Stax Omega II - Possible To Use Portably?
Jun 10, 2004 at 2:08 AM Post #91 of 107
WmAx, for he should be ashamed, that person!

Why, you ask? He wants the best portable audio system possible. Horrible! THis person must be the most vile of vile. Disgusting.

I hope that hungry stray dogs attack him, biting off and eating his ears so that he may only gaze upon his portable audio system with all the pointless lust of an impedent, dead Taliban warrior with his many virgins, but unable to de-flower them.

Jun 10, 2004 at 2:11 AM Post #92 of 107
I still don't see how you manage to twist our suggestions of "omega IIs are not very good as a portable" into your conclusion, but whatever. Good luck with your venture.
Jun 10, 2004 at 2:14 AM Post #93 of 107
christ, quit moaning. you ask a question, you get answers. take the ones that seem best to you and go from there, but you don't need to be an ass to everyone else.
Jun 10, 2004 at 2:22 AM Post #94 of 107

Originally Posted by WmAx
I hope that hungry stray dogs attack him, biting off and eating his ears so that he may only gaze upon his portable audio system with all the pointless lust of an impedent, dead Taliban warrior with his many virgins, but unable to de-flower them.

Christopher, go to your room. You know very well how mommy and daddy feel about sado-masochism invovling hungry stray dogs, virgins, and electrostatic headphones!!
Jun 10, 2004 at 3:36 AM Post #95 of 107
I'm not attempting to thwart WmAx's plans at reaching portable nirvana. I find it pretty damn cool that someone has the desire and fortitude to construct such a rig and normally I would encourage that type of insanity. However, the idea itself has some flaws, and even Kevin Gilmore commented about said flaws. The reason I objected to the idea is that WmAx plans to use the headphones while he drives, which will endanger the lives of others. The impracticality of the portable O2 rig doesn't bother me in the slightest - the lack of concern that WmAx demonstrates for the other cars on the road and his arrogant, smug replies are what compelled me to chime in. Even those that simply questioned the feasibility of the portable rig were relegated and ridiculed by WmAx; his refusal to hear any ideas that possibly conflicted with his plan actually negates the existence of this entire thread. WmAx, why ask the question “Stax Omega II – Possible to Use Portably?” if you don’t want to hear legitimate thoughts regarding the O2’s performance in a portable environment? If your mind’s already set and the idea is forged in stone then there’s no need to ask – simply put together the damn rig! If you were fishing for accolades because the idea is so “hardcore” then you’ll get none from me – your behavior and attitude speaks rather loudly. Build your rig already and shut up.
Jun 10, 2004 at 4:00 AM Post #96 of 107

Originally Posted by The Quality Guru
You know very well how mommy and daddy feel about sado-masochism invovling hungry stray dogs, virgins, and electrostatic headphones!!

Now, where are the websites where I can get this kind of pr0n?

Excellent poem, also. I was quite moved.
Jun 10, 2004 at 4:01 AM Post #97 of 107
Speculations. Assumptions. Failure to pay attention to what has transpired in the thread in regard to it's actual relevance. Congratulations. Go crap elsewhere. Start a new thread. Or is your mission to make this thread completely useless?



Originally Posted by NeilPeart
I'm not attempting to thwart WmAx's plans at reaching portable nirvana. I find it pretty damn cool that someone has the desire and fortitude to construct such a rig and normally I would encourage that type of insanity. However, the idea itself has some flaws, and even Kevin Gilmore commented about said flaws. The reason I objected to the idea is that WmAx plans to use the headphones while he drives, which will endanger the lives of others. The impracticality of the portable O2 rig doesn't bother me in the slightest - the lack of concern that WmAx demonstrates for the other cars on the road and his arrogant, smug replies are what compelled me to chime in. Even those that simply questioned the feasibility of the portable rig were relegated and ridiculed by WmAx; his refusal to hear any ideas that possibly conflicted with his plan actually negates the existence of this entire thread. WmAx, why ask the question “Stax Omega II – Possible to Use Portably?” if you don’t want to hear legitimate thoughts regarding the O2’s performance in a portable environment? If your mind’s already set and the idea is forged in stone then there’s no need to ask – simply put together the damn rig! If you were fishing for accolades because the idea is so “hardcore” then you’ll get none from me – your behavior and attitude speaks rather loudly. Build your rig already and shut up.

Jun 10, 2004 at 4:13 AM Post #98 of 107
perhaps you should have started this thread in the amp forum if all you are looking for is a portable amp for the omegas. also, your first bullet point,


(1)Is it possible to use the Stax SR-007(Omega II) portably?

I note the Stax SRM-001 Driver Unit.

may mean to you that you are concerned only with the driving of them, but why not just say that? it is only your poorly defined questions that have made this thread what it is, so please don't lash out at others trying to help.
Jun 10, 2004 at 4:25 AM Post #99 of 107
People - just leave the dude alone. He obviously knows what he is doing...which makes me wonder why he bothers to ask...

Whatever be the motive - its really none of our sure we all have better things to do than to waste time here.

check out some of those other interesting threads out there...this one is not worth the aggro
Jun 10, 2004 at 4:36 AM Post #100 of 107
I'm sure that there is some useful information in this thread. It's up to the thread starter to sift through all the posts to find what he considers relevant. It would be nice to ask a question and get a nice,direct answer that provides all the info you require. In reality,this is a internet forum and just about anybody is allowed to post,take this stuff with a grain of salt and lighten up. This is a very polite warning to refrain from personal attacks and insults in this thread. This will be the one and only warning.
Jun 10, 2004 at 4:50 AM Post #101 of 107

may mean to you that you are concerned only with the driving of them, but why not just say that? it is only your poorly defined questions that have made this thread what it is, so please don't lash out at others trying to help

I fail to see a problem with my questions. My error seems to be failing to include an entry in the original post to ONLY answer the questions and directly relative subjects associated with those questions. However, I did ammend the thread with this post:


Originally Posted by WmAx
To everyone who can't stay on the topic:

I don't mind relevant side discussions, but I am stating, just to make it clear: BACKGROUND NOISE and DRIVING WITH HEADPHONES are not a topic to be covered in this thread. I started this thread to find useful information concerning the topic of suitable equipment and method(s) to use the Stax OMEGA II portably. I entertained a few of the posters in this regard, but it is becoming redundant. I should have not participated with the first person on this off topic. So far, it seems that over 90% of the posts are crap as a result. If you want to discuss some issue feel is is 'morally responsible', 'irrelevant to the thread', etc. please start your own thread covering these topics.

I greatly thank those that have actually contributed to the thread with RELEVANT INFORMATION AND DATA.


After making this post/ammendment, is especially annoying to see posts that continue to remain OT.

Jun 10, 2004 at 5:20 AM Post #102 of 107
My warning was not intended to allow anyone to get in "the last Word". It was a warning to keep this thread from degenerating into an exchange of insults. If you guys can't discuss the off-topic issues without the bickering then keep it on topic or the thread will be closed
Jun 10, 2004 at 8:42 AM Post #103 of 107
I'm pretty sure the SRM-001 will drive the Omaga II's. I know the mint amps drive the R10's in case you need a dynamic setup.
Jun 10, 2004 at 2:47 PM Post #104 of 107

Originally Posted by WmAx
(1)Is it possible to use the Stax SR-007(Omega II) portably?



Originally Posted by WmAx
I note the Stax SRM-001 Driver Unit.

(2)Is the SR-007 compatible with this unit?

Probably - you should confirm that the headphone connector on the SRM-001 is the newer 5 pin Pro type that supplies 580 V bias.


Originally Posted by WmAx
I note the frequency response of the Stax SRM-001 Driver Unit as listed on audiocubes(Frequency Response: 5-20kHz +4dB, -3dB).

(3)Anyone have an actual frequency response graph? This is a pathetic tolerance. However, reference to the actual graph is needed in order ascertain/predict actual effect(s).

Not me (frequency response graph). Yes, it is pathetic, and that is probably how the Omega II will sound with the SRM-001 compared to a proper amplifier like the SRM-717, SRM-007t or KGSS/BH.


Originally Posted by WmAx
(4)If the SRM-001 Driver Unit is not compatible, what other options do I have(if any) for a belt-clip, battery powered solution?

hmmmm - perhaps something like the SRM-212, as others have suggested, along with suitable 12v battery. I've seen 12v motorcycle batteries as small as 6" x 2" x 4" weighing in at around 12 lbs. A little hefty, but would give enough amp hours to last a while. AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) probably best type in a lead-acid, as they have many more charge cycles, are completely sealed, and are not sensitive to position.
Jun 10, 2004 at 8:17 PM Post #105 of 107

hmmmm - perhaps something like the SRM-212, as others have suggested, along with suitable 12v battery. I've seen 12v motorcycle batteries as small as 6" x 2" x 4" weighing in at around 12 lbs. A little hefty, but would give enough amp hours to last a while. AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) probably best type in a lead-acid, as they have many more charge cycles, are completely sealed, and are not sensitive to position

In a post linked to Gilmore's old post about certain specifications. He stated the SR-212 was requring approx. 4 Watts.

Based on this, according to basic calculations, a 10 bank series connection of 1.2v AA 2000mAH NiMH batteries, assuming 95% derating, using 80% discharge as the limit: approx. 4.56 hours of operation should be possible.

Thank you mclaren20 for the link to Gilmores original article.


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