shure E4's and my 5 Pro's, with my iPod/SiK ram din as a source. All amps were tested on battery power.

When I first saw this tiny amp, I was a bit skeptical that it could even compete with my Porta Corda, let alone some of the portable powerhouses out there. I was shocked at the sound that eminated from it. Big, tight bass, liquid smooth midrange, and fast, energetic highs (perhaps just a shade too bright with the E4's, but only on some source material). The soundstage and imaging were amazingly real, and instruments were given plenty of room to stretch out and be heard individually. I kept looking for the hidden umbilical tying the Hornet to one of Ray's bigger amps
... The in-built gain switch was a welcome touch, and internal battery charging capability just sweetened the deal. Ray has got a winner here IMO.

A bit more laid back than the Hornet, with a solid presentation that was particularly suited to acoustic jazz. The bass did feel a trifle heavy with my 5 Pro's, and I now understand the comments that the's are voiced for too much low frequency, somewhat to the detriment of the highs. That said, I really liked the amp with E4's, and found myself coming back to this combination time and time again. The positive buzz about the SR is well earned. High frequencies were particularly smooth and balanced, with zero harshness on even the poorest recordings, and the midrange was absolutely addicting. So full and round. I could definitely see myself taking a very long trip with this amp, immersed in sweet music the whole time.

Headroom Micro Amp
I'm a Headroom amp user from back in the mid 90's. Build quality and ergonomics on all their products has always been impressive, and the Micro is no exception. It just feels 'right' in your hand, although it is larger then the SR-71 and PC MkII (and of course the diminutive Hornet...). Tyll mentioned that he considers this (and many) amp(s) to be "transportable", and feels that as soon as you can't fit your source and amp into your pockets, it's no longer a true portable solution. I see his point, but of course we audio nuts will put up with more bulk on the go than the average music lover, as long as it nets the sound we're looking for. Speaking of which, I was very impressed with the Micro sound signature, and found it to be perhaps the most balanced of all the offerings here. There was no aspect of the sound that really stood out, and I mean that as a big compliment. I listened to it with my usual battery of test tracks, from massed choral works to Rammstein, and it handled each with utter competence. Bass presentation was the most 'polite' of the three, with attack and decay characteristics seeming perhaps a bit attenuated, but nothing that would knock it out of competition. The switchable gain is again a nice feature.

Porta Corda MkII
When I first got this amp, I was impressed by how much it improved over my old Airhead, and thought I'd finally found a cure for upgradeitis. Well, that worked for a while, at least until this Saturday... compared to the other three amps, the PC is outclassed in a number of catagories. Soundstage felt congested, bass had much lighter impact (perhaps why I hadn't commented before on the's being too bass heavy), and there was a distinct lack of treble 'sparkle'. The PC is a competent amp, don't get me wrong, I just don't feel it has the right credentials when placed up against this assemblage of world-class equipment. Now I just have to figure out which of the three conteders to replace it with

I feel that the Hornet has a slight advantage, followed closely by the Micro and SR-71 in a dead heat. That said, if I end up buying Shure E4's, I might be happier with the SR-71 or Micro, given the Hornet's treble energy. The Headroom only lags because of its larger form factor, which would possibly force me to go to a larger carry case for my rig. If any of the three dropped on my doorstep tomorrow, I'd be a very happy man.
Aug 15, 2005 at 5:29 PM Post #70 of 229
Had a great time at my first meet. I would like to thank LFF and Peter Rasla & Associates, Edwood, and Jasper994 for your efforts. Without you guys, this meet would not have been possible.

I would also like to thank BRBJackson for the nametags, which were really well done. It makes a great first meet souvenir so thanks.

The amount of gear present was simply overwhelming so I was very happy that the organizers planned a two-day stay. But I want to get to the people first:

LFF - Thanks for everything. Running downstairs over and over must have been a real pain, I really appreciate you doing it. I also enjoyed listening to your reference cd's, which made the gear at the meet really shine (or suck).

Tyll Hertsens- Was only able to speak with Tyll for a quick second. Super nice guy and very passionate about this hobby of ours. He was quite popular at the meet equally because of the quality of his products and because he is such a great guy.

Ray Samuels- Where do I begin? It was such a pleasure meeting you, talking with you, and just watching the way you conduct yourself in person. Before I only read about how entertaining and funny you were and you did not disappoint in the least. But more importantly, you are a very gracious and honest man. These are qualities that I respect in a person. I hope to meet you again soon.

rx7_fan - Thanks for helping me carry my gear that I never brought out of the boxes

augustwest and bookkeepers_son - It was fun hanging out with you two when everyone else went out to lunch and it seemed we were the only ones left in the office. I really enjoyed listening to your DT990 and recabled AKG K340 respectively. I think your tastes in presentation fall closely in line with my own so I will be reading your impressions with interest.

Petery83 - I think I creeped you out a little on the first day when I relayed a story that involved you which you did not remember. I hope I can clear it up here. When the group was leaving the Ultimate Ears offices at the tour in June and getting ready to head over to BRBJackson's place, you saw me wandering around aimlessly in the parking lot. At that point you asked if I was waiting for someone to pick me up and then offered to give me a lift if I needed it. I told you no thanks and that I had just parked really far away. This encounter was probably insignificant to you, but when people, particularly strangers, offer their help and kindness I never forget it. So thanks again.

brianknewbie - We seriously need to change your username. Your gear reflected anything but a "newbie." If you didn't already gather this from our talks, I'm totally jealous of your setup. That is a dream computer-as-source rig.

RnB180 - I'm glad you showed up. I wanted to help you with impressions of your Senn cable, but I couldn't accomplish any real critical listening in the big conference room after the post-lunch rush when you arrived. Much too crowded and noisy in there. And to be honest, I learned this weekend that I do not have golden ears so maybe I'm not the best person for the job anyway.

Mike Dias - Hey Mike, I just realized that I probably confused you more than informed you about portable DAC's. It would probably be best if I never tried to explain gear to you or anybody else ever again.

ivandal - I'm glad I went back on the 2nd day so I could meet you. I think it's safe to say you are a bonafide basshead. DT770s and soon probably EB's
Also great work on your Pete Millet Hybrid.

I was only able to speak with the following members briefly, but it was awesome meeting all of you: Edwood, Ferbose, foo_me, fatp3nguin, arnaud, and feoteng2003.

I will get to gear impressions at a later time.
Aug 15, 2005 at 5:30 PM Post #71 of 229
brbjackson - Nice impressions, it is too bad that there was no AE-1 there for the shootout.

PS. We met at the Chicago meet didnt we? Or am I confusing you with someone else?
Aug 15, 2005 at 5:35 PM Post #72 of 229
Oh, and a BIG thanks to Luis and Ed for setting this shindig up. Nice work, guys
... Luis, please thank Mr. Rasla for us all.

Ray and Tyll, thanks to both of you for the cool equipment that was there, as well as the great discussions and camraderie. I know it's a big effort to drag all your gear out to meet us little guys, but you have no idea how much it's appreciated. Ray, you are one in a million, amigo. I look forward to spending some more time with you in Chicago.

edit: Philodox, no it wasn't me, but I plan on trying to set up a business trip to the windy city that just happens to coincide with some Head-Fi activities
Aug 15, 2005 at 5:43 PM Post #73 of 229
Aug 15, 2005 at 6:00 PM Post #75 of 229

Originally Posted by tkam
Hehe I wouldn't say everyone didn't like the k3000 I only see 2 or 3 people. I have a hunch though that someone may have accidentally pushed the driver cone in. It happened to my pair at a meet and that would explain the weird distortions.

I also get the impression that people were expecting them to sound exactly like the K1000's and they certainly do not. They maintain the rich midrange of the k1000 but they aren't quite as extended up top and have a ton more bass.

the problem was that they osunded muddy. the sound was all blurry and mushed together. very blatant, it was like the sound of a cheap tube amp with stock tubes.

beyond that though, they had good poewrful bass, nice mids and VERY detailed treble. i would buy if it didnt sound so muddy.

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