South Florida Meet 6/10/06
May 15, 2006 at 11:14 PM Post #46 of 365

Originally Posted by Icehawk
Sounds good to me
I'll let someone else sweat the details this time!

I definitely want to check out the GS1k and if someone could please bring an RS this time too... that would be super appreciated!

Anyone have the Zhaolu they could bring? I'm leaning towards this these days for my PC headphone solution.

For a fee
, on second thought phenomenal fee
Just kidding, but it will depend on when I receive the GS1000 and if I decide to keep it or not.
May 16, 2006 at 2:36 AM Post #47 of 365

Originally Posted by mrarroyo
For a fee
, on second thought phenomenal fee
Just kidding, but it will depend on when I receive the GS1000 and if I decide to keep it or not.

I should have mine by next week

I can't wait till you guys here the rig I have put together I just picked up the Ayre CD7e and paired with the Moth 2a3 it sings! We may have some great sources here as well, last meet we had a Cary, a Proceed, we'll have Mike's Naim, a Cyrus...

Gary hope all works out for your Grandfather, either way we should get together!


Originally Posted by tyrion
Somone has to take control and keep this thing from ending up in Kendall, I mean helping you with the very difficult job of organizing a meet.

Mike just for that I'm setting it up in Florida City!!!

Thanks for your help keeping my disorganized ass in line.
May 16, 2006 at 2:47 PM Post #49 of 365

Originally Posted by jp11801
I should have mine by next week

I can't wait till you guys here the rig I have put together I just picked up the Ayre CD7e and paired with the Moth 2a3 it sings! We may have some great sources here as well, last meet we had a Cary, a Proceed, we'll have Mike's Naim, a Cyrus...

Gary hope all works out for your Grandfather, either way we should get together!

Mike just for that I'm setting it up in Florida City!!!

Thanks for your help keeping my disorganized ass in line.

How about the Tiki Bar in Islamorada?
May 16, 2006 at 2:58 PM Post #50 of 365

Originally Posted by mrarroyo
How about the Tiki Bar in Islamorada?

I haven't been there in a long time. I believe there is a tiki hut bar not far from where we may hold the meet in Pompano Beach.
May 16, 2006 at 3:06 PM Post #51 of 365

Originally Posted by tyrion
I haven't been there in a long time. I believe there is a tiki hut bar not far from where we may hold the meet in Pompano Beach.

Tiki Bar right on the beach and a Beligian beer place around the corner
May 17, 2006 at 3:37 PM Post #52 of 365
Is anyone else (erm, Wayne?) getting a GS1k in time for the meet?

If not Miguel I'd love a chance to check it out if you won't have it long enough for the meet or get it afterwards - I work on SoBe so maybe I could borrow it for a day at work or something?

Too bad, I kinda would have liked to do an AVS meet - maybe I'll go see what their deal is since I am getting close to finally replacing my 10yr old mini-system
May 17, 2006 at 3:47 PM Post #53 of 365

Originally Posted by Icehawk
Is anyone else (erm, Wayne?) getting a GS1k in time for the meet?

If not Miguel I'd love a chance to check it out if you won't have it long enough for the meet or get it afterwards - I work on SoBe so maybe I could borrow it for a day at work or something?

Too bad, I kinda would have liked to do an AVS meet - maybe I'll go see what their deal is since I am getting close to finally replacing my 10yr old mini-system

An official headfi-AVSF joint meet is off the cards as there was not much interest. However, I will just invite any interested AVSF members (audio enthusiasts, not retailers) to check out our meet - purely focusing on our headphones. If anybody is interested in attending future AVSF meets in and around South Florida, just PM me, and I will act as a liaison.

As they say.. "Sharing is a good thing !"
May 17, 2006 at 8:49 PM Post #54 of 365

Originally Posted by tyrion
The meet is [size=small]6/24/06[/size].


Say it ain't so. I will be way out of town and out of touch from June 20 to July 1, delivering a sailboat from Bermuda to Marblehead, MA.

Any chance of an alternate date - say either of the two pevious weekends (6/10-11 or 6/17-18)?

Sorry to be so late in chiming in - been off the board for a while. In any case, I will be sure you guys get to see and hear the Grado gear, even if I have to send it over with Matt.
May 17, 2006 at 8:53 PM Post #55 of 365
Forget the meet, got any room on the boat.
The week before, Matt can't make it. He's turned into a hippie and is going to the Bonnarro Music Festival. I don't know about 6/10. Let's see what the others say. I don't know if any out of towners have made travel arrangements yet.
May 17, 2006 at 10:24 PM Post #56 of 365
We should try to include Gene,so if June 10th works for everybody else it's o.k. for Xenia and I.The month of June is still way up in the air for me,but I'll give it my best shot.I e-mailed Justin about the Aristaeus,but he has not returned it yet.Gary.
May 17, 2006 at 10:29 PM Post #57 of 365

Originally Posted by Guss2
We should try to include Gene,so if June 10th works for everybody else it's o.k. for Xenia and I.The month of June is still way up in the air for me,but I'll give it my best shot.I e-mailed Justin about the Aristaeus,but he has not returned it yet.Gary.

I can't believe you are still waiting for that amp.
I agree with including Gene. I just don't know if Wayne or anyone else from out of town has made any arrangements.

We need anyone attending to post whether June 10 will work. Hopefully jp#'s will grace us with his presence and let us know if this will work for him.
May 17, 2006 at 11:19 PM Post #60 of 365

Originally Posted by mrarroyo
6/10 is fine with me. But I will not have a new cable I ordered from Larry at Headphile

Thanks Miguel. Keep an eye on the thread for a date change.

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