Stax SR-X1 (new entry model)
Feb 13, 2024 at 6:38 PM Post #31 of 169
Wow thanks! So this looks realllyy like a SR-5N successor to me , with the more open style SR-X baffles.

Where are you guys getting the photos and listening impressions from? is there a Japanese website out there with people posting?


Korean website :wink:

But no new info, just what's been shown here already.
Feb 15, 2024 at 11:29 AM Post #32 of 169

Some impressions and info here from @Sasaki at Japan event.:

The driver is a newly designed medium-sized circular unit, which is not only smaller in size, but also has minimized the joints between parts in pursuit of accurate sound.
This is fairly lightweight and easy to use. The sound quality had a old STAXish goodness in the mid-high range, but the overall sound was subdued.
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Mar 16, 2024 at 6:57 AM Post #33 of 169
Had a chance to listen to these at an event today for about 25mins.

To me it's probably the first stax that has a balanced tuning (even the X-9000 is bright to my ears ymmv). Not bright, think harman but slightly darker up top. It sounded really nice with all genres off my lib of metal, jpops, polyphia etc. And it actually does decent sub-bass, a first for any stax. This is a win in my book, cause great tuning + resolution of electrostats is rare, unless you're talking about totl stuff.

It could be due to the small driver and/or amp power, but soundstage is quite small.

Build quality isn't the best, but it's definitely better than the old L-series. And thanks to the new circle pad design, you get proper seal and that's likely where the sub-bass came from.

Had a chance to talk to the rep too. He said everything is newly designed from the ground up. Down to the driver.

Hope this helps you guys who are wondering 😁
Mar 16, 2024 at 11:20 AM Post #34 of 169
To me it's probably the first stax that has a balanced tuning (even the X-9000 is bright to my ears ymmv). Not bright, think harman but slightly darker up top. It sounded really nice with all genres off my lib of metal, jpops, polyphia etc. And it actually does decent sub-bass, a first for any stax. This is a win in my book, cause great tuning + resolution of electrostats is rare, unless you're talking about totl stuff.

Sounds like it’s closer related to the 007? Excellent.
Mar 16, 2024 at 11:46 AM Post #36 of 169
Sounds like it’s closer related to the 007? Excellent.
Yes, but 007 is more mid-bassy and sounds thicker from memory. So would be down to preference here.
Mar 16, 2024 at 11:47 AM Post #37 of 169
Mar 22, 2024 at 9:40 PM Post #39 of 169
A sign that may point to this headphone being released soon is the L300 Stax has been sinking in price. They used to go for about $350 on eBay from Japan, now they are under $300. In both cases “new”.
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Apr 13, 2024 at 11:18 AM Post #41 of 169
I've seen preorders up in Japanese stores. Release is May 9th.
Apr 13, 2024 at 1:45 PM Post #42 of 169
What is the preorder price?
Apr 13, 2024 at 3:43 PM Post #44 of 169
Just checked their website and found this. Seems like they didn’t update their pictures but I was shocked to also find the other headphone as well. Are they releasing two?
Apr 13, 2024 at 3:46 PM Post #45 of 169
Disregard my previous message, the x1000 is the combo unit which combines the x1 with the 270 energizer unit

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